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Dark Elf: "The Prison Tower was getting a tad lonely, so I decided to kidnap AGL team's Equipment and take over their Patreon.
Surprised are you, yes?"

The Rogue takes a moment to stifle a giggle as her devious eyes soak in your reaction. 

Dark Elf: "You wish to see your friends again, yes? You wish for them to continue working on Faulty Apprentice, yes? Of course you do, but wishing is for little boys and girls, not Soldiers of Stars Reach. I need you to entertain me. Perhaps with a game of Riddles, yes? If enough of you answer correctly, I will consider returning the AGL team's Equipment."

Dark Elf: “On my way across the seas, I met a band of seven thieves. Every thief had a wife to please. And every wife had children in threes. I couldn’t count, not all of these. The women, children and seven thieves. So I ask of you, and I ask please. How many in all did cross the seas?”

Comment below with your answer! Hit the Like button if you enjoyed this post!

I'll be waiting~<3
- Girl of your dreams






Well. The fact that you mentioned meeting 7 thieves means that you met them and only them. So I'd say 7.


Based on the information given, I can only state that a single individual (yourself) crossed the sea. You say you MET a band of seven thieves, but at no point indicate that they were going anywhere. So, in all but one did go to St. Iv- er, cross the seas.

Markus S.

That's a difficult one, since so many is up to interpretation. My intuitive answer would be 12: 7 thieves + 1 wife + 3 children + the one who met them crossing the seas. Because the text doesn't say they had an individual wife. If they are thieves, it would be plausible to also steal the wife from each other. Then again the trick could be about "crossing the seas". Who said the wives and children are crossing the seas with them? The riddle even hints he might not have met the wives and children, because it clearly says: "I couldn’t count, not all of these." Under this aspect my answer would be 8: 7 thieves + the person who met them.


Either 1 - the Dark Elf herself (on her way across) or 36 = 7 thieves + 7 wives + 21 kids + 1 Dark Elf.


it's 1 or 36. ((1 thief + 1 wife + 3 kids) * 7 thieves) + you


it's 1, because the thieves don't cross the sea, they stay on the sea, its only the Dark Elf that crosses the sea.


Unless you were travelling while pregnant, just one

Studio Errilhl

1. Old riddle, easy to be confused, and the phrasing / wording in this one makes it a little bit harder.

Garrett M

Just you, I believe

Tmothy B. Ross

One. You were crossing the sea. You never said the thieves were going anywhere. I have heard a similar riddle before.


I'm going to go with 8, You + 7 thieves. Usually I'd go with one, but how do you meet someone traveling across the seas without everyone involved being on a boat?

Michael Hawk

the darkelf crosses the sea, so 1 the thiefs with family were just met on the way


Just the Dark Elf, so 1!


8, dark elf and thieves

Michael Hawk

on an island. its not said that the person meets them on sea. and you have to land islands when you cross the sea. we'll have to wait for the answer i guess lets just hope enough people are right, no matter whos right XD


Well, the riddle doesn't say that the thieves were crossing the sea, only you are. If you met them on an island or something similar, then that means that you are the only one crossing the sea.


Definitely, 1. Just the Dark Elf. :)


I concur, just 1, the Dark Elf


Only 1, The Dark Elf herself.

Just a Genius

Just you pretty lady. The answer is one.


just one the dark elf the thieves where met and never mentioned that they were crossing over seas. nice riddle i liked it.


It could be 1, because they did not mention they crossed the seas, only she did. then again, it could be 8, because if the thieves did cross the seas, and she crossed the seas, that would be 8. Now if the wives did join the thieves, it would be 10 tot 15, as the thieves had wives to please, but nothing was stated about the ratio of wives to thieves (could be 2 wives (it is spoken in multiple), to 7 thieves, but it could also be 7 wives to 7 thieves (and everything in between)). The same problem is happening with the children, 3 children to every wive, means 6 (2 wives) to 21 (7 wives). meaning it could be 16 tot 36 travellers crossing the seas. The again, it could be that she's a wive to one of these thieves...

Eldritch Wizard

The answer is one, the dark elf. She is the only one mentioned crossing the sea. Just like the man heading to St. Ives.