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Who's ready to test their steel?! You can play via internet browser, or download for mac/windows for no load times (browser version speed depends on internet connection.)

Play FA: Sword Test via browser by clicking this link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/178782686/FaultyApprentice/FAswordTest01d/index.html

Download versions of FA: Sword Test

Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qechexq967ilwa5/AAB4XSLO85Jru2Cwf4g2G0BSa?dl=0



I hope you all enjoy this small test scene! Feel free to share with your friends or anyone you think would enjoy, just please do not post links publicly. 

Let me know what you think, cause if the response is good, I will continue working on this game and hopefully start releasing actual chapters!! 

Thank you for supporting me on Patroen! 





I played the demo and my interest for this game is on a all time high. Seeing this is just the Beta demo, the art and animation are freaking awesome. Also that funny and super sexy scene made my sides hurt and sets her permanently as my favorite sexy/bad@ss woman of any game I have ever played! Please continue making this game and please make sure the spirit of the demo stay throughout the rest of the game.


Just finished trying out the demo. As expected art was fantastic and the setting seems interesting! I enjoyed the music choice as well. Keep up the great work! Also just wanted to mention a bug; after you finish the demo and it takes you back to the main menu the music doesn't stop. So if you start another new game the music will start doubling. Anyways really looking forward to the finished game! Good luck!


Glad you like it so far Jake!! I will totally keep the spirit of this demo in the full game, thanks for the feedback bud. Next up should be the Archery test scene (=


Thanks Andrew! The music is placeholder, but thats the vibe i want to get from it. And thanks for reporting that bug, I know how to fix that for the future. Glad you enjoyed the Sword Test!!


I forgot I used my real name on here, feels weird being called Andrew :p. If you couldn't tell this is Blade, and I will definitely be willing to help bug test every version I get the chance to! Great job so far Din!