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HELLO THERE, dear bros. I caught a cold yesterday, so right now I feel like if I have spent the night deepthroating on a cactus. Hating this -_- On the bright side of things at least I can write this post instead of having to actually speak, because even speaking is something I'd rather not do at the moment.

THAT BEING SAID, this is only a cold so tomorrow I am sure I'll feel better and things will be back on track. Just like with any other cold, you just need to wait a little and it'll fuck right off.

STELLA GLOW. Didn't had many chances to play Stella Glow during last week, but I did reach (what I think is) the main twist in the story. I know some of you did play this game before and I appreciate you keeping me in the dark about this. It was such a ride to experience all those events without knowing what to expect. As you can see I continue to adore this game :)
SILENT HILL 2. By the way, I hear that Silent Hill 2 is getting updated for the modern audiences.  Well, that has got to be great news for somebody somewhere. Thankfully I don't have to worry about things like that anymore ^_^

KINETICA. (PS2) It's a racing game where you drive half-naked women instead of racing cars. Somehow I never heard of it, but now that I know it exists I am definitely gonna play it. Plan to give it a try later today, if the cold doesn't make me feel to sleepy. -_-

THE WORK. Lost at least one day of work due to the cold, but whatever. During this week I wrote and coded in the intro event, so the game now starts properly instead of "INTRO GOES HERE" sign. After that I began the major testing: just playing it from the beginning to see how (or if) all the different game systems work together. Pretty soon I discovered that I was still missing a chibi version of Balsam and a New Year Palm tree that appears in your home one week before the Happy New Year celebration is you decided to celebrate it that year. Anyway, that's about it. The plan for this week is to finally do a thorough testing of the game start to finish. I imagine I will discover a lot of stuff that needs fixing. Will brief you on the results next week.

THAT IS ALL I have to say. Make sure to check out EXTRA!! post for some WIPs and in the meantime I need to go suck on some Strepsils.


A few links just in case:




Hey Aka! Hope you will get well soon. Honestly it seems that the game is in the final stages so hopefully we will get it soon*! Sorry for being kinda silent lately, still sending positive vibes to you but looking for a job is really depressing and takes all of my sanity and energy. Have a great week my man, and take care!


Take care dude.


I hope you found that job by now, or will soon. Stay strong, man. -_-