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Issue 3 is here!

More plot, more transformations!

And following on the plan for making this place more organized, we're kicking off with a solid 10 page update.  I want to focus on having less stories going on at once, and posting bigger updates.

I've been having a lot of fun doing these with the artist Dayviate, and his work keeps getting better and better.





Really good stuff here, love where Nurse Beth is going. Can't wait for more of this series - Thanks!


This is my favorite artist yet! What on earth is that first superheroine supposed to be?


Her archetype is a sort of goddess of love (and sex). Has powers of altering emotions, particularly arousal. One of the things about The Clinic in the story is they will make you whatever you want to be (with a few limits)... but that doesn't mean people always choose to be something sensible, or useful.