Grand Arms Pit Teaser (Patreon)
Hope you don't mind me taking a break and doing something very personal. ¬u¬
I just had a silly idea and wanted to practice something.. challenging and trivial, for example "lots of lots of hands"...
So the dialogue implied that they wanted to propose a new kind of torture in hell. Okay.. well we will see once i finish it. I just hope i can finish it soon... having a huge ticklee is just fun. :P
Okay since making something small but with a massive lot of hands is very... complicated, so i will end up making an easy tutorial for 10 tier member who is interested in skill like this. And sure, sharing some skill and experience is fun, that's the purpose of making WIPs.
Hope you like the idea. ¬u¬ Tickling someone reeeeaaaally big with something veeerryy small. :P