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HELLO THERE, dear bros. I hope everyone is doing wonderfully. I mean I know you do! Why wouldn't you? Today is the best day of the week after all: MONDAY!

HECK YEAH! Had my driving exam on Friday and aced it! Well, I got a rather easy route so I guess I also get lucky, but what matters is I am finally done with all this crap and can blissfully forget everything I have learned ^_^ It will take the authorities about 2 months to print out my driver's ID card, so in the meantime I must carry around a piece of paper, which I should receive in a couple of days! Can't wait! (Just need to make sure I don't put on any Initial D music while driving for the first couple of weeks just in case :)

NEW AC GAME. I see a lot of people arguing over the new Assasin's Creed game. Personally I gave up on Ubisoft as a whole long time ago. Even before I gave up on the modern games in general. But if I had to choose sides on this one, I would probably go with the slow people's opinion: it really does not matter what race the main character is, (because the game is gonna be dogshit either way). That being said, I hear it's doing pretty well in pre-orders, despite no gameplay being shown. Oh well, at this point I am just an old man looking at the world from the comfort of my porch.

STELLA GLOW. I am about 30 hours in and continue to adore the game. This is pretty rare, because even with my precious persona 3 and 4 games I remember forcing myself a little at certain points. Stella Glow has an incredibly well paced story delivery. I never get bored.

ALSO, I checked the character descriptions and seeing so much effort put into this little detail has cemented my love for this game even more. Only old school Japanese games could mix cuteness and sexiness so effortlessly.

THE WORK. I was busy with the driving classes last week, so my worktime was limited, but I still managed to produce quite a few new art assets to replace more of the placeholder stuff. Make sure to check out EXTRA!! post for more info.

OTHE THAN THAT, this was a good week. Honestly, only after finding out that I did pass the exam did it truly realize how tiered I was of taking this trips every day, and how happy I am to be done with this stage of my life. All in all things are getting back to normal. Thank you for your support, bros. And I will see you all next week.


A few links just in case:



William Taylor

Can't believe you'd dox yourself like this. Then again here I am commenting with my name in full view... Anyways, really looking forward to queen trainer! I've loved following along with your monday updates.

J - kob Wolf

Oh shit, is that your actual driver's license? I always thought you were Russian for some reason. Maybe because the Ren'py games with cartoonist artstyles always seem to have Russian translations...


Hehe, thanks Taylor! Yes, I was born in the Idaho state. I guess the secret is out XD This was one hell of a journey for sure. It's not over yet, but I can definitely see the land on the horizon!