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This is a re-post of all of Issue 2, with a smaller watermark, ahead of the first pages from ISSUE 3 landing tomorrow!

(I'll continue to post pages generally in smaller batches as I know iphones don't seem to like big posts).



Davide Di Fabio

i wish you could put all the work in .pdf because opening the pages with slow internet is torture...


Is it possible to number the pages please? I download the images and read them on media player, but they are not numbered when I save them so the pages are in a random order.


I was referring to file names in my comment. For example, if I right clicked an image to save it would be called "pg 1" or "pg 17" for example. Or just a number is fine too.


This batch I have numbered properly in that every file name starts with the correct numbers. (Although I forgot the leading zero's). Everything else...not so much :) Good feedback and I will change this going forward.