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Unicorn Magic T-shirt Available on our Redbubble [🦄 here 🌈]

Unicorn Guard: "No matter how dark clouds may appear, a rainbow is sure to follow. Promise me, Apprentice. Promise you will always stay happy and magical."

1. I promise to stay happy.
2. I promise to stay magical.
3. I promise to happy and magical!

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Greetings, Apprentices! Your good friend and humble shirt designer, Din here to share this artwork of the Unicorn Guard! Working on this drawing I could not help but want to share the Unicorn's positivity. What better way than to make a shirt? =D

More updates for FA on the way!

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Team AGL (Din, Jes, Bam)



Jairo Palomares

Awesome!! It's so beautiful Din. Amazing work as always =)

Michael Hawk

2. i promise to stay magical.


I know i wanted a pink shirt too! There are lots of blues and purples but no pink XD


2. I solemnly swear to stay magical!


Is THIS the design on the shirt? Because it looks like she's got another t-shirt on, with a gamier version of herself on it. So I'd be wearing a t-shirt with a character who HERSELF would be wearing a (different!) t-shirt with said character on it. Which is pretty meta, and I love me some meta.


WOOOOOoooo ! I WANT ONE ! *-* Really cooooool design and colours, GJ !