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Magic Instructor: "Nyah-hello and welcome to another exciting Pop Quiz! Today we will be testing your Street Smart ability by focusing the questions on the different locations in and around Stars Reach Castle. I added some small hints for you, but if you get stuck, ask your fellow Apprentices in discord. Good luck, Apprentice. I believe in you!"

Comment below with your answers and hit that Like button if you think you got them all correct!

Thank you for supporting Faulty Apprentice on Patreon!
Din + Team AGL

Ps. If you would like to submit an idea for a future weekend challenge, send us a message here or to one of our mods on Discord!

Answer to previous Weekend Challenge: "six"
Well done those of you that answered correctly, and thank you everyone for playing! =D




1.) West Gate 2.)drawin a blank :( 3.) Prison Tower?

Michael Hawk

1) west gate 2) the hidden forest 3) the mage tower, literally 'towers' over everything