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What happened this week? 

- Event: Tshirt Give Away Winner! We just reached our 300 Patron Goal! Huzzaahh!! And to celebrate we hosted a contest, and are happy to announce the winner, See the Urgent Job section below for details!

- $2 Tier Art: Alchemist Experiment~<3 See the Alchemists back side-- er, dark side in this latest art!  [ here ]

- $5 Tier Art: Alchemist Experiment (nsfw set)~<3 See even MORE (no panties) of the Alchemists back side-- er, dark side in this latest art!  [ here ]

- $10 Tier: Sword Training Beta Test! The Sword minigame has gotten a MAJOR (and long overdue) upgrade, and we are calling all Knights to raise their steel and test our metal! [ here ]

- Discord Verification! Our server is now officially verified by Discord, giving us some small perks and a spruce-y check mark so you know its us. Now check us out by following the link in the Discord section below! (=

Next playable game update: 

- $10 Tier: Archery Training Beta Test! The Archery Training minigame is getting a graphics overhaul to improve the look and feel. We will be keeping the core essence of the game, but hope provide a more dynamic experience (=

Urgent Job: Winner Announced!

- Soldier Recruitment: We just reached our 300 Patron Goal and are ready to raffle off a Faulty Apprentice Tshirt! Well done, Apprentices! Huzzaah!! Now what you've been waiting for, the winner of our raffle is...  Spacetick! We thank you all for playing, and hope you look forward to the next Urgent Job!
*If this patron does not claim prize, a new winner will be announced next weekly update.

- Discord: Don't be shy now, join din + jes on the AGL studios at our AGLstudio Discord server!

More category, such as General-chat, Art Sharing-chat and Patreon-Exclusive channel. Best of all?  We have Faulty Apprentice Emojis!! Just follow the link above and say hello!

Feedback Friday! 

Its that time of the week where we reach out to the community  (that's you!) for feedback. If you have any questions, ideas, comments or complaints  about Faulty Apprentice, Paramedium, Kickstarter, Patreon, gamedev, art or whatever really, the floor is yours! Just don't ask for spoilers XD 

Thank you for supporting on Patreon!!
Have a great weekend everyone <3

din + AGL team!



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