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Start of a big new comic series. More to come later in April. Enjoy!



JT Mereness

That was hot but it looks like Mike be in a little trouble now since his girl got the power of the gods instead being that this is a Shazam comic just renamed with this in mind how in the heck is Mike going to deal with three supercharged girlfriends because I am sure it will get to that very quickly. This isn’t spoilers it just common deduction people if all three girls find out they can supercharge like he does they will in the end up wanting a foursome with him. It’s just how this girls work in comics

JT Mereness

No offense to any lady’s watching this patron but if you had a boyfriend that could give you his powers wouldn’t you want to do it in that way all the time with him


It will get to Mike finding himself in some sticky situations, but a foursome isn't one of them. We'll meet his 2nd girlfriend this month, and she's the jealous type...


KD is simply outstanding. I'm waiting for the second part of this work and of the Three She Hulks

JT Mereness

lol love the reference to the previous comic KD did but yes Mike is going to have to bang 2 more hulked out women ;-) then he will take on the final boss I think I give the three hulked out women gigawomen, gigagirl, and gigaton because she wil gigaton of muscle X-D

JT Mereness

Nice so any way I thought of a couple of names for the three girl when she tf I thoughts of captain storm, Electra, Mrs lighting but you have to admit my guess would not be too far fetch on the story but once again it was just a educated guess


Man, KD going next-level with the muscle sizes here! Love to see it!