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This is my  first Patreon post!

Here I want to share my goals with everyone who might decide to support me

As of now I just released my first crappy game (check it out please): 


Moving forward i would like to create big, complex games, but also while working on them make small, 3-5 minute long games 

I already planned my first big game, and while doing so I've made another small one.
It lacks most of the assets rn, but I'm hoping to finish it by the end of this year, (but it's probably won't happen :^)) It will definitely be finished this winter thou!

There is little WIP sneak peek of a character:

I will elaborate about it further sometime next week on my Twitter (please follow)
And after I'm done with it I'll announce my first big game! 

Thanks for visiting, Peace! (°▽°)/



I've been playing hentai games for quite some time. And your first game gave me an unforgettable experience. This is a lot of fun from the graphic component worked out to the smallest detail. And a great mood from the dialogues read. I go through it again and again. And after it, I'm looking forward to your new game.


Himatsubushi was actually genuinely awesome, not crappy. As someone who frequents the hentai game scene, I'm not lying when I say himatsubushi was honestly more fun than 99% of the other erotic games being produced right now. The pixel art was beautiful and interesting, and the animation was very smooth, you clearly have a grasp on pixel-art animation, and the dialogue was also really well done, you gave real personality to your characters and their dialogue/design. On top of that, even the background ambiance was amazing, you put a lot of effort into small details that ended up bringing everything together in a fun way, the billboard, the onlookers, the quirky music perfectly fit the scene. In terms of actual gameplay, the mini games were simple (which I think is good) but with that GameBoy-feel giving extra lewd (but subtle) content with the memory game, it was well done because I don't think people are searching for something overly complicated when it comes to erotic games of this type, but it created the illusion of a challenge so that the proceeding scenes were rewarding and it made you feel like you were skillfully winning - I didn't have to play a DDR game for 2 minutes every time to win something which was nice, you programmed everything to be quick and smooth. All in all, this game was legit awesome, so thank you for putting in the hours to make it a reality. I came on here to tell you that I hope you make more games like this at some point in the future because it was pretty fun and there is lack of this level of skill being put into erotic games. I am now a big fan of your work and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future! Keep it up! Really, really awesome.


Thanks for the king words, means a lot <3 Glad you liked pixel art, since it was my first experience (drawing and animating). I am trying to do it to the best of my abilities (so it takes too much time :^). On background I spend too much time , and realized I much prefer drawing characters (That's why I'm struggling to do BG now lol). Animating few little parts was pretty easy, because it was single image. I like little details in games, so I try to put as much as possible where I can. For gameplay I usually don't mind complicated stuff, as long as game don't dump every mechanic on you (which is game design problem). I much prefer simple, but challenging gameplay thou, there is very little games with good gameplay, which is main reason for me to start making them myself :) The biggest thing I hate, is when gameplay have no connection to lewd stuff, and Hima's gameplay ironically not very connected.. so Is my current project :D (which turning out to be a lot like Hima, so I hope you will enjoy it as much) Aight, time to draw some boobs ( ˙▿˙ )