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Hello everyone! You're getting this audio a full two weeks early as I won't be in town for Thanksgiving here in 'Murica. I had fun revisiting some of the old Stroke of Midnight characters, including some that haven't shown up in a good long while. I'm hoping to do more with them in the future. 

Huge shout out to my wife for playing Oma Darling as she typically does in our private D&D games. It's always fun getting to improv with her, thus the bloopers at the end. 

I'll try to have some stuff ready for the weeks I'm gone in November, but things are busy over here, especially with my kid feeling under the weather. Either way, I'll try and get these knocked out a few weeks ahead. Stay safe, happy thanksgiving, and sweet dreams and pleasant nightmares.


All sound effects can be found onFreesound.org

Music: Adventure Beyond by Alexander Nakarada

Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8690-adventure-beyond

Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: A Deep Voice- Myuu



Malory Zajdel

OMG this was so wholesome and funny as hell! It's so nice hearing all of the old characters again too. Poor Cerviel doesn't get enough love and hey, Assamars are much less unsettling then Mind Flayers. I know that might be speiciesist but they still creep me out. You should make a whole blooper reel video sometime, it would be so funny.


Hakkan is so Matt Berry inspired. I feel it in my soul.