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Let's Discuss Our Next Live Action Series *Please Read Carefully*

  • I prefer the next live action show to be from the list above! 605
  • I prefer BCS but also like options from the choices above 214
  • I prefer BCS and have zero interest in the other choices above 198
  • 2024-01-15
  • 1017 votes
{'title': "Let's Discuss Our Next Live Action Series *Please Read Carefully*", 'choices': [{'text': 'I prefer the next live action show to be from the list above!', 'votes': 605}, {'text': 'I prefer BCS but also like options from the choices above', 'votes': 214}, {'text': 'I prefer BCS and have zero interest in the other choices above', 'votes': 198}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 15, 2, 43, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1017}


Hey Everyone,

We wanted to discuss our thoughts on our next live action show that will replace Breaking Bad after it's done (which is nearing it's end, we cant believe it!).

We know many of you are eager for us to go straight from Breaking Bad to Better Call Saul, while many others feel it would be nice to mix it up and change the pace for a while.

Personally we feel the latter, and think it would be nice to change it up and go to something fresh and pickup BCS at a later date. This is in no way a reflection of our experience with Breaking Bad. We are actually enjoying the journey very much! We do however, have so many series on our list and are excited to explore so many of them.

(Please note we will be watching the El Camino Movie after Breaking Bad and before the next live action series)

To give you an idea on some contenders for next slot, we're looking at some of the following:

- Stranger Things

- Peaky Blinders

- The Last Kingdom

- The Expanse

- Black Sails

So we are here to see how everyone feels about this, gauge the community response before we make a final decision. We wanted to include you guys in the process so let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!


Drip Drop

Peaky Blinders... it has to be


I would LOVE for you to watch Stranger Things.


Peaky Blinders is peak


I think u should definitely watch a different show after BB!!!

Louis Melendez

The expanse. I know most people are going to say stranger things. But the expanse is top tier writing and sci fi. I like stranger things too

Lindsay Mathieson

The Expanse, that's the only option you need in the poll :)


If the next series is Stranger Things, I'm in!! Otherwise, I'd prefer BCS tbh. Maybe do a poll of all the shows you're thinking of, but include BCS as well?

Roy Koopa

I love both Breaking Bad and BCS but honestly, I don’t know if it’s a great idea to do BCS on the channel, at least not as a main show… I think it’s a good idea to switch it up after El Camino.


Stranger Things! It’ll be a good reaction and you’ll get all caught up in time for the final season!


Personally, I think Stranger Things is vastly overrated and is the only show I have ZERO interest in. The Expanse is the best sci-fi show ever, and I would absolutely love that, but I'm pretty meh on the rest of them.


the last kingdom all the way


The last kingdom is right up their alley though

Louis Melendez

I’ve seen every one of these shows and they are all bangers


Lost got snubbed. 🤔

Lindsay Mathieson

nb. Something I saw another reactor do (NEIL Talks), is react to the Pilot episode of each series, and make a decision after that, based on user feedback and personal reaction.

Reaction Junkie

I vote for The Last Kingdom! amazing series and I think both Spartan & Pudgy would love it. But the others on the list are great too. I would be happy with any one of them :D

FullMetal B

Yes, cause if literally anything else is on the poll it won't win lol


You should maybe take a break from the BB world. my vote would be for Peaky Blinders




All these shows have very strong fan bases. Ive only seen stranger things of the list and that show is fun. But tough decisions


Last kingdom is very much so like a lot of shows you've seen (in a good way). But I have to say, the expanse is my favorite show of all time. Even beating out breaking bad. But then I am a sci Fi geek 🤓

Adam Williams

Peaky Blinders would actually be crazy, Cillian Murphy puts on a powerhouse performance.


check it out succession or the bear. maybe not the best tv show to react in terms of numbers, but no doubt 10/10 both of them. stranger things is good, but made for teens. im sorry adults that love the serie, netflix language is for kids, teen and young people.


The expanse would be 🔥


Oh thank god , I love breaking bad but bcs would take up too much time, I’d way rather Peaky blinders or Stranger things or u should watch Haunting of hill house, imo the best season of any show ever.

Darrell Henry

You guys would love the Last Kingdom. That’s my vote. BCS is great but it would probably be better to come back to it after a while.


Better call Saul or stranger things!

Jeremy Lindstrom

4 of my favorite shows are on that list so as long as it isn’t Black Sails I’ll be happy! Last kingdom and the Expanse would have to be my picks though!

M. Gideon Hoyle

The Expanse is absolutely unforgettable... Grand and gritty space opera unlike anything else ever made.


Do anything but stranger things please. Its not good.


The Expanse!!!! Best show I've ever seen. These two would eat it up.

Roy Koopa

Succession is a brilliant show and it’s hilarious. And I’d love to see you guys react to it, but it wouldn’t bring in massive numbers.


Peaky blinders definitely

Timo Pahde

I would love to see your reactions to my favorite series "LOST" one day. But for now, if it has to be one of the series on the list, I definitely prefer "Stranger Things". Never heard of the other four series tbh!

Nathan Jasper

Yes def need a break from the Breaking Bad world. Stranger Things is my vote but any of them would be great 😃


I came here for BB. I think the Expanse is the only show of those listed I’d be interested in. It’s on my short list of shows to watch and would love to watch it with you guys.

Jaroslav Dočekal

Peaky Blinders will win. But The Last Kingdom and Black Sails would be much more enjoyable for Spartan. TLK is better Vikigns.


Stranger things


I prefer you do these shows -BETTER CALL SAUL -SUCCESSION I havent seen but would def watch with you guys -Peaky Blinders -The Expanse


I'm definitely biased because I love Stranger Things, but I truly feel if you guys want to expand your audience with a new big fan base, then Stranger Things is your best bet. If you guys enjoyed your experience with Harry Potter, then you'll enjoy Stranger Things. It's got that same vibe starting with kids and seeing them grow up. It's very good. If however you want that more traditional warrior type show, then the last kingdom or black sails is your best bet. Peaky Blinders is also great, and is like a combo of breaking bad and a warrior type show.


Peaky Blinders has my vote


Put LOST on the list


The earlier seasons were perfectly fine, but it just needs to end at this point.


Honestly Vikings instead of the last kingdom trust me


Best news of the day. You will LOVE Lost! Excellent show to react to!

Mama Browsss

I love all those shows except Stranger Things. Idk.. kinda bored me. I watched the whole series up to the last half of the last episode. Still plan to finish since I’m close but really have no interest. First season was good so I kept watching but just isn’t doing it for me and would have no interest in watching reactions


I don't think any other show has handled hard scifi quite as well as The Expanse, and it's certainly the best overall scifi since at least Battlestar Galactica

Victor Radoi

Great ideea, watch Saul later. From those I'm not high on stranger things for a rewatch. I choose peaky the best from those.


Any of the last three would be fantastic. I like Stranger Things, but not so much as a reaction show...and Peaky Blinders is also fine, but just not quite to the level of the rest I think. The Expanse is probably the best of them, although you have to get through a slightly uneven first season before things really ramp up.

Jonny Rey

Honestly I’d rather have you guys on your A-game for BCS and already immersed in that world than for you to leave time to forget more details and miss things. Especially considering one of those shows (The Expanse) is 6 seasons long. I believe Peaky Blinders is 5 and the others are at least 4, so it would be more than a short break. You really don’t know half the story if you watch Breaking Bad and stop without seeing both El Camino and BCS soon after. It’s hard to talk to die-hard fans without hearing a spoiler.


I think Vikings was good, but it went on forever, and the seasons decreased in quality once Bjorn was the ostensible lead. The Last Kingdom is equally good, and is more digestible for reaction.


Stranger Things is alright, not a great reaction show I don't think though. Low rewatchability


I'm dying to see you guys react to The Expanse. It's been labeled as "Games of Thrones of Space" and while I see the similarities it's much, much more than that. Great cast, writing and just outstanding story. The best and most realistic portrayal of what space travel/colonization would look like IRL too.


I would like to see you react on Star Wars


As much as I love better call saul. It's a lot slower so I was going to leave after breaking bad... now me personally, I ever see yall watch " the handmaids tale"..... or "yellow jackets" ... handmaids might be a little to dark for yall, but I promise yall will love yellow jackets.... ILL BE BACK after breaking bad! Lol


I would love to see Vikings instead of Last kingdom and I would stand that 100%.... but otherwise Peaky Blinders would have my vote- Better Call Saul a good show but is not the best for reactions imo Peaky Blinders is also shorter given the 6eps per season and really is a great show I would love to see you react to


Peaky Blinders all the way!! It's the most different from both Thrones and BB. You will have done 3 legendary TV shows in 3 different genres at that point. Tommy Shelby is an all-time badass, you guys will absolutely love it. Stranger Things and The Expanse are also great and very different from Thrones/BB.. but top choice for next? Definitely Peaky.


Not one damn person said handmaid tale or yellow jackets ... I must be old or warped??? Ahaha

Ben M

BCS is amazing! In some ways better than Breaking Bad. But its not the best as a reaction show. Its more in the line with shows like Succession, Mad Men or maybe The Sopranos. Amazing shows, some of the best ever, but not the best for reactions because they are slower and more realistic. Stranger Things seems to be the most obvious choice next


I have watched both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, enjoyed them both, and I'm quite sure either could be watched independently without missing anything important.

Ailene Evangelista

I’ve only seen stranger things on the list and it’s great! I agree with the commenter that said the experience is kinda similar to the HP series in that you see the actors growing up and the story gets darker as it goes…a slightly creepy, mind bendy and fun watch. Also very nostalgic if you’re into 1980s films and music.


Not sure about that, but it is true that usually the best shows don't have the most wide appeal, and instead smaller niche fanbases...for some reason.


BCS > Stranger Things > Black Sails for me. Haven't seen the others.

Ben M

Succession is a character driven show like the Sopranos and Mad Men. Its amazing to watch and some of the best TV ever, but not the best to react to like story first driven shows

Ben M

Stranger Things will win in a landslide. Its the biggest show in the world right now and probably the third biggest for reactors after GOTs and BB

Roy Koopa

Actually disagree. I think Succession is primarily a comedy show.


Vikings should be included in the vote. Amazing show

Ben M

If you think you can watch BCS independently without missing anything important you are crazy

J_Fley .

Alright! BCS is winning 40% to 12%... I don't understand why the vote would be structured in such a way that it's the totality of votes for any of 5 different shows vs 1 show. 10 people may prefer each, and somehow one of those will beat the one show 40 people want.


As incredible as the writing and cinematography is, this world is full of heavy plot lines and frankly gets depressing at times so I can see the benefits of taking a little hiatus after El Camino and getting back into BcS at a later date. Time to get back into some fun-paced warrior-driven shows in my opinion. TLK or Black Sails gets my vote all day - and they’re both right up you guys’ alley for sure. If left up to the community however I think the more popular titles in Stranger Things or Peaky Blinders would probably win. Both are brilliant shows in their own right but not as interesting for reactions as the before mentioned imo.

Nick Huber

BCS is better than breaking bad in my opinion


Bcs I feel would be more appreciated if breaking bad was fresh in your minds. So would be great to watch that with you guys. Even though right now I’m actually watching it with the gf and on season 6 and have already seen it all before. Must be good if I want to see it for the 3rd time 😅 Stranger Things would definitely be next in line for me as I love the horror element to it. Then would be The Last Kingdom as I’ve seen it once in full and really enjoyed it. Stranger Things I’ve also seen all.

Joseph Coakley

This would be a good idea if BCS was a live action but isn’t so doesn’t really make sense. Also it’s five shows vs 1. But whatever you think is best


Stranger Things!!!


It's not a fair comparison because Stranger things was off the air, but the biggest streaming show in 2023 was Reacher


The fact that Lost is not on this list is an offensive crime


Black Sails!


Stranger things is a must and peaky blinders is so underrated 🔥 I mean to go from game of thrones the most watched televised show to breaking bad one of the most known televised shows to Nexflix best show ever stranger things would be amazing 👏


It's more of a gauge on whether people want to see BCS or not... and if not, those are the options we are thinking next.

J_Fley .

It's all good... If I had seen more than 2 seasons combined of the other list, I'd be more excited lol, and both of those were Stranger Things which I found pretty mid. Have been interested in Peaky Blinders for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. Not your fault!

Jackson Natoli

Honestly all these shows are grouse. But I think The Last Kingdom and Black Sails are series MADE for this channel to react too. However I would prefer you guys to move to BCS if it’s not either of these two shows haha


Would like to see Vikings!


I think going away from BCS ifor a bit s a good idea. Doing BB and BCS back to back really puts fans of you guys that don't want to watch that universe in a tough place for a lonnnnnng time. Breaking it up makes it easier for other fans to also enjoy some reactions.


BCS is a great show but I'm not sure it fits for reaction. Very slow paced.

Robin Lee Melendez

Any of these choices would be FANTASTIC. Looking forward to your next series!

Lindsay Mathieson

Oversaturated for reactors maybe then? Perhaps they would be better reacting to something not everybody else is doing.


The Last Kingdom is very good and underrated


I think Better Call Saul is logical choice coming out of Breaking Bad, but my 2nd choice would probably be Black Sails. Edit: I do see some logic in giving some breathing room between BB and BCS. I might not even consider the 1st couple seasons of BCS as action per se so if that is the vibe you are going for then maybe something like Black Sails would be the fit. Definitely action there.


The Expanse is a masterpiece of a scifi. Gotta see it.


I agree The Walking Dead seasons 1-6 were amazing, in my opinion, top notch TV. But Season 7 onward I'd like to erase from my mind completely lol.


I would looove to see you guys react to The Expanse. Just a gem of a show. Mystery, Curiosity, Heart!

Emily Rose

I really hope we get stranger things my favorite show!


Oh this is suddenly at the top of my want list for the channel haha


Dude im about to finish the first season and it's boring as hell, I don't get where all the hype comes from.

Milf and Cookies

Yea season 7 episode 1 should have been the series finale tbh but besides GoT it is one of the very few reaction worthy series


The way I want it to be Peaky so badly but the people want what they want and it doesn't seem like the folks are into it as much as the other options. Sad! Hoping for it in the near future though 🤞🏽


The actual disgust that Spartan will have for the succesion characters is worth watching them do the reaction alone lol. He's gonna be gagged over the fuckery.

Nick Huber

It has substantially better cinematography. It has more likable and well rounded characters, sharper Dialogue and a more grounded plot.


Please watch Stranger Things! You will not regret it!!

Milf and Cookies

Yall should think about adding a guaranteed movie reaction membership option

Pogger White

If it were to be one from the list, I'd prefer Peaky Blinders above all of them. Really just interested in BCS though tbh, idc about any of these shows personally.


Obviously you guys should do what you want to do! But me personally, I don't think it's a wise choice AT ALL to do Better Call Saul at a later point. Literally almost every single episode has a few subtle references to Breaking Bad that you will only pick up on if it is still fresh in your minds. I've seen countless of reaction channels make this mistake and it has always made their BCS reactions a lot worse because of it to the point where people just stopped watching them out of frustration. Also, I think it's important to understand that while right now the results are 40-60 in favor of doing something else, that 60 will be split among the list of other shows you guys have mentioned. You guys will retain your current audience as well as enjoyment of BCS the best by just continuing with it straight away and then moving on to other things. Just my two cents!


I mean I’d prefer stranger things over BCS at the moment, but not the other options. But bcs is a definite need to do for the future!


There will always be a few people commenting that BCS starts slow but trust me it's an AMAZING show that is every bit as good as Breaking, if not better. The final seasons especially will feel like they have so much pay-off for the Breaking Bad universe as a whole. And even early episodes, while focused on their own (almost completely seperate) storyline, always make indirect references to Breaking Bad that as I mentioned in my other comment, just work the best if Breaking Bad is still fresh in your guys' mind. You might be worried about wanting to do something else for variety sake, but BCS actually understands this and therefore gives you a whole different kind of show for a while.


BLACKSAILS THIS is going to be awesome. And a change of pace. Even though BCS is verry nice aswell.




Black sails is so good for this channel. Because of the warrior style they like. It's so in there alley. But more importantly its entertaining for pudgey aswell. A big change of pace. And allot of people love that show. So underrated.


Personally think its a huge missed opportunity to not jump straight into BCS now that you have BB fresh in your minds. Theres a lot of references and even cameos at times that will just fly over your heads, god knows it did for me on my first watch. I think it's also the best decision in terms of viewership to keep tje momentum. I think you'd lose out on a fair bit of views for BCS if you throw something in between. I do think its a bit of an unfair vote when you put 5 shows (potentially even more) vs 1, and I think BCS holding 40% of the votes despite being up against so many highly acclaimed shows with huge fanbases is remarkable and speaks to how good it is that it holds those 40% alone vs 5 other shows totalling 60% together. And I know this isnt a vote set in stone but a gauge of interest, but to me it feels kind of destined for BCS to lose when you set up a vote this way. Either way, looking forwars to whatever show you guys choose to do next!


stanger things

Norberto Smirnoff

Peaky and black sails expanse too 😀 love all of them BCS later let it breath


Better Call Saul is really really good, but I need some Stranger Things


I have to agree with couple comments here mentioning that you'd get most out of Better Call Saul if you watched it soon after Breaking Bad. It's also the most preferred option by majority, so choosing anything else will most likely cost you quite a lot of viewers. I do admit I am also biased because I think it's the best show out of the ones mentioned. I'm not completely against taking a break after Breaking Bad, it's just that many of these listed shows are multiple seasons long so we're looking probably at least a 6 month break here minimum, which is quite a lot considering the momentum. So if you really want to take a break before continuing with Better Call Saul, my recommendation would be to do some short high quality mini series like Band of Brothers or Chernobyl first. They are both very popular reaction shows, very high quality TV and unlike everything else on the above list will only take you a couple weeks to get through.


If it's the 'most preferred option by majority' it will win the poll. Such a silly comment.


I think this is definitely the right choice - everyone else had years between BB concluding and BCS starting, and it doesn't take anything away from the experience to hold off a while.

Kai Westbrook

Please do Peaky Blinders!!


And it will if it's placed on equal footing amongst the other options. Already in this one it's getting 41% against 5 other shows. But this gauging interest poll already seems to suggest an option where Better Call Saul would not be included at all in the next poll, if enough people would prefer one of the other ones. Put them all against each other and see what happens.




Plenty of channels that decide their shows based on polls have had Expanse win. Channels bigger than this one. No need to be a hater.


Number-wise BCS is winning because the first choice is split into 5 shows. But if you really want to watch BCS later, I strongly advise to rewatch BB on your own time just before because it has so many details that you would need for BCS.


Peaky Blinders or Stranger Things

Hugh S

El Camino then BCS!!


Tough one to give a verdict on. On one hand, I understand the perspective of changing things up a bit, on the other I think BCS would be best enjoyed if jumped into straight after BB (the show came out shortly after BB finished). I think you're a bit hesitant with BCS because of how slow BB was in the beginning - well to be honest BCS is even slower. However, speaking purely from a character development and storytelling perspective, I would put BCS above even BB, and I think it's pretty unique how a prequel to a series complements the original one so well, it's actually something I haven't seen before. You probably won't get as much engagement and overall views with BCS because as far as I know it's not as popular as BB, so that might also be something to consider. But overall, I think it would be a shame not to do BCS, it adds an incredible amount of depth to the world of BB and it's going to make you realise that Saul Goodman is in fact the main figure of this universe, and not Walter White.


The expanse would be perfect, there's rarely a slow episode, black sails is good too.


In my personal opinion, BCS is a significantly better show than anything listed above, and watching it right after BB will give you the most enjoyment. I also think BCS is a better show than BB and you can really feel how the creators grow from BB to BCS in everything from storytelling to editing to creating dramatic tension. So watching a lesser show from the ones listed above over BCS would be doing a disservice to yourself. Having said all that, if you feel like you may burn out if you watch BCS, then taking a break with a smaller show might not be a bad idea. I also agree with the comments above suggesting it's more fair to make BCS a part of the list for voting as opposed to eliminating it before taking a second poll between less voted on shows. As I write this, BCS has a total of 42% of the votes above and everything else combined has 58%. So eliminating it because it didn't get 50% wouldn't depict an accurate measurement of the interest. Then there is also the monetary aspect to consider. I'm sure you'll see some supporters drop off if you switch to a less popular show. Some of them may come back for BCS later, but it is far easier to have people stay than let them go and hope for them to come back later. So a lot of things to consider, hope my perspective above helps a bit.


I really hope it'll be BCS. If you would do a poll where you put all options against each other one by one BCS would win. It's also imo the best show I've ever watched, and I really loved GOT and BB. Either way I'm looking forward to enjoy BCS once again with you. I also just subscribed to watch you watch BB because I couldn't wait anymore haha. I'm having a tough time rn but your BB reactions are one of the few things which are putting my mind off things. You really help a lot. So thank you!


Gotta do Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders lets gooooo


I don’t see the problem with waiting on Saul. Even if it’s logically the best next step for the channel, if you’re not in the mood for it there’s no need to rush. Maybe some time away from Albuquerque will make you guys anticipate it more. With that said BCS isn’t really the same type of show as BB. Storytelling wise it’s quite different. it doesn’t center around a murdering drug dealer/chemistry teacher which allows the story to unravel in a more natural way. But if I had to pick from the list above I’ll choose Stranger Things.

doctor 89

Whatever will be your choice guys remember this: watching BB without BCS is like watching half of the Lord of the Rings trylogy. It is all one big journey from Vince Gilligan, don't underestimate this show please. Anyways I think Stranger Things would be nice for both of you, the other options I have no idea what series are them and I have no interest for any of them😃 Ps. Can't wait for El Camino ! 🥰

Joseph Coakley

Skipping BCS for a few months would make it less of an experience compared to watching straight after BrBa too imo


Stranger things. You will love it.


Stranger things has Everything in in it.. And i know you will love it. Peaky blinders also good but too much politics and not so good reactions. Also stranger things is different after breaking bad. Peaky blinders is more of the same.


Personally I think we should have a poll for the next show outside of BCS, then have a second poll where the winner goes against BCS. I know that there are a few shows on the list where I'd rather you go straight to BCS instead, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Then you can watch whichever wins that poll first, followed by the losing show immediately after. I would vote for The Expanse next in an instance, but if Stranger Things won the poll, then I'd vote for BCS.


I feel the same way, which is why I hope they put it up against whichever new show in their list wins a poll. The Expanse is the only show I'd vote for ahead of BCS.


The expanse !!


Blacksails is so good for this channel. Because it's there cup of tea. Such an underrated show.


Black Sails fans I wanna hear from you :D:D


The shows on this list that you gave are not bad, but I'm not interested in them. I hope that Lost will be among the options in the next vote, because so many people want to see it, and it is really very special and interesting. Give this series at least the opportunity to compete with others, that's all I ask)


Genuinely hope it’s Black Sails. It’s on the level of early Game of Thrones in terms of writing, genuinely one of the best TV shows in existence


Really encourage you to check out Black Sails tbh, you're missing out wholeheartedly if you think you're not interested in it I know, because I was the same, didn't care for it. "Pff, pirates" I thought. Then I saw the first episode and binged the entire first season. It's that good.


I never thought of this series as "Pff, pirates". I've actually seen it, and it's really good, one of the few good pirate shows out there. A friend of mine who is a professional content reviewer recommended it to me and I was pleased. It just loses out to Lost for me. I would like to see their reaction to it first. If you haven't seen Lost, I highly recommend you to watch it.


I thought BCS was a good show, but not good enough for me to watch reactions of it. Peaky Blinders i loved, but im not sure if its a good reaction show... I watched Stranger Things S1 a few weeks ago and enjoyed it, but havent started S2 yet for some reason so might watch it with you guys!


BCS is not a great show for a reaction. its pretty slow and at times dull and boring. excellent story telling but def don't think it's a reaction type of show. why not go to some classics like prison break, lost, or modern classics like narcos. why are they not in the options? I genuinely think prison break is perhaps the greatest show for a reaction. edge of your seat type of content and brilliant writing. if you haven't seen them of course.


I fully back you up on Lost, it would be soooo fun to watch a reaction series for it. Insane series.


From the list I would like to see Stranger Things. However, I will forever stand by Lost being an excellent option. It's one of the TVs most defining shows and the concept is perfect for a reaction series!


yes. lost, prison break or narcos should be added to the pool so we can choose


I agree with you on BCS, but Lost is literally the same lol. At times that show is painfully slow, especially the later seasons.


Prison break has only two good seasons. I think BCS is a great show for reactions though.


I would love Prison Break tbh, that would definitely make for great reactions


I actually think it's 3. sona season is great. but also only breaking bad really is the only show with all insanely good seasons I would argue. I think prison break first season is the best tv ever created.


I'll be here for whatever show you guys choose. I'll just say that with BCS if you do plan to react to it, its definitely better to watch it straight after BB. I did not watch it straight after Breaking Bad and it definitely felt tedious at times to get through. Maybe it is also not the type of reaction show you guys are looking for (and maybe better to watch off camera), because in your latest BB reaction you said the earlier seasons felt slow at times, and this will with BCS also be the case and perhaps even more so.


I agree with literally everything you said! Lost and Narcos are awesome, but Prison Break... I would pay triple patreon price for that :D

Reaction Junkie

Black Sails is nothing less then a masterpiece! I agree I think they will love the show.


Im hoping for star wars one day


I love the list above, I personally would go with Black Sails but have you guyz seen LOST ? if not I strongly recommend it and I would love to rewatch it with you guyz.


Why not just add a slot? Or do one episode of BCS a week?


BCS is an amazing show and you might enjoy more of the BB references while it's fresh in your minds. (But it is a little slower-paced sometimes with focus on nuances of the characters... a great thing IMO, but don't want you to be surprised.) If you're set on changing it up, I'm happy to endorse both The Expanse and Stranger Things as excellent and reaction-worthy. Haven't seen Last Kingdom or Peaky Blinders yet but I've heard good things.

Nick Huber

Because my opinions are my own and not just regurgitating what other people think.


We need a “none of the above” option pls


Trying to mentally prepare myself for the disappointing result that I know is coming when Stranger Things wins whatever poll is to come.


BCS is mid you're making the right choice. I hope someday you guys will do Ozark but from that list it's no competition Stranger Things is by far the best there by a long shot.


Also the people saying BCS is as good or better than BB are absolutely smoking meth.


I would rather they picked the shows they prefer…all a poll will tell you is that shows like Stranger Things and Lost have large broad based audiences thanks to how they were released, while The Expanse, The Last Kingdom, Black Sails and Peaky Blinders have slightly smaller but extremely passionate fan bases. No choice will please everybody, so you might as well react to what looks most interesting to you

doctor 89

I read all the comments and no one mention this TV show The Sopranos - the godfather of all greatest series, still imo number one on my list always (although I am big fan of BB still). If u never heard of this show The Sopranos is must, please add it to your future list 🥺


I personally don’t want Stranger Things to win, but it would wipe the floor with BCS in a poll…


I'm watching it right now, for the second time in my life. It's hard to describe how well-made this brilliant product is. And the ending can be discussed for hours. I'm not sure how well it would fit, given that we're missing the BCS


I agree with you completely but judging by this poll, they are never going to watch The Sopranos lol


BCS is the only show from this list that I have any interest in watching again


Black Sails is definitely amazing but from a growing your channel/amount of views point of view I think Stranger Things is the clear play.


Because Breaking Bad is way better. People are just delusional about BCS being better.


Not sure how much exposure to American TV you guys have had, but True Detective season 1 ( if you haven’t seen it) is a limited series, anthology, to be precise which is some of the best TV around. An under the radar series The Americans, older, but still very good.

Nick Huber

People like different things for different reasons. Why are you taking it so personally that someone prefers one show over another.


BCS and it’s not even close. I’m canceling Patreon ASAP if it’s not BCS. ❤️

Hayden King

BCS is brilliant but I think a break from the BB world would be better than going straight into BCS.


Spartan has said it will happen its just a matter of time


Get your ass out of these comments old man, we will be watching peaky blinders reactions in no time


Is there also an option to beg? For black sails? hehehe

Amber S

BCS is a good show, but a change of pace would be nice! I hope either Stranger Things or The Last Kingdom wins from the list!


We all have our opinions my friend, BCS is a masterpeice thats all i will say on this matter.

Joseph Coakley

It has far more crime, drama and comedy themes than live action. Anyone with a brain would agree


I‘d really love Stranger Things, as long as you didn‘t watch it before. But The Last Kingdom would also be nice, since I always wanted to watch it myself, but for some reason I don‘t now I always stopped watching after a few episodes.


I'd like to see you cover the Fargo tv series, especially the first two seasons. They're not that long, only 10 episodes each. They had good reviews and received a number of Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. Good entertainment! *I should add that each season is it's own story with different plots and characters. Though there are small tie ins with subsequent seasons, each one can be watched without really needing to see any others.


Stranger Things 😍😍😍🎉


Stranger Things!!! BCS is great but Stranger Things is so unique and fun as well, and would bring in new fans. One of my favorite TV shows ever and would love to see y'all react to it!


Definitely Stranger Things you are going to adore the show without a doubt and it's full of iconic moments, makes for fantastic reactions. I also believe this is the show most people would enjoy rewatching or watching for the first time with you!


Wish they could do BCS in addition to another live action show. But I guess they have lives? 🤷‍♂️


Peaky Blinders next please❤ it is just 6 ep per season and the show is brilliant. BCS is AMAZING, Stranger Things are too ❤ and Black Sails 🖤🖤🖤 so I want it all. And Chernobyl

J_Fley .

It's better than BB. Look, I can state opinions as empirically as you, too!

J_Fley .

I had unsubbed due to breaking bad coming to a close soon. Resubbed to see this poll, then unsubbed again. Will be back if/when they watch BCS!


Stranger things would be my vote

J_Fley .

So they just watch nothing instead? Those are the options lol


can we add The Originals(tv show} to the list?😂


Haunting of Hill House as a show on the side. Only 10 episodes


For me, Better Call Saul is the BEST show on this list by far. But I’m fine with any of these choices. It’s a pretty solid list to choose from. Stranger Things is probably going to win. It’s insanely popular, and will def bring in more viewers.


Yes, I hope they do some of these awesome anthology series. Or limited 1-season series like Chernobyl.


Official confirmation from S&P that LOST is on the list. I don’t care if it takes 5 or 10 years. The thought of LOST reactions coming one day eventually is enough for me 😂

Amber S

BCS is definitely different but, it’s still the same world. I just think a break from the world would be better. I still love the show and hope they react to it.


I agree with you, The Sopranos is amazing the only difference is that it sits on spot #2 for me, and Breaking Bad takes the #1 spot lol but yeah Sopranos is awesome.


THE LAST KINGDOM. Spartan - you know you want it!!! You will not regret it!


⚔️ THE LAST KINGDOM is the BEST. they would love it. I wish more reactors would watch it. It’s BRILLIANT


Peaky Blinders is SUCH an incredible show!! That's my vote, but I also love Stranger Things. I'm still working on BCS, but I love it so far


Most people I know think they are pretty comparable in quality. I will agree that BCS starts off slow/poorly paced but it doesn't stay that way.


Can you share a link to this poll where 99% of people agreed with you?

Lyn Hurst

I cannot find my previous response - forgive me if I have written twice. I would watch BCS again, but I also like Peaky Blinders and Stranger Things. I don't know enough about the others. BCS starts a little slow and is more about the lawyery side of things albeit quite amusing. I would watch a reaction of Stranger Things and possibly Peaky Blinders. Peaky Blinders I have only watched a couple of episodes and it was okay.


You think the vast majority of people think BCS is better that BB? Lmao

Shawn Brink

A whole bunch of 7 star TV shows.


BCS it's boring af and doesn't pick up till like season 4 and then it drops back down at the end lol BCS is no where near BrBa, maybe in story telling it is but that's it and if they react to it they will be bored out of their minds, I'm 100% sure lol


Where did I say that? Now, can you please share a link to a poll or some research that says 99% of viewers agree with you?


I agree lol they are smoking meth lol. That Heisenberg blue stuff did them hard lmao. BCS is like reading your favorite book, it has good story telling with a meeh ending but Breaking Bad is like you're actually watching your favorite TV show, shocking scenes, sad scenes, happy scenes, scary scenes and not to mention a good start and a masterful of an ending. BCS is good but no where near Breaking Bad. It is actually crazy and sad how people don't see it.


That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I disagree. Cheers!


It's not an opinion, it's a fact BCS it's boring as hell and not worth reacting to, or are you telling me I'm lying and it's not slow? We must be watching a different BCS then😂


You want a link go look for it It's called Google It's not that hard. Just look up top rated tv shows of all time and Breaking Bad along with Sopranos mostly always gonna be there on top and guess which tv show wont? Yeah.. stop being delusional like fr.


They are doing bcs eventually but taking a break from bb universe for a bit


You can't really go wrong with any on that list but I'm certain that both Spartan and Pudgey would love the Last Kingdom.

Steven Enderley

hopefully one day TWD will end up being reacted to

Aubree Cummins

These aren’t on the list but hopefully someday we’ll see these on the channel, The Walking Dead and The Sopranos also really good shows too


Vikings..anyone? 😬




Stranger things 🖤

Fábio Braz

The Expanse! the most scientifically accurate TV Show!


Stranger Things would be so awesome!!


I would love BCS after BB, but I would also love to see you guys react to Blue Eye Samurai!


I am out after breaking Bad as well. Saul is amazing as well, but not really reaction worthy. They watched the best of the best. Its enough.


Stranger Things or Peaky Blinders get my vote!


Also hoping you can get to Band of Brothers at some point!


Peaky blinders pleasee


You haven't seen Stranger things? YOU MUST WATCH it's fantastic, you guys would love it

Scott S

The Expanse would be HYPE!


Stranger things hands down!!


Ive been waiting for the last kingdom for so long. Seen all of these shows and love them all but the last kingdom just does it for me. I feel like stranger things will win the poll though simply due to how mainstream it has become. In my opinion (like breaking bad) TLK , the expanse and maybe peaky blinders are shows that start great and continue to get better throughout the seasons. Where as stranger things imo peaked at season 1. I still like the following 3 seasons but it always felt like they hadnt anticipated the huge success and fell short by trying to replicate the first seasons magic. Maybe season 5 can change that who knows.


Stranger things & Peaky blinders are amazing. The Last Kingdom is also really good but can be slow at times.

dark phoenix99

Last Kingdom or Stranger Things.


I LOVE the Expanse but Stranger things are cool


Stranger Things, though BCS is good.




I'm telling you that you're entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. I stated mine above and you did yours. An opinion is not a fact. I in no way consider BCS to be a boring show. I find the drama, tension and story a lot more intriguing and engaging than BB. But that's just what I prefer, you may prefer something else and that's okay. Both BB and BCS are slow shows, that's how they build tension - I don't think that disqualifies a show from being reaction worthy. There are plenty of channels out there that have reacted to BCS and both the reactors and viewers have had a great time. You don't have to agree with me, but that doesn't turn your opinions into facts. If you insist on calling them facts, please use the scientific method and provide empirical evidence to support your theories.


Peaky blinders is amazing, and I’m pretty sure each season is only 6 episodes so it wouldn’t be hard to get out of the way


Lol people saying, 'Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Bad' are probably the same people wondering why Better Call Saul didn't win any emmys at all lol. This was the last year for Better Call Saul on the emmys, and again they won nothing. In the other hand we had Breaking Bad dominating the emmys when it was airing, going up against Game of Thrones, house of cards, true detective etc. People are funny lol.


Emmys mean absolutely nothing lol, The Wire is the greatest show of all time yet it won zero emmys


Another BCS fanboy lol. The Wire is boring as hell same as BCS. 😋


And of course, the emmys mean nothing when your so called 'best shows' win none😂😂


I'm not even a BCS fanboy lol. I couldn't care less if they won an Emmy or not, I'm just saying that Emmys mean fuck all in determining how good a show is. And calling The Wire boring is the most dumb take I've ever heard.


I can make you a whole list of shocking, amazing, sad, funny etc scenes from breaking bad. Can you do that with the wire? Nope only one I recall is when Omar and the other guy ambushed someone, don't even remember his name and don't care coz like I said that show is not even a top 10 lol

Rosie Mon47

The Last Kingdom is a seriously solid series the whole way through. It is my favourite out of the options. I like Peaky Blinders but can find the grittiness and gore draining and need breaks. The Black Sails is decent too but wouldnt be popular enough with viewers IMO. I find stranger things decent, however, feel like it targets a teenage/young adult audience (not my preference). TLK has a lot of action, good character dev, pulls at the emotions while also semi educating the audience - fingers crossed its the next pick! Random side note K-Night, have you seen the german series Barbarians? would highly recommend it if not ^_^

Rosie Mon47

the last kingdom is a great stepping stone to vikings - the german series Barbarian is a seriously good viking series too (i feel like its underated due to being based in the german language not english)


I just hope Black Sails wins the pol :$

William Abbott

Id prefer Cobra Kai if we arent watching BCS, or a rewatch of Vikings for Pudgy's sake. Cobra kai has the comedy.


Lost is by far one of the best shows that exist, please at least consider watching it

Paul W

Sons of Anarchy!


please god just shut up 🙏 enjoyment is subjective and you look like a retard ranting about this


Don't read my comments then plain and simple. You look more like a retard complaining about something that has nothing to do with you lmao

Kevin Anand

The wire is on literally every top 5 shows of all time list. Having a dogshit take doesn't make you interesting or cool lol.


Barbarians S1 was so good. I was let down massively by the second season though


I saw on another comment that you love the Sopranos, and it all makes sense now. You just love the power fantasy shows lmao

John Witt

Not sure why anyone is advocating for Stranger Things to be next when we don't even have a release date for the final season. Also, the idea that Peaky Blinders is too "slow" to react to is hilarious. Do Peaky Blinders next.


I love all type of shows, I never said BCS and The wire were bad, they are just too boring, not worth reacting to. BCS might be worth reacting to on later seasons but seasons 1-4 it's going to be boring for Spartan and Pudgey.

Demented Avenger

Love you guys to get into more horror. Mike Flannigan's series on netflix are great for reactions. Start with Hill House and End with Fall of the House of Usher


should do star wars

Neville L

Stranger Things!


The Expanse or The Walking Dead.


Stranger things


dexter would be insane


Black Sails is a hidden gem!


I agree with you. BCS is unbelievably boring for 4 seasons straight. Only last two seasons are good.


Funny, I’ve never heard of barbarian and I’m german 😅 Never seen Last kingdom either but if u say it’s similar to Vikings I’m in


Black sails is a must! Also supernatural however it is 15 seasons


I agree and I voted for ST lol. I'd rather something else entirely were picked though, ideally Lost


My vote would be for: 1. Lost 2. The Walking Dead 3. Ozarks