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Youtube removed my main account so I updated the link to youtube, that goes to my other channel. If you want SFW stuff, I will be uploading there :3

😈 18+ Platforms 😈




😘 Wholesome ish Platforms 😘






Youtube seems to be being a punk again for anyone wondering about that


god youtube is such a piece of shit.

SON Pascal

I'm sorry to hear that. Will you repost some old youtube roleplay there ? I don't think there are all on patreon. Sens you love and courage.


Yaes Finally!


So is this like unsub here to sub there or is it like you'll split your stuff so we have to sub to both to get all your videos?


oh no, roleplay videos will all be here, so if it works for you you dont need to sub there. You wont be missing out if you just stay on this platform. It's just another place where people can reach me in case this platform does not work for them :3


followed and ready to switch if patreon become annoying. for now tho ill remain subbed on patreon.