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Very nonchalant there, Catherine! 



Captan Coconut

cursula is not very good at this therapy thing


That moment when you realize your thing against direct, obvious mind control is working against you.

Katrice Metaluna

"In her youth, she used to change people's sexuality with a snap of her fingers. It was fun, for a while."


I feel kinda sad for Robin, but at the same time, he makes a great target.


I don't feel bad for Robin at all, I feel gleeful at his torment and beg for more.


I honestly, just feel bad for robin.

Fez the Baron

I am with you, a this point is kind of sad. The poor possum has not even chance to rebel or escape. And this situation make everything...dull as he is just a victim...like in torture porn movie. He has not a deep lesson of lilfe to learn, not a sin to pay for. No deep reason. That is the issue of Magic based stories. They risk to remove character all what makes them..characters