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HELLO there cherished bros. Welcome to the cool kids club. Thank you for your support. Enjoy all the spoilers. (Don't worry, I'm showing you only a fraction, I swear :)

LIKE I ALREADY SAID in the public post, last week I almost run out of things to draw. Almost. This week I still need to draw a bit more but after that I will be moving on to writing the intro and the true ending scenes.

ABOVE you can see posters of the shows you will be able to attend with the girls. There will be only 3 shows but the events will play out differently depending on the girl. So since we have 6 girls in total that means 18 different events I had to write for this whole thing. It's been written and coded in long time ago though, the only thing that's been missing is the posters.

THESE drawings I am not going to comment on. Moving on :)

VIVI'S PARENTS. Vivi's storyline will feature her parents a lot, so it was necessary to have proper character portraits of them. I don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but whatever.

FUN FACT: I already had the portraits for Vivi's parents in the game. But those were drawn 2 years ago and in a rather hastily manner, so after some deliberation I decided to dedicate a bit of extra time to update them. I won't show you the old ones to avoid the whole "I like the old ones better" debate.

FUN FACT #2: Originally Vivi's mom was a "kind fat lady" type, but I decided to change her looks because I have an educational "after marriage" storyline planned for (very hypothetical) gold edition of the game, involving both Vivi and her mom. I am not 100% sure whether or not I will have the chance to work on Gold Edition, but I decided to keep that door open nonetheless, and made her mom a bit sexier looking. ^^

VIVI'S PARENTS needed chibi versions as well so I got to work on that also. And I also need two gypsy chieftain chibi dudes for Esmeralda's storyline.

FUN FACT #3 Zeus is also in the game. Not sure if this is news for you or not, because it's been written and coded in ages ago, maybe I've mentioned this before.

FUN FACT #4: Dahlia will also make a (very small) appearance. In case you don't know who Dahlia is, she was sort of a default whore in Princess Trainer. She will be playing a rather small role in Queen Trainer, but I still needed her chibi. You will see why when you encounter her in the game.

AND THAT IS IT. Thank you for your support, dear bros! I will see you all next Monday!




This is looking great!


Ah very nice and those show posters look very encouraging. There is no business like show business and ....