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HELLO THERE, dearest bros. Another week just flew by, can you believe it? Welcome to another Monday Post! Let us begin!

PATREON NEWS! A new feature has been unveiled. Now creators can make posts that are only visible to the free members. Supposedly this should incentivize free members to subscribe. It works like this: you see the post -> you like it -> you subscribe -> you don't see it anymore. All I can say is: I sleep better at night knowing that Patreon is managed by smart people full of great ideas. And don't even get me started on the overall layout design of the website, because I fucking love it!

WEB OF SHADOWS. I know some people think I am an idiot for saying that I greatly dislike Persona 5. But it is what it is. A while back going through negative reviews of P5R on Steam (to make sure I am not the only one who didn't enjoy it) I saw a review like this: "I remember liking P4, but after playing the normie sludge that is P5, I don't even remember why anymore". Well, that is how I feel about Web Of Shadows now. Initially I wanted to beat it at least once but few days ago I just gave up. What finally did it for me was the kindergarten level writing. There was this scene where Peter says to Marry Jane "please be carful", to which she reloads her shotgun and says: "I can take care of myself". You are supposed to be able to choose between Black Cat and MJ in this game, but why bother when they have the same lady-boss personality. Only with Black Cat it's actually even worse because she is constantly switching between showing her affection one second and saying she "doesn't need no man" the other. The rest of the characters is just as one dimensional. The Wolverine, Natasha Romanov, Venom - everyone acts like a caricature of their actual character. To sum it up: the game looks pretty (sometimes) but everything else about it is deeply disappointing. I am glad I finally got to play it though, it was on my backlog for a very long time.

STELLA GLOW. To cleanse my palette a bit I decided to play a game that I heard was actually good. To my surprise it turned out to be much more than just good. What shocked me the most was the production value. I wasn't expecting so many voiced dialogs and CGs along with actually animated scenes. The story so far is also quite interesting. Oh, and the art style is simply beyond great. More than that, the translation is very solid as well. From what I have seen so far, everything is translated word-to-word, none of that "localization" nonsense. I will definitely continue to play this game thought this week.

BASEMENT GAMER. Also I have been watching this guy a lot lately. I like the sarcastically-ironic delivery of his monologues, and often find myself agreeing with a lot of what he says. ^^

THE WORK. As for the work, it was another week where I got to draw a lot of things. Drawing is fun. I wish I could do more of that and less of writing and coding, but one does not work without the other, and at the end of the day creating games is what I enjoy the most! Quite a few placeholder drawings got replaced by proper art last week. Things start to look they way they should :)

THAT IS ALL. Make sure to check out this week's EXTRA!! post for more WIPs (and some mild spoilers). And I will see you all next Monday. Later bros!


A few links just in case:




You know, with all the Extra posts you make, the actual post number might be more like 500!


« creating games is what I enjoy the most! » that’s perfect because playing your games is what I enjoy the most!


Probably. But I am only counting Monday Posts for the consistency sake.