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Due to recent events (my Patreon and nudes being leaked), I am forced to think of alternatives to sharing exclusive content with everyone. Art and lewd selfies aren’t going away, don’t worry, but there will be a change on where I’ll be posting them. 

As you lovelies may know, I have a discord server. My decision is to post everything on there from now on to kinda filter out the bots who repost my things to the public. I can’t do it myself, so I’ll be looking into getting some mods for the server since I only use an iPad and editing servers is pretty frustrating on it.

This isn’t a permanent change, this is just until things calm down for me. Hope you guys understand!!

I won’t start these changes until I hear feedback from everyone, so feel free to comment with ideas/suggestions/thoughts if you have any. Thank you! 



As for the time being with bots leaking your pictures I think its a safe just to keep it in discord for a while till things die out


You can make it so that people have to have patreon connected to discord to be able to see the channels with the content


That makes sense, yeah... it's ridiculous that this is something you need to do, but I'm in support of you doing it.