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Alchemist: "Ah, Apprentice, you've decided to wake up after all? Thank you again for volunteering, we were just about finished with the preparations. Which body part did you say we could borrow again?" 

Apprentice: -muffled screams-

Alchemist: "We're sorry for binding and gagging you, but you'd be surprised how often volunteers try to leave half-way through an experiment. Quite rude, wouldn't you agree? Oh right, you can't speak... That's alright, we'll point to parts of your body, you just blink if you don't want them anymore hee hee hee."

1. Keep trying not to blink!!
2. Wink with one eye.
3. Close eyes and shake head

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NSFW version here~<3

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din + Team AGL

Special thank you to Jairo for requesting the Alchemist, always fun to draw her! (=



Michael Hawk

the glow effect is really cool