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"Okay, thank Gods!"
"I really don't want to get Mavie in trouble."
"If the First Guard got wind of what I've been up to, she'd be pissed!"
"Glad I can count on you to have my back though, [name]."
"Or should I be calling you, [name] the [title]?"
"Word's been getting around about you."
"Keep it up!"

Developer Note:
In attempt to make you supporters even more engaged with Faulty Apprentice development, this is a new style post we are trying out. Only $10 Knight tiers because it contains possible dialogue for Chapter Two. While we will show one answer here, you will have to wait to see the other two when you play the scene in-game. (=

Thank you for supporting Faulty Apprentice on Patreon!
We hope you have enjoyed this post (=

Din + Team AGL



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