The Fish Spa [Enhanced Ending] (Patreon)
Awww Cino, i promise you i won't tell anybody this silly story. ¬u¬ Aww come here let me give you a big hug. Don't feel bad~~~ *smirks*
Beartown can be in any other City actually, so yeah Flamia also has a beartown.
Petalisa, the capital city in Grey Dust. Like Flaima city in Flamia, Anthozoa city in Plumagelo Islands etc.
I just published the WIPs that how i work on this comic. If you're interested, feel free to join in 10 tier pledge. :)
If you like it, please like and comment, so that i see if i can make more things like this in the future.
Fixed: So i look into this comic again and always thought there must be something better for the performance.. because it was kinda indirect, i wanted something more obvious instead. Also.. i really love making that silly and funny expression. >XD
Aww Cino.. you're too cute. ¬u¬
Some new patreon asked where this was, so i had to make this update to notify them. It's in bonus reward folder. :)