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“The weekend has arrived!” Ruby shouted with joy as she kicked open the door to their dorm room. Hands thrown in the air dramatically, she maintained that pose for several seconds before Weiss sighed and shouldered her aside so she could enter.

“You seem very enthusiastic,” Blake commented, waiting for Ruby to move so she could also enter.

“Of course I am!” Ruby replied, brimming with energy. “This week has been the worst. Test after test after test! Argh, I thought it was never going to end.”

“I’ll be extremely cross with you if you fail any of them,” Weiss called out in response. “I didn’t study all those nights with you to flunk. If you wasted my time, I’ll be charging interest.”

“As expected of a Schnee,” Blake whispered under her breath, though loud enough for everyone but Weiss to hear it.

Yang watched as her sister and her partner exchanged knowing looks before laughing. Ruby wasn’t wrong. The past week had been rough with a capital R. Not only did they have tests in Grimm Studies, History and Law, Professor Goodwitch had drilled team fighting tactics into their brains until Yang thought it would leak out her ears. Combat Class was meant to be about action! It was meant to be about the thrill of competition! The burn in their muscles, the sweat on their brow! Not whatever that crap was!

It left her feeling a wee bit antsy.

Mentally, she was a goner. She was exhausted in a way that even a good night's sleep wouldn’t cure. It was going to take the entire weekend to recover from such mental damage. Physically, she was about to burst at the seams with all her excess energy. She normally got to blow off any steam by sparring with her classmates but because it was exam season, their academics were taking precedence. Her favorite class had become study hall!

It couldn’t continue.

If she didn’t punch something soon, she was going to lose her mind. She needed fist on leather, not more knowledge about the Great War that happened so long ago that she really couldn’t care any less about it! Vale and Vacuo won, Mantle and Mistral lost! Freedom of expression for everyone! She wasn’t interested in the why or how! She didn’t care which commander royally screwed up or how historians contradicted each other on whether it was the harsh conditions of the Vacuoan desert that had defeated the advancing armies or the might of the King of Vale. And she really didn’t care about the average thickness of a Goliath’s tusks! Or if Professor Port really slayed a King Taijitu using nothing but his kitchen utensils!

Give her mindless drills any day! At least with those, she was active. One more lecture and she was bound to crack.

“We should do something this weekend,” Ruby announced while Yang made a snap decision.

“I’m in,” she said. “Whatever you come up with, I’m down with it. But I’m raring for some action. I’m gonna hit the gym – anyone wanna join me?”

Ruby groaned. “You want to work out? We just earned our freedom! Why would you shackle yourself once again?”

Yang snorted. “My mind might be mush but I haven’t pounded the heavy bag all week. If I don’t vent a bit, I’ll scream. I take it you’re staying here?”

“I’ll come up with something for us to do,” Ruby said, gathering a pen and some paper. “We can visit the city and do something – we aren’t studying!” she snapped, glaring at Weiss who opened her mouth as if about to suggest something.

“Yeah,” Yang agreed quickly. “No studying. Please. I’ll just have to kill myself if that is what we do with our weekend.”

Weiss sniffed. “I was going to suggest that we could visit the Vale War Museum and learn more about the storied past of this country but since I can see that my input is unwanted, I will refrain from offering ideas.”

“That is as good as studying!” Ruby whined. “Weiss, we really need to show you how to have fun.”

“I know how to have fun,” Weiss scowled, deeply offended. “Learning is fun!”

“We aren’t going there,” Blake deadpanned. “I just want to sleep. I keep reciting the ancient migratory paths of humans and faunus in my mind. It won’t stop.”

“Not coming either, then?” Yang directed at the cat faunus.

“The only thing I want to hit is the hay,” her partner replied with a tired smile.

“I have a letter to write,” Weiss added her two lien while glaring at Ruby. “A letter to Winter. But thank you for the invitation.”

“Right,” Yang began collecting some clothes to work out in, as well as a towel. “Well, I’ll see you girls later.”

Beacon was an academy founded for the sole purpose of training the next generation of Huntsmen, the men and women that would go on to protect the kingdoms from the creatures of Grimm. Because their future careers were based primarily around combat, their school was stocked with the latest and greatest equipment available in an effort to keep the students fit and sharp, like a finely honed blade. Their bodies were as much weapons as the swords and spears and firearms they carried into battle, and so the school provided them with whatever they needed to keep those bodies in top fighting shape.

The state of the art gym was located near the cafeteria, only a short walk from the dormitory. The building was large and housed a fully supplied weight room, complimented by an array of cardio equipment that had no equal outside the Huntsmen academies of the world. There was a padded area for wrestling and boxing, a competition sized swimming pool and a vast locker room complete with showers, changing rooms and even a sauna.

When Yang stepped inside, she noticed immediately that it was a slow day. Other than a few upper year students, it may as well have been deserted. It seemed that most of their classmates were of like mind with her sister. Yang wasn’t put off; the fewer people, the better.

Changing out of her uniform, she pulled on her spandex shorts and a matching sports bra before tossing on a loose orange tank top. Gathering her long hair, she tied it back in a simple ponytail with an orange scrunchie before slipping on a pair of white sneakers. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she struck a pose, flexing her arms and smirked.

She looked good.

As much as she liked the burn of lifting, she really needed to strike something. There was no better way to quickly and decisively release any pent up energy than beating the stuffing out of something, be it a punching bag or a willing sparring partner. This was coming from her, a girl whose semblance was all about getting hit and converting that damage into more strength to hit back with. She knew what she was talking about! Since she was here alone, it was to be a punching bag that would receive any punishment she wished to mete out.

Taping up her wrists and fists, she slipped them into a pair of worn but comfortable fingerless gloves. Made for grappling and striking, they allowed her to flex her fingers and felt much more natural than full boxing gloves did, which completely engulfed the hand.

She started with a few stretches to warm up her arms and shoulders, as well as her back, before lightly shadow boxing to get her heart rate up. It was a routine that Yang had taken part in for years, starting all the way back from when her father first started training her. She didn’t even have to think about her footwork or which combinations to throw, moving fluidly from muscle memory alone. When she had worked up a light sweat, she approached the heavy bag and got to work.

The crisp smacks as leather met leather was music to her ears, her muscles bunching as she struck with slow, powerful strikes. The bag rocked on the chain as she slowly built up speed, throwing multiple punches as her feet shifted across the floor. She floated side to side, picturing an imaginary opponent as she bobbed and weaved away from punches only she could see, before retaliating with punishing counter-punches. At first, the combinations were simple. Jab, jab, right hook. Jab, left to the body followed by a right hook. High, low, high. She constantly kept attacking at different angles, dancing around the bag before planting her feet and generating power through her legs and hips.

Time lost all meaning as she lost herself in the rhythm. Her combinations became more elaborate, straining her arms as she released a flurry of punches that sent the punching bag swinging. The ferocity of her strikes had increased, the crack of each punch loud and piercing. Building up to the finish, Yang breathed in deeply before firing off a powerful rising right to the body, the bag slipping the chain. It flew across the mat and slammed onto the floor, the side dented from her blow.

“Oops,” she said sheepishly, straightening up. Her arms ached pleasantly, her shoulders on fire. Hurrying over to the downed bag, she sighed in relief when she discovered no damage. On account of their aura enhanced physical abilities, it was a common occurrence for huntsmen-in-training to accidentally break equipment in the heat of the moment. Beacon was completely paid for by their scholarships from graduating a combat school or awarded due to special circumstances but things like this? It came straight out of your own pocket. You break it? You bought it.

Yang could not afford to replace gym equipment. She didn’t have a job! And whatever pocket money her father sent her was not enough. Not even close.

“Time for the weights, I think,” she mumbled.

She made sure to return the punching bag to its rightful place before she left, hefting the large bag across her shoulders like it was nothing. Removing her gloves and unwinding the tape from around her hands, she stretched out her wrists before finding the closest vending machine. Pressing her scroll to the panel, she selected a bottle of water and inhaled the liquid in several large gulps, quenching her thirst.

When she entered the weight room, she quickly spotted a familiar face. It seems like at least one of her friends had felt the call as well as her. Raising a hand, her voice died before it could even leave her throat, eyes widening in surprise at the sight in front of her.

Jaune Arc was completely focused on the task at hand and hadn’t noticed her, arms straining as he worked the chest press machine. And what arms they were! Sculpted, corded muscle flexed powerfully as he pressed out, his simple black tank top damp with sweat and clinging to his wide chest. Through the wide arm holes of his top, Yang could see how chiseled his torso was, his pectorals well shaped and firm above his rippling, rugged obliques. She couldn’t make out how heavy the weights were but just from the size of the plate stack, Yang knew it was a sizable load.

When had Vomit Boy turned into such a hunk?

She stared in disbelief. Yang knew that Pyrrha had been training her partner for the better part of a year now and his improvement in Combat Class was evident, but she had never realized that tall, blonde and noodle had transformed at some point to tall, blonde and jacked. That damnable hoodie and their school uniform had kept it all hidden, away from prying and curious eyes.

He was no longer hiding it and Yang – well, she liked what she saw. She liked it a lot.

When he completed his set, he lowered the weights with a clang and stood up, grabbing his towel to dry off. He still hadn’t noticed her and got a front row seat when his tank top rode up, showing off his well defined abs. Yang felt her stomach clench at the sight, her insides squirming as she feasted on the hard lines of his stomach, swallowing thickly.

Holy shit, she thought. Jaune is hot!

When he finished drying off his body and the machine, he moved on. She watched as he approached the free weight rack and grabbed a couple of dumbbells before walking over to a bench. Without meaning to, she made to follow before she halted her legs, frowning.

What the hell am I doing?

Shaking her head, she walked in the opposite direction. She wasn’t going to just stare at him like some pervert. If some guy ogled her while she worked out, how would she feel? She knew she was hot stuff but that would be annoying and creepy. She wasn’t some creeper!

But damn, that was certainly an eye opener. Weiss had definitely missed a trick there!

As much as she tried to convince herself that she wasn’t going to stare at him as he worked out, it was a lost cause. Now that she knew he was there, knew that he looked like that, his mere presence was like a red hot prickle in her mind. Adjusting the weight on the leg press, she tried her best to ignore him as he pumped iron but it was useless. Halfway through her set, legs beginning to burn from the strain, she caved and glanced across the room.

Now that he was directly targeting the muscles, his biceps and forearms rippled powerfully as he slowly but surely completed each set of reps with supreme control and focus. He went through the entire set of exercises from regular bicep curls to reverse curls, hammer curls, pinwheel curls and more. Yang stared, forgetting her own exercise as Jaune’s arms bulged and flexed, his bicep bunching and relaxing with each movement. When he was done with that, he moved onto targeting his triceps, completing a series of extensions above his head that toned the backs of his arms.

I’m checking out Jaune Arc, Yang thought faintly, resuming her leg presses. She found a spot on the wall to focus on, glaring at it as if it had offended her. I can’t believe I’m checking out Jaune Arc!

Even though she was no longer looking his way, she could still see the way his triceps rolled and bunched in her mind as he completed his task. Yang felt her cheeks flush hotly and not from exertion. There was something about shoulders, backs and the triceps area of the arms that really got her motor humming. Thankfully he still had his tank top on and so his back was still hidden underneath the dark material but she could see everything else.

“Fuck, he looks strong,” she muttered under her breath as she aggressively finished her presses and moved onto another machine, a little closer to Jaune’s location. Suspending herself above the ground by her arms on a pair of horizontal bars, she engaged her core and raised her legs together, working her abs and hips.

Peeking his way, she saw he was now doing weighted lunges. Yang couldn’t see his thighs due to his shorts but his calf muscles were iron. They were well defined and the way they shifted and rippled beneath his skin made her already red hot core throb and pulse.

Before she knew it, she was standing in front of him.

“Oh,” he exclaimed in surprise, setting down his dumbbells and removing the wireless earbuds he had in his ears. “Yang! What’s up?”

She hadn’t been planning on approaching him and now that she had, she didn’t know what to say. She floundered for several eternally long seconds before clearing her throat awkwardly.

“Uh – hey,” she said lamely, mentally screaming. “Er – I was wondering if you could maybe spot me? I-If you aren’t too busy or anything, I don’t want to interrupt your workout... like I’m doing right now. Haha... But – you know, anymore than now. More interrupted – um, yeah.”

She was rambling like Ruby!

Yang cringed and her spine was in danger of crawling out of her skin and finding some place to hide, but Jaune simply smiled as if he didn’t notice her awkwardness.

“Sure, no problem,” he agreed readily. “Bench press?”

“Uh huh,” she nodded. Now that she was standing right in front of him, there was no avoiding his scent. It was a scent that could only be labeled as man, deep and musky and heavy, though it was a clean smell, an attractive smell. Yang never knew that sweat could smell so enticing and for one brief insane second, she wanted to lean in and sniff his neck, his chest, under his arms.

“Yang?” Jaune asked, concerned. “You okay?”

“I’m fine~” she replied, voice slightly high. She thought wildly of something to distract him. “Sorry, my mind is a bit out of it right now. All those tests, you know? They really did a number on me.”

Jaune grimaced. “Urgh, tell me about it. I have so much information crammed into my brain but I’m sure I’ve forgotten half of what I was trying to learn. I’m pretty sure I failed our history exam. The dates all just got jumbled together!”

Yang laughed, feeling a little bit of the tension bleed out of her. “You aren’t kidding. I think I started listing Grimm types instead of towns and villages lost during the Great War. Everything just sort of mixed into one.”

“I’m gonna need to spend like an entire day at the arcade after this,” he lamented. “My brain is beyond burnt out. Mindlessly playing video games is just what the doctor ordered.”

Now that he was talking, it was easier to remember that Jaune was just one big giant lovable dork, not some Adonis that had descended from on high like some type of demigod. He may have been shredded in the most delightful of ways with a body built for practical strength and not vanity, but he was still just a massive dweeb. Yang could deal with dweebs! Even if this dweeb looked good enough to eat.

Just focus on his voice, she repeated. Just focus on his voice, not his body.

She really was everything she hated, wasn’t she? Is this how guys felt when they caught a glimpse of her rack?

They made their way over the bench press and Yang started loading up weight. While she couldn’t bench five times her own weight like Nora, she wasn’t far off. That girl was a powerhouse, even without her semblance that pushed her strength even further beyond. When she was done, she settled down under the bar and peered up. It was the wrong move.

Jaune smiled down at her. “All set?”

Yang closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The angle had given her an exquisite perspective of his body, a chance to see along the entire length of his torso. She needed a moment to regain her composure.

“Yeah,” she finally said, opening her eyes. Reaching up, she adjusted her grip several times on the bar until she felt most comfortable. “I’m good.”

Jaune helped her lift the bar and then let go, allowing Yang to take the full brunt of the weight. Her arms strained but remained steady as she brought it into position above her chest, feet pressing into the floor and back arched. Giving Jaune one last look, she focused her attention and started, bringing the bar down in a controlled descent before pressing up. She kept her breathing steady, inhaling deeply between each rep before holding her breath and only exhaling when fully pressed out. This continued for some time, her arms, shoulders and chest building up that wonderful hurt. Jaune hovered at the ready should anything go awry.

She didn’t stop until her arms felt like they were on the verge of giving in, signaling Jaune with her eyes. He grabbed hold of the bar and helped pull it into the saddles, the weight settling with a muted clang. Sitting up, Yang fanned her face.

“Phew,” she grinned at him. “That felt good. Thanks for watching over me.”

“Anytime,” Jaune replied.

Yang brought her arms together, squeezing her sizable chest together and inflating their size even more. It was an unconscious movement, one that she didn’t realize she was doing until she was already doing it. “How often do you come here to work out? I haven’t seen you before.”

She caught the way his eyes briefly dipped but was impressed when he refocused on her face, not a hint on his face that he had checked her out.

“I normally come by pretty late on most days,” he admitted. “I usually train with Pyrrha and then come here, but she wanted to call home. She should be at the CCT.”

Leaning to the side, she rested her weight on an extended arm and grinned up at him coyly. “We should work out together. I’m always in the mood to get physical and all these exams are cramping my style. What do you say?”

He looked surprised. “Really? You want to work out together?”

Yang nodded, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Yeah! We can egg each other on. Hitting the gym alone is okay but it’s always better with a partner. We can motivate each other, help each other out, that sort of thing. It’ll be fun, don’t ya think?”

I’m flirting with Jaune Arc, Yang thought wildly. Oh my god, I’m flirting with Jaune Arc.

“Sure, that’d be awesome,” he agreed happily. “Pyrrha won’t mind. More the merrier.”

Yang froze.

Of course he already worked out with his partner. The only reason she wasn’t here was because she was busy with something. Hadn’t he just told her? She usually trained with him first and then Jaune hit the gym late. He never said he hit it alone.

A flash of embarrassment rushed through her and she had to fight to keep the rising flush on her cheeks down. Thankfully, he had no idea about the turmoil going on inside her.

“Cool,” she said, looking away. She tried to think of something to change the subject. “Um – what are you doing this weekend?”

“No plans, unfortunately,” he shrugged.

“Ruby wants us to go down to Vale,” she continued. “You should come with us – all of you,” she amended quickly, not wanting it to sound like she was asking him out on a date. That wasn’t what she was doing! She was beginning to panic. “Team JNPR is welcome. It’ll give us a chance to blow off some steam and relax.”

“That sounds great,” he beamed. “Thanks for the invite.”

“N-No problem,” Yang stood, clearing her throat. “S-So... how about I spot you next?”

“That would be great, thanks. I haven’t done my squats yet.”

Squats were dangerous; yep. Yang nodded and followed him over to the squat rack. Loading the bar and securing the plates, he stepped under it and pressed his broad shoulders along the underside. Stepping up behind him, she swallowed as that musky man scent hit her again, fogging the mind.

Very dangerous; yep. Bracing his body, he lifted the weight and stepped forward, free of the rack. Yang moved closer, almost in a daze as she admired how muscular and firm his shoulders were. His back was so wide; wide enough to bury herself against and be completely dwarfed. When he bent his knees and lowered, her eyes couldn’t help but focus on his ass. Even with how baggy his shorts were, she could make out the delicious shape straining against the fabric.

“Yep,” Yang muttered as he rose powerfully. “Dangerous.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon helping each other out and Yang couldn’t take her eyes off his body. She didn’t even bother to try and stop it. She couldn’t, even if she wanted to. Jaune never noticed a thing, going about his routine as she devoured him and his splendid form. He was hardly the only ripped guy at Beacon but there was something about seeing the results of his hard labor that turned her on so much more than those other muscle heads. She remembered those guys showing off the night before initiation. They’d been hot and she had liked checking them out, but knowing that Jaune had started off so different and he was now this just did things to her that she didn’t realize she could feel.

She was down bad.

She was down horrendous.

For Jaune Arc, of all people.

And he didn’t even know it.

He had spent so much time trying to attract Weiss and had failed spectacularly, yet he had caught her without so much as trying. It made her feel easy. She wasn’t easy! She may have been a party girl and a thrill seeker, but she didn’t just lust after any guy or girl that crossed her path, no matter how good looking. She might check them out but this felt different. This felt raw in a way that was entirely new to her.

She didn’t know why.

After they finished their weight training, they hit the cardio equipment. Jaune was a pretty strong guy but Yang knew that even amongst their classmates, there were more physically powerful specimens. He may have been a complete piece of shit but Cardin was one strong dude, she’d give him that. But as she watched him hit the treadmill, Yang found out that Jaune had an engine on him that just never stopped.

He ran and ran and ran; then he ran some more. Yang tried to keep up. She really did. She was no slouch. She’d been training since a young age and endurance was something that her father had beaten into her, even if this sort of training was always the type she dubbed as boring. She had stamina to burn.

But not like this!

Yang watched in disbelief as Jaune just kept going. Even long after she pulled out, he just kept on running. Sweat sprayed off him with each step, his running form immaculate. His skin glistened and Yang felt her insides clench at the sight.

He was a machine.

She wasn’t sure exactly how long he had been going at it but by the time he finished, the sun was already beginning to dip beneath the horizon, the sky a mixture of oranges and purples and deep, dark blues. Panting, Jaune wiped down with his towel but it did little. He was drenched.

He wasn’t the only one.

“What the hell has Pyrrha been putting you through?” Yang uttered without meaning to.

Jaune laughed. “Wait until you see her run. She makes me look like a joke.”

Yang wanted to scoff but knew that he was most definitely telling the truth. Pyrrha Nikos was a monster. Everyone knew it. The sweetest, most lovely monster they had ever met; but a monster all the same. There was a reason she was top of the class and a four time regional champion.

She was just on a whole different level.

Was it any wonder that Jaune looked like that?

“I’m gonna hit the showers,” Jaune said. “You done?”

Yang nodded. “Yeah. I’m done.”

As she stepped in under the spray of her shower, she thought about him. How would those magnificent muscles look beneath the cascade of water? How would the soap suds travel down his chiseled physique? Yang squirmed as her tender, puffy nipples crinkled in arousal. One of her hands unconsciously crept along her belly but she stopped it short just above her mons.

She wasn’t doing this. She wasn’t going to masturbate to Jaune Arc. She wouldn’t allow it!

Yang focused instead on cleaning her body, taking her time to scrub her sensitive skin clean. She shivered as the sponge rubbed against her aching peaks and when it dipped between her legs to cleanse her crotch. Her clit wasn’t throbbing but it felt stiff, her insides curling in want. When that was done, she moved onto her hair. She took great care in washing it, running her fingers through it from root to tip. Shampoo came first, and then her conditioner, making sure to pay particular attention to the tips. Her hair was so thick and long that by the time she finished, her body had calmed down.

If only her mind would follow its example.

When she returned to the dorm, Blake was still fast asleep. Seated in the middle of the room, Ruby was attempting to show Weiss how to play a video game. Correction; Weiss was spamming the same combo again and again while Ruby got increasingly frustrated that she was losing.

“This is bullshit,” Ruby seethed as her character was defeated, hands tightening around her controller. She looked like she was about to hurl it into the wall but thought better of it. “Weiss, you can’t do that.”

The white haired girl tilted her head, looking perplexed. “Why ever not? It seems to be the most efficient method to achieve victory. This is my fifth win in a row.”

“It’s cheating!” Ruby hissed.

Weiss blinked. “Cheating?”

“That isn’t skill. All you’re doing is spamming the same thing over and over again!”

Weiss hummed. “If it is so unskillful, then surely you can counter it? You said you were a total genius at this game.”

Ruby flushed angrily. Yang took one look at her little sister’s agonized expression and started laughing.

“Oh, you are back,” Weiss turned to greet her. “Ruby wanted to teach me how to have fun, so we are playing this game of hers. As loath as I am to admit it, this really is quite amusing. I understand why so many people partake in this activity.”

“It does look fun,” Yang agreed, snickering. “You both look completely riveted.”

“I will defeat her,” Ruby vowed darkly, starting another round. “I will not be defeated by beginner's luck. I refuse.”

She proceeded to lose the next three straight.

“Damn, sis,” Yang chortled as Weiss smiled happily at another victory screen for her. “You’re really getting your ass whooped there.”

The younger girl was on the verge of tears.

“I hate this game,” she declared suddenly, standing up. “I’m bored. This is boring.”

Weiss scoffed. “I thought this was one of your favorite games?”

Ruby ignored her.

Yang dropped her dirty clothes in a hamper by the bathroom door before flopping down on Weiss’ bed. Weiss must have been in a really good mood because she didn’t even shoot her an annoyed look, usually so fussy with things like her bed or clothes.

“I take it you guys haven’t eaten yet?”

Yang felt her stomach rumble. Her workout had awoken a ravenous appetite. Not just an appetite for food, either. Yang squirmed as that thought panged deep in her belly.

“We were waiting for you,” Ruby said. “And we wanted to let Blake sleep a little more. We can wake her now.”

The sisters watched as Weiss climbed up the side of their precarious bunk beds and flipped the blanket up to reveal Blake’s feet. She then proceeded to take one of her perfectly manicured nails and slide it along the arch of one foot from heel to toe. Blake shot awake with a scream, thrashing as her body was assaulted by the irresistible urge to flinch.

“Time for dinner,” Weiss said calmly as Blake blinked blearily before glaring hotly at the heiress.

“What was that for?” Blake demanded angrily, shivering. “Don’t do that.”

“Dinner,” Weiss repeated as she hopped down and patted her dress free of any wrinkles. “Come before Yang’s stomach devours us all.”

“Hey,” Yang said before her gut let out another loud rumble. “Okay, fair enough. Oh – before I forget. I ran into Vomit Boy at the gym and invited Team JNPR to join us over the weekend. Did you figure out what we are doing?”

She needed a new nickname for him. Vomit Boy was funny and all, but that wasn’t his defining characteristic anymore. And Yang Xiao Long didn’t flirt with Vomit Boy’s! No she didn’t! That wasn’t her style. Maybe she could just call him Arms – or Mr. Muscles? No, that wouldn’t do.

I need to think about it, she decided.

“Cool,” Ruby chirped. “I was going to ask them anyway. We are totally going to let our hair down. No museums in sight!”

Weiss rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

The next morning, Yang was faced with a dilemma. A serious problem had arisen, one that only other women could understand. It definitely wasn’t a date but she had to look her best regardless. Yang couldn’t let Jaune just get away with capturing her attention so thoroughly without returning the favor. It was unfair that she was the one squirming because of Jaune Arc of all people! He should be the one squirming. She was hot property and she was going to show it!

She needed the perfect outfit. One that was casual enough to not look out of place for a friendly outing with her team but sexy enough to ensure those baby blue eyes of his would threaten to pop out of his head. Yang needed an outfit that highlighted her best assets while also showcasing those hidden gems he might not realize she had.

She had just the thing.

The weather was warm but not so hot that tights would be stifling to wear. She picked out a sleek black pair that hugged her legs and ass like a second skin, showing off how toned and fit she was. For her top she wore a lilac tank that perfectly matched her eyes with a generous neckline to allow her cleavage breathing space. Next she coupled that with a small leather jacket that synced tight beneath her bust line, giving her chest an ample lift. A pair of dark boots rounded off the set.

Yang stared at herself in the mirror before nodding. Simple, casual but sexy as hell, she struck a pose, pushing out her ass and arching her back to exaggerate her chest even more. There was no way he could ignore her looking like this. No shot.

He was the one that was going to squirm this time!

“What are you doing?” Blake deadpanned from behind.

Yang screamed in surprise and spun around.

“Don’t sneak up on people!” she demanded angrily. Blake quirked an eyebrow in response before moving into the bathroom with an amused smile.

Yang took a deep breath to try and calm her racing heart.

She looked good. Yes she did.

Ruby’s plans for them were simple. They would grab a bite to eat and then they were to visit the biggest mall in Vale. None of them had been before as it had only had its grand opening recently, so there was no better time. Shopping was a girl’s favorite pastime, after all, and the boy’s were outnumbered six to two.

Ready to knock Jaune’s socks off, Yang was unprepared for the sight of her target rocking a simple t-shirt absent the usual hoodie he liked to wear everywhere. As they approached Team JNPR down by the airship landing pads, she was struck dumb. It was the most simple guy outfit in existence. A pair of jeans and a shirt, but it was an old shirt. An old shirt he had clearly outgrown. Still big enough to wear but where it would have once been a little baggy, it now conformed to every dip and chiseled peak of his rock hard physique. Jaune’s wide chest stretched the material in the most delicious way while his arms threatened to tear the shoulders asunder with the merest flex. It was ridiculous how yummy he looked.

And she wasn’t the only one that noticed.

Weiss stared blankly while Blake couldn’t hide the way her amber eyes roamed up and down his body, her ribbon twitching as her hidden ears fluttered. Standing next to Jaune looking like an absolute treat herself in a pair of tight jeans and a small crimson top that matched her luscious hair, Pyrrha smirked.

She hadn’t missed their looks.

“Heya,” Nora greeted, oblivious to the effect her team leader was having on them.

“Hey~!” Ruby returned with equal gusto, the only one of Team RWBY seemingly unfazed by Jaune’s buff look. “Ready to go?”

Jaune grimaced. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

That’s right. He is still Vomit Boy, calm your jets, Yang thought. Urgh, wasn’t I meant to be calling him something else now?

Being reminded of his motion sickness did help her brain reboot, though. Weiss and Blake weren’t so lucky, continuing to appraise him as they boarded their transport. She couldn’t blame them. He looked good enough to eat.

Though seeing Weiss checking him out lit a small fire of concern deep inside despite her best efforts to squash it. She did not need the heiress showing interest. Yang could handle Blake but they all knew of Jaune’s former infatuation with the tiny young woman from Atlas. It wouldn’t take much for that spark to reignite.

Yang frowned.

It’s not like I’m trying to date him or anything, she denied while buckling in. I’m just trying to make him squirm, that’s all. Yep; I’m just getting him back. I can’t get him back if Weiss gets in the way. That’s it. That’s all this is.

Yang nodded vigorously.

“Yang?” Ren questioned, having seen her bobbing head.

“Fine,” she answered quickly. “I’m fine!”

She ignored his look of concern and instead focused on the airship as the engines roared to life and that familiar, brief weightlessness hit her as they lifted into the air. A quick glance at Jaune showed that he had his eyes closed, a forced expression of calm on his face as he regulated his breathing. She couldn’t help but snicker at the sight.

Thankfully for all of them, he didn’t lose this battle. When they stepped out onto the tarmac in Vale, he was a little shaky on his feet but his face wasn’t green, nor was he rushing to the nearest trash can to void his stomach. It was a win for sure. It may have helped that he probably hadn’t had breakfast yet.

“So where are we going first,” Pyrrha directed this at Ruby who took charge, puffing out her small chest.

“Right, so – there is this really popular diner I found on the internet. It has really good reviews and even Coco suggested the place, and you know how picky she can be about – well, anything – so the food is probably really good.”

Popular was an understatement.

Yang thought that it being a weekend, the morning would be a little slower without all the nine to fivers. No such luck. The diner was packed with a line stretching out the door, people of all ages drawn by their no doubt delicious food. As annoying as it was to queue up, just the fact that so many people were willing to do so meant that it must be worth it, right?

So they lined up and waited. Most everyone was calm but you always got jerks, those that didn’t want to wait and tried to skip line, or just complained to anyone that would listen. When one such short tempered person stormed by, Weiss was the unfortunate recipient of a shoulder check. Ordinarily, a civilian had no chance of shifting a huntress, even a huntress-in-training. Even despite the size disparity – the guy was a unit, there was no denying that – while Weiss was a tiny little thing, someone you would call dainty and fragile if her body wasn’t all lean, svelte muscle. But Weiss wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings, her eyes locked on Jaune and was taken by complete surprise.

She was sent flying.

Almost in slow motion, Yang watched as she toppled over – straight into Jaune’s chest. Weiss let out a squeak of alarm, failing to stop her momentum but Jaune was on the case, his hands seizing her slender hips. He lifted her off the ground easily, as if she were naught but a gust of air.

“What’s the big idea?” Nora growled, hand snatching at the man’s wrist. He was more than double her height and when he turned to face her, glowered menacingly – until he realized he couldn’t pull his arm free. No matter how hard he strained, Nora’s arm didn’t budge an inch. “The fuck you think you’re doing?”

Ren sighed at Nora’s vulgar language but didn’t reprimand her.

The jerk face was about to say something when he realized how many of them there were, and that he still couldn’t free himself from Nora’s grip must have been enough to tip him off that they weren’t exactly regular civilians.

“You better say sorry, bub,” Yang threatened, eyes flashing red. “You nearly knocked our friend to the ground.”

“Sorry,” he replied through gritted teeth, flinching at her eye change. Nora released him and he scuttled away. It looked comical, seeing such a huge guy retreat like a scalded cat. Ruby snorted.

“Are you okay?” Jaune asked, still holding Weiss aloft. Her feet dangled several inches off the ground.

Weiss stared at him, clearly dazed. It wasn’t from the impact though. Her hands were splayed against his chest and Yang saw her fingers press into him – or try. There was very little give, his pectorals firm underneath her touch.

“Weiss?” he pressed.

“Yes,” she finally said. “Yes, I am well. Thank you for catching me.”

“Sure,” he lowered her until her feet touched the ground. Yang watched with growing irritation as her hands didn’t immediately vacate his chest, instead slowly running down his torso before shifting over to his well defined forearms. She watched as the smaller woman shivered at the direct skin contact, her fingers contracting lightly as they moved down to his hands that were still settled on her hips.

“Oh, sorry,” Jaune released her but before his hands could retreat fully, Weiss grabbed them and squeezed lightly.

“Come on,” Yang said loudly, startling Weiss out of whatever trance she was in. “The line is moving.”

Weiss released his hands and straightened her skirt awkwardly, cheeks growing rosy.

It wasn’t too much longer before they were at the front and ordering their food. They had all the typical breakfast fare; bacon and eggs with toast, pancakes or waffles, eggy bread or cereal, muffins, and more.

Pancakes were the order of the day, with most of them choosing that over a heavier option. Yang ordered the waffles, favoring those a little more. They both came with a variety of fruits and syrup, dusted sugar and a dollop of cream. Jaune and Pyrrha went for the bacon and eggs, though, with toast, sausage and baked beans. It was a Vale specialty, a hearty meal filled with protein.

The pair devoured their meal with gusto.

With a body like Jaune’s, Yang could see why he would go for such a big breakfast. All that wonderful, greasy food would turn into fuel for his lifting. Mm, fuck. The way he had held Weiss off the ground so easily had been beyond hot. Not that Weiss weighed much but she was still a seventeen year old girl. She might as well have been a packet of noodles for how little it strained him. Yang wondered if he could manhandle her with the same ease, her belly twisting at the thought. She wasn’t that much heavier and bigger than Weiss, not really. S-She wasn’t fat! She was just taller with longer limbs and a more developed chest. Of course she was heavier!

She bet Jaune could toss her around like she weighed no more than a bag of flour.

Yang shoveled a mouthful of waffle and strawberry into her mouth to keep from drooling. He’d be strong enough to manipulate her body in any way he saw fit. If she hadn’t been a huntress-in-training, she’d be helpless against such strength. She chewed forcefully. The sweetness of the maple syrup combined with the slight tartness of the ripe strawberries, though it did little to distract her from the meal her eyes were devouring.

He was the one meant to be squirming! He hadn’t even checked her out, even after all the effort she had put into her outfit. At least, she didn’t think he had. She hadn’t caught him. Things were not going to plan. Not at all.

When they all finished their food, they made their way over to the main commercial hub and quickly found the brand new mall. It was huge with every type of shop anyone could hope for, outfitted with a cinema, a food court with cuisine from all across Remnant and more. As there was no school, children and teenagers were everywhere, expressing their freedom in the age old desire to spend their parent’s money.

They drew looks. Of course they did. They were from Beacon and every one of them was fit, attractive and eye-catching. A group of high school girls giggled and pointed at Ren and Jaune. Yang caught a bunch of boys checking her out and grinned, cocking her hip to give them a better look at her ass. Weiss caught her action and scoffed, completely uninterested in the eyes following their every move.

There was nothing wrong with flaunting your stuff. Yang doubted those boys had seen many of the girls from Beacon before, so she was just treating them to a rare sight.

They moved from shop to shop, mostly browsing. They spent most of their time in clothing stores, Jaune and Ren sharing resigned glances that made the rest of them laugh. By the time lunch rolled around, Yang had bought a new pair of spandex shorts and Weiss had purchased some new heels, but that was it. The blonde thought they had all shown remarkable restraint.

After catching a bite to eat for lunch, they moved onto the most dangerous store of all.

“We can wait outside,” Jaune said immediately when he realized where they were going.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Weiss was the one that objected. “Don’t be silly. You are perfectly welcome inside, you are with us.”

Ruby flushed a little in embarrassment and pressed her fingers together, but said nothing against it. Blake gave Weiss a shrewd look, one that Weiss returned with a haughty sniff.

“If you’re sure?” Jaune said uncertainly. Even Ren hesitated but Nora slapped him on the back to get him moving.

This was the perfect chance to get back at him, Yang realized. If her casual outfit wasn’t enough then she was just going to have to take it to the next level. A little sensual teasing was in order.

“Yeah, it’s no biggie,” Yang slapped him on the shoulder. His firm, solid muscular shoulder. “We trust you guys. Come on.”

You’d think they were leading them to the gallows, the expressions on Jaune and Ren’s faces were so dire.

A sea of lingerie greeted them as they stepped into the store. Racks upon racks of matching bras and panties were arrayed neatly in as many colors as you could think of, in as many styles as there were in existence. There were simple, basic designs with boring yet comfortable fabrics, there were more elaborate fits that cupped the bottom just right to simulate lift with lace, there were thongs that covered little at all and even tiny little g-strings for the truly adventurous.

And that was just the panties.

Yang snickered as Jaune and Ren found somewhere to sit near the changing rooms, doing their level best not to stare at anything too long. She had once heard that these types of specialty stores had actually been meant for men buying for their significant others, yet you would never know it to see how they acted.

“They’re less tense when surrounded by Grimm,” Blake said with amusement. The cat faunus tried to play it cool but Yang saw that faint pink hue on her pale cheeks.

Yang wondered what sort of underwear Jaune was into. She eyed Pyrrha as the red haired girl browsed a nearby rack. Would his partner know? She shook her head. Why ask his partner when she could just ask him directly?

She sidled up to Jaune and grinned, relishing the nervous smile he shot her in return.

“So,” she leaned in slightly and gave him a sly smirk. “What type of underwear do you prefer? I could buy a pair if you want~”

It wasn’t out of character for Yang to tease people like this, so he wouldn’t look too deeply into it. His embarrassed expression was just what she was going for.

“Er,” he struggled.

“Do you like thongs?” she pressed. “G-strings? Or are you more a bikini cut lover? Cheeky? Mm – and what about silk? Cotton? Lace? I bet you’re into lace. I can totally see it. And we can’t forget the bras. I don’t really need any lift but my girls can be a bit heavy for strapless.”

“Er,” he continued.

Yang leaned in even closer. “So what do you think? What would you want the girl you like to wear?”

She was close enough now that she could smell his cologne and a musk that could only be him. Yang had never noticed before but he had really long lashes. They were the type of lashes that a girl would die for. Fine and blond, they curled attractively as he blinked, fluttering around his defined cheeks. Bright blue eyes peered at her in question and she couldn’t look away, feeling her throat constrict.

How hadn’t she noticed how pretty he was before? How handsome? Even without all the work he had done on his body.

“Um – I kinda like... cotton,” he finally said. “I-I don’t know about styles or anything, but just regular, I guess?” When she just continued to stare at him, he continued. “I know it sounds boring but isn’t it more intimate? Like... those are what a girl would normally wear, right? She isn’t dressing up and trying to impress anyone, and she wears those ones because they are comfortable and because she thinks they are cute or... whatever. If she is at ease wearing those around you, doesn’t that mean she sorta really likes you? Seeing her in those boring, plain... panties?”

Ren was doing his level best to ignore their conversation and was staring blankly at the ceiling, though Yang absentmindedly noticed that his ears were slowly turning a healthy shade of red. They had nothing on her own cheeks, though. She felt them explode with heat as Jaune hit her with his honesty, rendering her mute as her mouth opened and closed, searching for words that just wouldn’t come.

Why did he have to be so disarmingly honest at times like this!? It didn’t matter if she had asked in the first place! H-He should have lied or just tried to brush it off or something, not hit her with something so raw!

Jaune looked away with an awkward laugh. “Um – was that weird?”

Yes! It was weird! But only because you said it out loud! Now Yang couldn’t get it out of her mind and wondered what he would think of the pair she was wearing right now. She had picked solely for comfort, of course. You didn’t wear spicy lingerie when you were about to spend an entire day out shopping. They were violet cotton with black elastic, her bra matching with a thick band for support.

Her insides seized up at the thought of Jaune seeing her in nothing but those purple panties and she backed away, turning to hide her flustered face.

“O-Oh, I see,” she tried to act unaffected. “Mm – I see, I see. Yep. I see,” she nodded every time she said ‘I see’, looking a little like a bobble head doll. “Yep – you’re one of those guys. I s-should have known. Okay, I’ll go find something. Be right back. Yep.”

She flew across the store before he could reply, taking long strides until she ended up next to Weiss. The heiress arched an eyebrow as Yang began sorting through the rack haphazardly.

“Are you quite alright?” Weiss asked.

“Fine,” Yang mumbled. “I’m fine.”

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. Jaune’s candid admission had thrown her for a loop and Yang couldn’t move past it, no matter how hard she tried. The underwear she picked out were a matching set of light blue with a simple white elastic with a cute little bow on the front, but she didn’t even notice until they returned to their rooms for the night and she unpacked her shopping bag. She’d also purchased a pair of shoes and some new aviators but she’d done all of that on auto pilot.

She really was down bad.

The following week was a special type of hell. Yang joined Jaune at the gym every evening after he finished his training with his partner, Pyrrha joining them more often than not. Yang was sure those emerald eyes knew more than they were letting on, watching her every moment of every rep, every time Jaune dipped down into a squat or his chest flexed powerfully with every press.

At first she had been embarrassed at being caught looking but she quickly learned that she wasn’t the only one taking her fill. Pyrrha devoured Jaune hungrily with an intensity that was frightening, and Yang couldn’t help the jealous pangs reverberating in her stomach whenever the red head lay her hands upon her partner to instruct him on his form, or just to help guide him. She wanted to do the same but she was a coward, and so contented herself with looking but not touching.

But that couldn’t last. It just couldn’t.

Her loins burned with passion and her dreams were filled to the brim with Jaune and his shirtless chest, arms and back. Whenever she woke up, she was gasping for breath and her thighs were caked in a thick stream of her essence. She couldn’t believe her team hadn’t mentioned anything. The smell alone whenever she lifted her blankets was stifling, filling the room with her musk. She had taken to showering last just to avoid revealing just what was going on.

She’d never been so horny in her life.

Horny – for Jaune Arc. And he barely even looked her way! Sure, he shot a peek at her tits every so often when she was lifting, and she was pretty sure he checked out her ass whenever she did squats but where was the squirming? Jaune had always been so fun to tease because of his reactions but he hardly gave her those sweet expressions anymore. Was she losing her touch?

She couldn’t be! She just had to turn it up, that’s all. All fire, no pan! Yang Xiao Long was too hot to handle and she was going to show him that you didn’t just make her stew and get away with it!

Unfortunately, there was one gigantic obstacle in her way.

“Come on, Yang! You can make it~!” Pyrrha cheered her on as she ran on the treadmill beside her. Jaune hadn’t been kidding. If Jaune was a monster, Pyrrha was something else. There was no way she was human. They’d been running for nearly an hour now and while Yang felt like her legs were going to fall off and her heart explode, Pyrrha only looked slightly winded. There was a fine layer of sweat on her skin and a light flush in her cheeks, but she wasn’t even breathing hard!

On her other side, Jaune ran at the same pace but looked a mite more ruffled than his partner did. Even so, he looked like he still had energy to burn.

“Y-You two are crazy,” Yang hissed between breaths. “You need help. B-Both of you.”

Pyrrha laughed brightly as her stride lengthened, her fingers tapping on the screen to increase the speed. Yang didn’t dare follow her example. She was moments away from eating floor.

Jaune took up the challenge but only lasted a few more minutes at the increased pace before he lowered it again, his face twisted in discomfort. Even he couldn’t keep up with her.

“I’m done,” Yang groaned, slapping the console. The treadmill slowed immediately before coming to a complete stop, and she staggered off it and over to a nearby bench. Her legs were shot and she moaned in relief when she started kneading her thigh muscle to try return some semblance of feeling back to it.

Jaune joined her a moment later, sitting down with his water bottle and inhaling its contents. Yang watched as a droplet escaped the seal of his lips and ran down over his chin, down his neck and vanishing beneath the neckline of his tank top.

Fuck, even drinking water he looked hot.

Bright blue eyes regarded her smugly before gesturing to his partner, “I told ya.”

Yang scoffed, continuing to rub her poor legs. “You weren’t kidding. What the hell is she?”

“From a different planet,” Jaune joked. “They don’t make em like her down on Remnant.”

“I can hear you two,” Pyrrha called as she ran.

“Get off that thing. Just watching you is making me sick,” Yang complained, reaching for her own bottle of water. She sighed in bliss as the cool liquid soothed her dry throat and drank more greedily as a result, spilling a little down her front. She shivered as it slid down between her tits to settle in her cleavage.

Glancing to the side, Yang caught Jaune looking before he hurriedly glanced away.

“Oh,” Pyrrha exclaimed suddenly, bringing her treadmill to a stop. “What’s the time? I’m going to be late!”

Jaune blinked. “Uh – what? Late to what?”

“I promised my mother that I would call her this evening,” Pyrrha grabbed her towel and began drying off. “I think she is feeling a bit lonely without me there. I was calling every month but now it is every week. I feel bad since I’m all she has.”

Gathering her things, she gave them a quick bow of apology. “I’m sorry we couldn’t finish together.”

“Don’t be. I’m sure as hell not running another meter,” Yang said bluntly, waving her off. “All these legs are good for now is standing under the shower spray while I cry. You’re something else, Pyrrha. Really.”

Pyrrha giggled. “Well – I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Jaune – see you later?”

Jaune raised a hand. “Yeah, see you later. Tell your mom I said hi.”

They watched Pyrrha leave and it was only then that Yang realized that this was her chance; her chance to make him squirm. Butterflies erupted in her stomach, making her feel queasy. She didn’t know why she felt so nervous. It was only a little teasing.

“So,” she drew out slowly, giving Jaune a coy look. “How about we hit the showers?”

Jaune made a show of sniffing under his arms. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I reek.”

“Need someone to wash your back?”

As soon as the words left her lips, she felt like taking them back. It had sounded better in her head but didn’t all cheesy pick up lines? She was meant to be sexy and confident and have all the moves. She wasn’t meant to be lame! When he laughed in reply, she felt her stomach revolt but instead of laughing it off, she doubled down.

Placing a hand on his arm, she stroked his heated skin with her thumb. “What do you say?”

Jaune stared at her, speechless.

“What?” he finally got out when she simply stared back.

Yang wavered but ultimately held her ground, hoping her nerves didn’t show when she gave him what she thought was a sweet smile.

“Do you want me to wash your back?” when he continued to look at her gob smacked, she added, “...or maybe somewhere else?”

His eyes frantically searched her face and Yang knew that he didn’t believe her.

“I’m being serious,” she said before he could speak, and without her consent, her cheeks flushed violently scarlet. “I-I’m being serious you idiot. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to make a lady repeat herself?”

She stood and tugged on his arm until he rose beside her. The completely flummoxed expression on his face would have been hilarious and endearing if Yang didn’t feel like she was going to throw up from how anxious she was. He hadn’t rejected her yet – but he wasn’t exactly leaping at the chance. Was she not attractive? Was she not his type? It was true that she and Weiss were as different as night and day. Maybe she just didn’t have what he liked?

She was beginning to panic.

“C-Come on,” damn her stutter! Why couldn’t she be smooth like she usually was? “No one is around. Everyone will be going to dinner soon.”

Other than them, the gym was empty. It had been for awhile. Yang recalled there being many more people when they’d started their work out but with Pyrrha leaving, the population was exactly two.

Well – no, there was still the lady at the front desk and Beacon had other staff around that worked in the facility, but that wasn’t the point! The point was they wouldn’t be interrupted. She hoped.

“W-Wait,” he said as she pulled him along. There was a small locker area where they kept their things and further beyond were the showers. “Wait, Yang – what is going on? Are you – is this a prank? Haha – you got me,” he laughed a tad hysterically. “Y-You’re just too much sometimes. For a moment I was convinced.”

“Didn’t I tell you already?” Yang grabbed his face and forced his eyes to lock with hers. The subtle stubble on his cheeks tickled her sensitive palms. “I’m being serious. This isn’t a joke.”

His mouth opened and closed as he struggled to find the words.


That was the question, wasn’t it? Why? Why all of this? Why was she trying to make him squirm? Why did she want him to look at her? She was down so fucking bad, she knew that – but why?

Because it was Jaune. This might have started off because she discovered he was packing serious weaponry underneath his uniform but he was hardly the only guy at Beacon that had a killer physique. If all she cared about was a ripped set of abs, then she’d have been all over Sun Wukong who flaunted his stuff to the appreciation of many girls. Sun was attractive and fit, and he was even a funny and cool dude, yet Yang hadn’t felt anything for him. Even Neptune was handsome, there was no denying that. While he wasn’t as ripped or jacked as Sun or Jaune were, he was fit and good looking enough that someone as beautiful as Weiss had taken notice. He could be a massive flake for sure but he was a good dude, he just had his priorities in the wrong order.

But it was Jaune she was attracted to, thirsting over, wishing to tease and taunt until he couldn’t control himself. Not any of those other boys.

What was Jaune to her?

He was a friend. A comrade. A classmate. He was Ruby’s first friend at Beacon, someone that had seen her laying in a crater of her own creation, depressed and despondent, and had offered a hand to a girl in need. He was a dork and clumsy, funny in his own unassuming way and loyal to those he considered his friends. He was hopeless when it came to girls. He was hard working, evident in his transformation both physical and otherwise. He was kind.

He was a good person.

He was all that and more, and the boy who had thrown up on her boots their first day on campus.

She was actually catching feelings for him, wasn’t she? Like actual feelings – not just physical attraction or lust. There was a healthy dose of that but... Yang was starting to think this might actually be more than just a little crush.

“Holy shit,” she said involuntarily.

“What?” Jaune asked, alarmed.

“Nothing,” she quickly said. “Nothing – sorry. Um – why? Why not?”

Jaune blinked stupidly.


“W-We’re both single, right? And you think I’m hot?” he nodded slowly. “And I think you’re quite the catch yourself. I could grate cheese on those abs and that back? Any straight girl would have her engine revving if they saw you without a shirt, let me tell you.”

“Really?” Jaune seemed genuinely surprised, perking up.

“Yes, really! How can you be so unaware? Urgh, don’t answer that,” Yang rolled her eyes. “But is it so strange that I’d want to... you know, do things with you?”

Yang could see plain as day that he wanted to say yeah, it was pretty strange but she knew he could be pretty down about himself so she didn’t let him answer.

“So how about you let me take care of you and then you can take care of me? Scratch an itch? I-It doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it too.”

Yang might have been beginning to come to terms with what she truly felt but she wasn’t ready to start declaring her love or other such nonsense. They could fuck first and then deal with all that messy stuff later, right? She just... she needed him, right now. She couldn’t wait. Her heart could, her body couldn’t.

The fact that he didn’t pull away was all the answer she needed. The butterflies in her stomach weren’t just fluttering around anymore. They were doing back flips and dives, doing their level best to make her lose her lunch.

The locker room was deserted, just like the rest of the gym. Leading him over to her locker, she paused for a moment as the totality of what she was about to do settled on her shoulders. This was a big step and nothing would be the same again between them. Then she reached forward and punched in her combination, pulling open the metal door and revealing her things.

Turning to face him, she met his eyes squarely as she pulled her top over her head. Blonde hair cascaded down her back as her bra-clad breasts were displayed to him and she watched with pleasure as his eyes ate their fill. They traced the swell of her bust and settled on her cleavage, sweaty and hot from their workout. Biting her lip, she tucked her thumbs under the thick elastic band of her sports-bra and lifted, feeling her tits rise and then drop as the material cleared her chest.

Jaune’s throat bobbed visibly as he swallowed, pupils blown wide with desire as he stared at her naked breasts. Yang tossed the bra into the locker and felt her heart thud erratically in her chest, breathing coming out in short pants. Her tits were large and well-shaped with just the perfect amount of youthful sag. Her nipples were wide and puffy, a soft creamy pink that crinkled rapidly in the cool air and his lustful gaze.

“Yang,” he uttered. “Are you sure?”

“More than anything,” she said. “Now get undressed.”

His locker was only a few doors down and he stepped back a few paces to begin. Yang watched with heated eyes as he lifted the hem of his tank top and pulled it over his head, putting his magnificent torso on display. The way his muscles stretched and coiled at the simple action had her insides clenching with pure want, and she hurriedly kicked off her shoes and socks. Peeking up through her eyelashes, Yang smirked when she caught Jaune staring at the way her heavy tits dangled as she bent down to grab her shoes.

“Like what you see?”

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, and the straight faced earnestness made her face heat up. Other guys had called her hot and sexy, beautiful and even gorgeous but they always said it for a reason. Trying to impress her or charm her, so she would give them her attention. Jaune was just sharing his honest opinion, matter-of-fact, and that one difference turned her womb to liquid fire.

“Fuck, hurry up,” she said, pulling her shorts and panties off in one swift movement. It was a relief to get them off, hot and sticky with sweat. Jaune groaned as her hairless mound came into view. “Come on.”

Yang felt her heart stop when he removed his shorts and boxer briefs. His cock was semi-hard, rapidly swelling with arousal. As it continued to grow, her eyes widened. She wasn’t a virgin – there had been a boy at Signal, a year older and so cool. Or so she’d thought. He’d just said the right things and acted the right way, and when he’d slept with her a few times, he’d moved on without looking back. She regretted her decision now but at the time, she’d thought she’d been in love. Looking back, she couldn’t believe she’d been so fucking stupid. Hindsight showed her all the little things that showed he hadn’t been interested in anything other than getting into her pants

He’d only been a boy, though. The sex had been awkward and hadn’t been particularly enjoyable, though it had made her feel good. Jaune was a man. This was going to be different, she could already tell. As his cock continued to grow, Yang felt her body react in tandem. A slither of fear wormed its way through her, mixing with her lust and affection. It was a heady mix, leaving her dazed and out of breath.

His cock was big. Long and thick, it bobbed as it rose up. It curved upwards, the head fat and the shaft burly with prominent veins. His balls were heavy and large, his scrotum covered in a light fuzz of blonde, almost translucent hair. When it finally rose to its full height, she briefly wondered if she could take such a thing.

He was going to fucking destroy her.

With his shoes and socks removed, he was completely nude. Slamming her locker shut, Yang approached him slowly, unable to tear her eyes from his magnificent dick. Her pussy was growing moist with desire and when she reached for him, she didn’t grab his hand. Her fingers wrapped around the base of his girthy cock and tightened firmly. Jaune groaned as she did this, Yang shivering as it flexed against her palm, hardening even more.

“Looks like someone is eager, huh?” she joked, though her voice was far from confident. “What if I do this?”

She squeezed her arms together, pressing her breasts against one another. His blue eyes almost looked completely black as they darkened, his hands twitching by his sides.

“Follow me,” she said, and she guided him into the showers, tugging him along by his impressive cock. They entered the first stall they came across and before she could do anything, say anything, he was upon her.

Yang squeaked as his lips pressed against her, mouth slipping open as she gasped in surprise. Pleasure hummed through her as he began to kiss her in earnest, his tongue darting along her lower lip as he sucked it into his mouth. It felt so hot and regaining her bearings, she kissed him back with as much passion as she had. Their lips smacked wetly as they made out, their tongues gliding seamlessly together. Yang’s nipples tightened further as he dominated her mouth, teeth lightly biting her until her eyes rolled.

She mewled when he pulled away but the disappointment didn’t last. His hands settled on her hips and she jumped, squirming as he squeezed her flesh pleasurably. The way his fingers sunk into her made her tremble, feeling his strength.

The underside of his cock pressed against her belly, blazing hot and firm. Something slippery and dark curled in her womb, tightening until it burst and spilled through her. When he pushed her against the cold tile of the wall, she barely felt it. When he claimed her lips again, even more aggressively than before, her back arched, thrusting her tits against his chest. He was so big and tall, so wide and strong. Her mind was reduced to mush as he grinded his erection on her, her hands scrambling to find purchase on his body.

She raked her nails down his back before clutching at his broad shoulders desperately. Her lungs burned fiercely as he kissed her until her legs trembled, her lips red and swollen and slick with their combined spit. A trickle of her desire oozed down her inner thigh, thick and sticky.

“You’re so hot,” he murmured between kisses, giving her no rest. “Yang, mmm – you’re so beautiful and sexy. Look what you do to me, girl. Can you feel it?” he grinded against her harder and she shook. Pre-cum smeared beneath her navel, marking her as his. “God – you drive me insane. Flaunting this body around me, tempting me, teasing me. I never thought, I never thought, hmm, I never thought that this is what you wanted.”

“What do you think you were doing?” she accused with a gasp, tearing their lips apart to gather precious air. One of her hands trailed down and gripped his ass, latching on with an iron grip. He groaned into her hair, inhaling her scent. “I wasn’t the one flaunting my body.”

A sharp crack sounded as he slapped her ass, hard. Yang yelped in surprise, insides shuddering at the sting and heat of it. Then he gripped her ass like she was squeezing his, like a claw.

“I was doing no such thing,” he growled into her neck, sucking and licking, nipping at her skin until it bruised underneath his attention. “You’re the tease, not me.”

“You are such a fucking tease and you don’t even know it,” Yang retaliated, slipping one of her legs between his own. His heavy balls rested against her thigh and she carefully rolled against him, trapping his erection between their bodies. “Didn’t you see how my teammates looked at you? If you’d shown off your body sooner, Weiss would have been putty in your hands.”

She was leaking all over him but she wasn’t alone. More pre-cum oozed from the tip of his straining cock and painted her stomach in glittery stripes. When his lips ghosted over her collarbone, she cried out softly, her free hand threading through his hair. He was working his way lower but the differences in their height was going to make it all but impossible without him leaning away and breaking the wonderful contact they had. But then she was suddenly weightless and Yang bit her lip hard as he lifted her effortlessly, keeping them entwined as his face buried between her breasts.

“Oh,” she cooed as his tongue swiped through her cleavage. She didn’t even think to be embarrassed, the musk of their workout coiling together into something powerful, mind numbing. She was dirty but so was he, and if she loved it, he probably did too. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. “Mm – like my tits?”

“Love them,” he said before nipping at the sensitive flesh. By the time he kissed his way over to her nipple, she was mad with lust. “You are so gorgeous, Yang.”

The heat of his mouth enveloped her puffy, tender nipple and Yang felt as the pleasure raced from her breast, down through her pulsing belly and straight to her stiffening clit. Her body locked up and she moaned, long and loud, surprised by the intensity of it. He sucked at it powerfully, twirling his tongue over the quivering peak and when he lightly bit down on the very tip, she saw stars.

This was new. It wasn’t like she didn’t toy with her nipples when she masturbated but it didn’t even come close to feeling like this. The slick heat, the suction tugging at her and making her chest feel swollen and heavy, it was a new feeling. When his hand latched onto her other beast, giving it a gentle squeeze, she could do nothing but squeak and moan deliriously.

He changed sides often, giving both her breasts his full, skilled attention. He was skilled, she realized – and a bolt of uncertainty flared through her. She wasn’t expecting that. Jaune Arc, skilled at pleasuring a woman? It didn’t line up with the picture of him she had in her head. It didn’t line up with the boy who threw up on her boots and it definitely didn’t line up with the boy who chased after Weiss for most of the year, fumbling pick up lines and flirting atrociously.

But hadn’t he already shown her not to judge a book by its cover?

There was only one way you could become skilled at such a thing, though and it wasn’t something she could push aside. Who had he been with? What girl had taken his first? Was it someone she knew? His partner, Pyrrha? Or another girl? And why did it make her feel so wretched to think about it? Why did jealousy coil in her stomach, nasty and spiteful even as her uterus trembled with lust as he plucked at her with expert hands and lips? Any girl he was with had been before. It shouldn’t matter that he wasn’t a virgin. She wasn’t.

Getting mad about it was hypocritical but she was mad. Gritting her teeth, it did little to stop the sounds of pleasure as they leaked out between her pursed lips as her body writhed between the wall and his powerful body. She focused on his cock, rolling her belly against it, swiveling her hips, anything. His groan of appreciation shuddered through the tit he was sucking on, bringing her higher. A familiar heat pulsed low in her tummy and with surprise, Yang realized he was going to make her cum. He was going to make her cum just from playing with her tits.

No one else had ever made her cum before.

No, this isn’t what she wanted. It was but it wasn’t. She wanted to make him feel good. Feel so good that he never thought of those other girls ever again, whoever they were. But she wasn’t going to do it like this. She needed him inside her. Now.

“Jaune,” she gasped, tugging at his hair. “Put it in. Please – I want it.”

At first it seemed like he didn’t hear her, continuing to play with her tits and ripping panting moans from her throat, but then he pulled away and looked at her with blackened eyes and she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think. Her legs almost collapsed underneath her when he lowered her back to the floor, her feet unsteady as they touched upon the cool tile.

“You want this?” he asked, gripping his cock by the base and swiping it across her tummy. Yang nodded rapidly. “Are you sure?”

“Yesss,” she got out before he kissed her. Grabbing her left thigh, he hiked her leg up until it wrapped loosely around his hip, the heel of her foot pressing into the back of his calf. Yang jerked when the head of his fat dick rubbed over her throbbing clit, a soft cry muffled by his chest as she buried her face against him. When that same fat crown aligned with her clutching, drooling entrance, her entire body tensed in anticipation.

She was about to get fucked by Jaune Arc.

“Wait,” she said hurriedly and he froze, moments from entering her. Jaune gave her a questioning look. “I – be gentle. It’s been awhile.”

He pecked her on the nose, so soft that it was ticklish.

“I’ve got you,” he promised her and then pushed.

Yang groaned, deep in her chest as her tender, swollen labia parted around the fat head as it pressed inside. There was a twinge of discomfort as her insides stretched to accommodate his girth, quickly soothed away by the building pleasure as his steel hard shaft moved deeper. The curvature of his cock grinded the tip along the front wall of her pussy and when it found her sensitive g-spot, Yang seethed and trembled.

Jaune paused there and rocked his hips gently, keeping his strokes slow and shallow. Yang wrapped one of her arms around his neck to keep her body steady while the other clawed his back viciously. Sparks raced through her blood and seized her heart, the pleasure too much. What had already been set in motion by his expert manipulation of her chest was finished off by his glans, scraping along her throbbing erogenous zone.

With a feeling of lust and humiliation, Yang’s body grew taut as her pussy collapsed in orgasm around his cock, milking it with powerful, erratic contractions. Jaune swore to the heavens, tilting his head back in bliss as her body attempted to wring his semen out, twisting and throbbing. Yang squealed as she gushed around his dick, unable to speak as her body climaxed harder than she had ever climaxed before.

It took several moments before she regained control of her senses, panting harshly against his chest. All she could smell was the sweat of his chest and her own musk. Peering down between their bodies, she could see the glistening base of his cock, drenched in her nectar. He had barely entered her, most of his cock was still outside and she had cum her brains out.

“Wow,” Jaune said, resting his nose in her hair. He nuzzled her, pressing a sweet kiss to her temple. “You cum really hard.”

Did he really have to say it that way? Yang nipped at his chest in retaliation.

“Shut up,” she said after he flinched. “You had me on the edge from sucking on my nipples. Don’t get a big head.”

Too late, Yang thought, feeling his magnificent cock still lodged inside her. So big and hard, she could feel the shape of his crown as her folds parted around it. Still sensitive from her orgasm, she shifted her hips, pulling him a little deeper.

“Come on,” she urged, licking his skin. The salty taste was addicting. “Give me everything.”

Yang mewled as more of his shaft entered her, pushing further in. She’d never had anything so deep before and when her labia stretched wide around the base of his cock, the tip of his crown tapped against her cervix. A startled shout passed her lips, a mixture of shocked pleasure and hurt. She trembled in his arms, eyes rolling as he gently rolled his hips.

“Fuuuuuck,” she moaned. “Y-You’re so fucking deep. Hnng – god, Jaune, ahh~!” she grabbed his ass, digging in her nails harshly. “Fuck, fuck – oh my god, your cock is so big.”

Every time the tip swiped over the mouth of her womb, her mind went numb with pleasure. His pelvis rocked against her, squashing her clit and setting fire to her soul. She was up on her tippy toes, one foot dangling behind his hip as he slowly, methodically fucked her into a pile of goo.

“Yang, you feel so good,” he whispered in her ear. She moaned, arching her back. Reaching down, he grabbed her other leg and lifted her until she was completely off the ground once again, holding her effortlessly as he angled her hips and started to thrust, slowly at first but rapidly gaining speed. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight. Mmm – so tight and hot. Oh, fuck – you have such a lewd, fuckable body. Do you like it like this?”

He was gliding in and out of her now, increasing the length of his strokes. Yang sobbed as her tunnel coiled tightly around his pistoning cock, feeling his crown tug at her folds on the outstroke only to cleave back in and pound on her uterus with reverberating shots that made her toes curl so hard they threatened to break.

“I love it,” she cried, head tilted back as he dominated her body so completely. Wet, thick slaps filled the stall as their bodies crashed together again and again, and he was now fucking her with the entire length of his impressive cock. She could feel his glans almost pull completely free, stretching her entrance before it plunged back in deep. “Oh, Jaune – fuck, fuck me harder. Mmm, please, oh my god~! Ahnn~! Uuuh~!”

The knot in her belly that had already unraveled once was already tightening to the breaking point once again. Yang had never considered herself easy to please, it often took her much too long to get herself off whenever she masturbated but Jaune was pushing all her buttons in just the right way, buttons she didn’t even know she had. When he changed up the rhythm, alternating his glide, it tightened further.

“Right there,” she howled. If the slapping of skin didn’t alert anyone if they were around, then that did. “Fuck me right there. Hmmahhh~! Yes, yes, yes, yes~!”

She kept chanting ‘yes’ as he fucked her just right. Jaune groaned into her hair, the sound rumbling through his chest and into hers, her sweaty breasts shaking against his firm pectorals. Her wetness squelched every thrust, messing her thighs and his pelvis, only increasing the crack of each fleshy slap.

“Oh yeah, Yang,” he uttered desperately and Yang felt his cock swell even bigger inside her. “Oh yeah, baby. I’m gonna cum soon.”

“Inside,” she ordered brokenly. “Cum inside me.”

She felt weightless in his arms and then one particularly deep thrust sent her floating. Yang saw stars as she locked up, choking as her wet, tight cunt vibrated and clenched with all its might around his driving cock. Jaune hissed, his cock flexing inside her and then Yang was crying as her pussy throbbed and twisted in orgasm, driven higher when his velvet, molten seed gushed inside her in several heavy, messy shots.

“Oh fuuuck,” Jaune squeezed her ass hard enough to bruise, jerking his hips against her in time to every shot. It thudded into her womb and set her on fire, the warmth pushing her orgasm onwards. It was hard to breathe as her voice was a constant cry and Yang thought she was going to pass out, darkness creeping in as she came completely undone.

He was ruining her. She was ruined.

Who could follow this up? Who?

He had stolen her completely.

When her climax finally abated, she was spent. Taking deep, shuddering breaths, she moaned pitifully as he lowered her back down to the floor, his still hard cock slipping free from her abused quim. His sperm gushed thickly from her gaping hole before she clenched tight, attempting to keep it in. What did escape rolled down her inner-thigh, silky smooth fire that made her legs shake.

“Shit, Yang,” Jaune panted, kissing her chastely. “Was I too rough? Are you okay?”

Why was he asking her that?

When his thumb brushed her cheek in tender concern and came away wet, she realized she was crying. Raising her own trembling hand to her cheek, she stared at the wetness for a second before sniffling, covering her eyes. He’d fucked her to tears.

“Yang?” he questioned, alarmed.

“I’m okay,” she said, voice thick with emotion. “I’m okay. Really – I just, I need a moment. You--” fucked me so good, I’m having an emotional break down, “I just need a bit.”

“Okay,” he sounded unconvinced. “Okay, sure.”

“Hug me,” she said and he did, wrapping his sweaty arms around her. She fell inside his embrace, completely enveloped in his strength. They stayed together like this for several minutes, the rapid beat of his heart slowing and lulling her into a comfortable state of being. Her own heart felt too large for her chest, tender and raw, and it took awhile before she was confident with speaking again. Kissing his salty skin, she savored the flavor before finally pulling back far enough to look up at him and meet his eyes.

Endless, gentle blue swallowed her in warmth and she felt tears spring to her eyes once more.

She was a mess.

“You really know how to treat a girl, don’t you?” she quipped, thankful that her voice didn’t break. Jaune smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m glad you think so,” he said. His right hand caressed her hip and side, up along her ribs. “You had a good time, then?”

Yang shot him a look.

“Are you really asking me that? Or are you just fishing for a compliment?”

Jaune snickered. “Hey – if you want to give me one, I won’t turn it down.”

She tried to remain stern but the open happiness on his face made it all but impossible. Yang clucked her tongue.

“You’re pretty cocky, aren’t you?” she shook her head. “You’d think I’d be used to you surprising me by now but you know what? You always manage, somehow.”

Now that she wasn’t delirious with pleasure, getting her brains fucked out, all those small insecurities came creeping back in like insidious poison, attempting to ruin her mood. Insecurities and feelings of jealousy that she really had no legitimate claims to feel but felt them anyway. Stupid, pathetic bullshit that made her feel horrible. Looking away, she snuggled back into his chest, resting her cheek against his chest.


Was she really going to do this? She sighed. Yeah, she was. They’d fucked; now it was time for all the messy feelings to be hashed out.

“You aren’t with anyone else, right?”

She could feel the confusion wafting off him.

“You already asked that,” he said slowly. “Before we started, remember?”

“Yeah, you’re single but...” Yang grimaced. “You aren’t, like – fucking someone else on the side, right? You don’t have a – a sex friend or anything, yeah?”

“No, I don’t have a sex friend,” Jaune’s voice was vaguely incredulous, as if he couldn’t believe he was denying such a ridiculous thing. “You might not have noticed but I’m not really good with girls, Yang. I thought for sure you saw me bumbling around Weiss for half a year, though.”

“So you aren’t fucking Pyrrha?”

That question hung between them, the silence awkward.

“What?” he finally asked.

“Or anyone else?”

Jaune grabbed her shoulders and pulled out of their embrace, staring at her oddly. Yang refused to meet his eyes, instead keeping her gaze down but seeing his still hard cock wasn’t helping. It was flushed angrily and covered in her sticky wetness, but Yang forced herself to look away at the tiled floor instead.

“What is this about?”

She shrugged, feeling stupid.

“Just answer the question, Jaune.”

“I’m not fucking anyone else,” he said. “I’m not – I’m not sleeping with Pyrrha. Whatever gave you that idea? She’s just my partner,” his tone was total disbelief. “We aren’t like that.”

Yang suspected that Pyrrha wouldn’t say no if he asked. She’d bet everything she had. He obviously felt different, though. Typical, oblivious Jaune. He wasn’t lying, either. At least, she didn’t think he was. He wasn’t the type to lie about something like this. He wasn’t that type of person.

“Yang, why are you asking me these things?”

She shivered as his palm cupped her cheek, forcing her head up. She expected to see him annoyed by her but he was completely calm, though a little worried as he implored her with his beautiful eyes. Yang couldn’t hold out against such an earnest look of compassion.

“I like you,” she said.

Jaune blinked stupidly.

“Um,” he searched her face. “Okay?”

“I want to date you,” she continued, feeling bashful but refusing to back down now that she was saying it.

“You do?”

“I know I said it doesn’t have to mean anything if you didn’t want it to, but I want it to mean something,” she grabbed his face, rubbing her thumbs against the subtle stubble along his jawline. “It meant something to me. I wouldn’t just... do this with someone I didn’t really, really like. I acted tough but – well, um – go out with me?”

Why did her awkwardness always flare up at the worst times? Ruby was always awkward yet seemed to be able to hold it together when it really counted. Yang was the opposite. She was smooth and confident and outgoing right up until it counted, then she folded like a house of cards. It was the worst.

Before she could beat herself up over it anymore, though, Jaune leaned in and kissed her. Yang gasped as his tongue slipped into her mouth and stole her thoughts, hot and wet and needy. When he pulled away, her legs were weak.

“I’d like that.”

Yang stared at him, uncomprehendingly.


Jaune laughed. “I want to date you.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I do,” he kissed her again, and this time Yang kissed him back with just as much fervor. “So we are dating now, right?”

Yang grinned, feeling overwhelmed in the best way possible. She nodded. She had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend was Jaune Arc, of all people. If someone had told her at the start of the year that tall, blonde and scraggly was going to be her man, she’d have lost her shit laughing.

It was true what they said. You never really knew what the future would bring.

Seeing her nod, Jaune tipped back his head and shouted, “Yang Xiao Long is my girlfriend! Woo!”

Yang shoved him in mortification, face flushing scarlet. “What are you doing!?”

Jaune stumbled back a step, laughing with a look of exhilaration on his face.

“What do you mean? I’m just letting anyone nearby know I’m dating the hottest girl in school. Hear that?” he yelled again, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice. “I’m dating Yang Xiao Long!”

“Shut up~!” Yang lunged at him, laughing as they wrestled together briefly before he kissed her again. When they pulled apart, she hissed, “Stop being such a dork!”

“I’m just really happy right now. Can you blame me?”

“Well,” she considered him. “I am hot stuff, so I guess I can’t blame you too much.” Feeling his hot erection against her belly, she looked down and spotted the weeping head. Reaching down, she palmed his balls and smirked as he moaned lowly. “How about you put these to good use and then we can wash up. What do you say?”

It was a bit awkward explaining to their teams why they completely missed dinner but Yang didn’t care. She was Jaune Arc’s girlfriend and nothing was going to change that.


Robert Walker

This was really good, I would love to see Jaune x Blake, that would be awesome!!!


That was pretty damn good, great writing

First Last

Solid fucking oneshot man, this was really good stuff.


This is a perfect balance of lewd and cute and I love it! Great work

The Red Man

This was PEAK, goddamn dude. I live for these oneshots.


Funny, hot, and sweet. I always love these one-shots.