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Hi there. How are you surviving this zombie-apocalypse so far? What? No zombies? Oh well.. Maybe next time then.

Seeing most of my patrons alive do prove one thing. Bad Spider's Patrons are "The Best". Most intelligent, most advanced, most cunning human perverts ever to walk the earth. You all make me proud :)

Me you ask? Oh, ol' Spidey is fine. You may be wondering why Gaige was delayed so much. Well, I fled the town last Friday so there was not much time to spend on Monday's pinup till now.

Here goes the story so far. My parents are of the "endangered" age group. No obvious problems but with this Virus, you never know. So, pretty early I understood that instead of riding it out in the city where we would have closed-space super-markets and use the elevator where you don't know who sneezed 5 minutes earlier, we best ride it out in the countryside. You may remember that in the summer I go to a Beach-house, which is capable of sustaining life even in winter. It has a small wood stove which is enough to heat the place. The only bad thing is that daily I have to go and chop some wood from the nearby forest because it's still pretty damn cold over here. 

"Spider you shop down the forest? Shame on you", I hear you say. But fear not. I only chop branches already broken by the wind and dried out. Just so you know, if you burn fresh pine wood, the resign will clog the exhaust pipe very fast. So in a way I clean the forest from dry wood that otherwise would be fuel for possible fire in the summer months anyway. I pat myself on the back for that. Good job Spider. ^^

Also the shops here are very open in relation to the city. The more you avoid air-conditioned spaces, the better. (Only now they started suspecting that it may also be spreading through air-conditions and other such ventilation systems). So It took me a couple of days to clean up and prepare the place,  my parents followed a few of days later. And, now other than my daily visits to the woods, I have again free time to draw ;)

I like games like The Long Dark, where you try not to freeze to death and go around fighting wolves and chop wood, but I never expected to experience it like that. Incidentally I almost chopped off a finger for being a smartass and not wear thick gloves, but Spidey has many fingers and lesson learned. 

So anyway. I expect things to ease out as the summer heat will come in a few months. Till then I will play the neanderthal here and pass my time drawing bewbies and bbq-ing stuff  ^^

I hope you are all fine and prepared for this if you can. As I said you are all far more intelligent and better qualified than other stupid Joes out there. 

I just want to thank you all for sticking with me in such difficult times. Be safe and see you soon ;)




He's a lumberjack and he's ok, he sleeps all night and he works all day...😜


BadSpider started an open world game with looting and crafting in real life ;) You too, stay healthy and take a good care of your parents, man...


I didn't think of it like that.. but now that you are saying it.. yeah o0 I must look for puzzles and mini-games ^^


Lumberjack and Snow White, he sleeps all day and fucks all night ^^ =P