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Commission for Harmless Kitten. Sunset and Fluttershy endure Twilight's somewhat dated idea of dirty entertainment



Sebastian Weinberg

Opposite them, out of frame, sits a fully clothed Twilight Sparkle, because she still hasn't caught on to the idea that the POINT of playing strip-anything is not the game-playing, but the getting naked.  That, or she simply cannot bring herself to give wrong answers to a question, even in the pursuit of a higher goal. To tell the difference, look at her expression.  If it says, "Yay!  I'm winning!" then it's the former; if her expression says, "Oooh, I need to catch up to the girls in the percentage of skin shown, but there haven't been enough questions that I legitimately couldn't answer!  Why did I have to buy an edition that emphasised science and literature, and doesn't have enough obscure questions about sports results from 30 years ago?" then it's the latter.

Jeff Smith

I like Sunset's style, lose the undies before the bra.