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Breaking Bad 5x6 Uncut Reaction | 'Buyout'

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Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length Breaking Bad S5 E6

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



As Jesse is leaving the lab Walt is whistling a hymn called 'Lily of the Valley'.


Madre mia, was about to eat sleep. I'm a bit pissed off that you guys aren't gonna go immediately to BCS, but I have loved you journey with BB and can't wait for the endings


the end discussion about Walt and Mike is interesting. As Pudgey said, they are similar in that they are in this horrible business to make money, essentially for their family. and Mike has killed more, hurt more people, and at one point had guns pointed at Walt and Jesse ready to shoot. but somehow how we see him is so different from how we see Walt. It's interesting to me how the writers wrote the arc of those two characters. Vin(the creator) said that he made Walt extremely hard to root for and was shocked that he still had people rooting for him after all these seasons. but i always thought they are all just equally bad people but we somehow treat jesse and mike as almost saints, whereas Walt as the ultimate villain. I guess lack of remorse is perhaps a much greater evil that the act itself. Anyways, great reaction per usual.


Oh, my God, it's so hard to endure how wrong you are about the characters. As soon as a character makes a compassionate and sad face, you're completely on their side. For example, Skyler. This bitch agreed to keep Walt's secret in exchange for a divorce, and then when he signed it, she changed her mind and voluntarily joined the drug business. She eventually figured out how to launder drug money, and she's good at it. She was enthusiastic about it as long as it was safe. Although she knew that the drug business was never safe. She could have walked away and ended it all in the second season. And she was to blame for the situation she found herself in. Not to mention the fact that she took Walt's drug money to solve her lover's problems. Walter, on the other hand. A man who no one took seriously, no one respected, who all his life regretted the loss of a multi-billion dollar business finally got a chance to correct his mistake and find self-realization in it. And he didn't just decide to do it because cooking drugs is cool, he did it for the sake of his family first. He became a strong, pragmatic personality who is feared and respected. He has become a legend in the drug world because he makes the best product in history. No wonder he doesn't want to throw it away. Or Jesse. Running from the cops and selling poison is all well and good, but when things get tough (as if he doesn't know that this can happen), he starts to cry. Although he's been in the drug business longer than Walt. How did you come to the point where you feel sorry for and take the side of outright liars and hypocrites who deceive themselves and don't know what they want instead of the side of the only character who is honest with himself (except Hank)? Sorry, I just exploded, but I had to say it. This is my point of view.


Oh man, reading this essay was something. Imagine thinking Walter "finally got a chance to correct his mistake and find self-realization" by SELLING A DRUG THAT LITERALLY RUINS OTHERS LIVES and "he did it for the sake of his family." It never ceases to amaze me how people will rationalize evil, disgusting acts because the person "is on my team" or "a character I love." Human beings are something else man


This is the context of the series. Of course, drug trafficking is very bad. But it's unfair to sympathize with one character and despise another for participating in the drug business. It's not because I like him, it's just the way it is


Yikes, thinking that Skylar and Jesse are just as bad because they are in the same business is certainly a take


This is the drug business. There are no good people here. I just gave an example of a character's motivation and honesty to himself

Tim Martin

I believe (although it’s never explicitly revealed) Walter left Gretchen when he found out her family was very wealthy. If you remember the scene where Walt and Gretchen are talking in the restaurant, after Gretchen came to the house and talked with Skyler…Gretchen tells Walt that she remembers him walking out on her while they were visiting her family one weekend. Walt says something during that scene like “…little rich girl waving her checkbook around like it’s a magic wand” or words to that effect.


That and Skylar cheated with Ted BEFORE learning about the meth.


Todd: "You know the kid saw us and we weren't supposed to be seen by anybody" Pudgey: "Yeah I mean that is a good point" Walter: "You know the kid saw us and we weren't supposed to be seen by anybody" Pudgey: "Oh don't try to spin this Walt!" I mean you can't even make this stuff up anymore guys the man can't win lmao.

Lyn Hurst

I would not put up with Walts behavior after he started making meth. To think that is the only thing he thinks he was good at. The resentment towards Gretchen and Elliott has been an obsession for Walt


i mean.. is she wrong? walt doesnt care about the kid. him not getting caught is more important to him than the kid dying. it's "smart" for the business ofc, but obviously ethically wrong.


Reread my post above because you obviously missed the point lmao

Demented Avenger

There's a bit of a difference between agreeing to keep your husband's drug secrets than it is to be a prisoner/hostage in his home and realizing he is a cold blooded killer who blew up an old folks home. That is when the change in Skyler happens. Walter poisoned a child. And for his family? Have you seen the entire series? Did you forget about the last episode?

Demented Avenger

I loved Walter too and defended him often. I also hated Skyler. Then the series ended and logic started to sink in.


There is a big difference between entering the drug business and not entering it. Skyler chose option 1. Yes, he did. Read my comment again. He believes he did it for his family. He believes that he calculated the dosage correctly and that Brock will live. He thinks that without it, it would be impossible to defeat Fring. From the point of view of his logic, he is honest with himself, even though it justifies bad things for him. Other characters regret and cannot accept their actions because they were not honest with themselves, for different reasons. Skyler could have stopped everything a long time ago. Jesse has agreed to resume cooking every time. Walter accepts his actions. That's what I'm talking about.


😆😆 Comments are as entertaining as the show.. got my 🍿 ready!!


Almost at the mid season finale! After ep 8 we had to wait 11 months for the second half of this season 😅🥲 So it felt like two different seasons.


Fun fact! In case you didn't already know, Jesse was supposed to die in season 1 originally. In Vince Gilligan's (writer, producer and director of BB) own words Jesse was supposed to be murdered by some rival drug dealers. And Walt would feel very guilty and in turn seek revenge which was going to go into season 2. Just imagine how different the entire story would've been if Jesse wasn't a part of it!

Pogger White

Last episode is when this show EXPLODES and it doesn't stop until the end. It's a crazy ride from here on out, you can't even imagine where this show is going to go. Without spoiling anything, what we know about Mike mostly from Better Call Saul, he was probably very very upset at the death of that kid.

Lyn Hurst

Walt is full Heisenberg now. He is at the point of no return, and he will do anything to get his way now. I agree that just about everyone on the meth side of things has done terrible things - not just Walt. Walt, Mike and Jesse all have blood on their hands. None of them have directly killed a child, but as Mike has said two kinds of crimes and the one that doesn't work is when they leave witnesses. The only thing I don't see in Walt is any remorse for what he has done. Jesse and Skyler are both regretting their actions. Yes they willingly participated in the meth business but they did not realize the cost both mentally and criminally or how far it would go. Jesse and Skyler could have walked sooner. A little more complicated for Skyler since there is concern for the kids, especially Junior, who would detect BS if she made up something. The next episodes are mind blowing.


If u sold ur share for 5k and could’ve made billions alot bc of his research, wouldn’t you be obsessed

Lyn Hurst

Lol very intent on making sure Spartan and Pudgey react as you'd like or are coming from the same angle you are. It is ok if they absolutely love anyone besides Walt. Lol


They react the way they react. I don't have a problem with that, I just described my point of view and my perception of the characters. Maybe someone who doesn't even agree with me will read it and take something from it. I still really like them as content creators and I will definitely keep watching no matter what.


Nobody forced thAt meth pipe to those junkie's lips @TimTakDoh. If they didn't get it from Walt they would get it from someone else.

Rey Jr

I think there are a few aspects as why we view Mike a bit differently. They obviously both are criminals and not good people. Mike is shown to be loyal to his employers and those he works with, as long as they don't cross certain lines. He's seen as reliable and trustworthy in his dealings, which earns him respect. He has his own professional code. For example he doesn’t want to kill the 9 people he worked with. He also never betrayed Gus. Walt, on the other hand, is often deceitful and manipulative. Mike does his job efficiently and without unnecessary cruelty. His approach contrasts with Walt's, who often acts impulsively and recklessly. Also Walt has no problem hurting innocent bystanders such as for example Brock and shows no remorse over his actions. Also Mike does it for his granddaughter while Walt at first might have done it for his family(not entirely because he could have taken Eliots deal) but now he does it because he loves power and being in the business. He has a huge ego and pride.


@TimTakDoh What kind of reasoning do you use when you throw an argument as lame as "this guy is selling drugs". Dude that's breaking bad, How on earth do you enjoy this show. BTW Jesse is selling drugs too, do you hate him for it? I don't necessarily agree with what everyone says here but my only regret is that they are missing on the enjoyment of Walt's smart plans just cause they hate the guy. And please don't tell me they are enjoying them, you can't rolls your eyes every time he does something smart and still call it "loving a well written villain". Everyone used to cheer Gus for every badass move, I cannot begin to understand what the difference is here and why everyone cheers Gus and start rolling their eyes when Walt does it.

Madison RaeAnn Apitz

That dinner scene is so tense but I can’t help laughing out loud at Jesse trying to make conversation and being so awkward 😅