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Breaking Bad 4x5 Uncut Reaction | 'Shotgun'

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Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length Breaking Bad S4 E5

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey


Drip Drop

Let's gooooo


What Walt did was stupid of course but it’s understandable considering that Gretchen and Elliot also took credit for his work and made millions so he just can’t let anyone take credit for his work not even if it’s meth .


Hey guys, when are you planning to release death note ep 1 ?


To be fair, Walt left Gray Matter because his own ego and pride couldn’t look past the fact that Gretchen came from a rich family. It’s a very silly reason to leave billions of dollars worth of research on the table. What were Gretchen and Elliot supposed to do? Just ignore all of the work that Walt was partly involved in because his ego was hurt? Gretchen and Elliot did nothing wrong and never “took credit” for his work. It was a 3-way partnership and Walt chose to walk away for a dumb egotistical reason.


First of all they definitely did take credit but I ain’t gonna spoil anything and alot of this backstory isn’t even fully revealed so ur just making it up too hate on Walt lol and why are u trying to give stuff away that they haven’t seen like pls someone remove this clown’s comment.


@TheRoguePrince - back in season 2 when Walt accused Gretchen of her and Elliot making millions off his work, she was in shock and couldn’t believe what he was saying. “That can’t be the way you see it Walt” is what she said. There are two sides to the story. You are simply taking Walt’s side because you are a Walt fan. But you’re forgetting about his huge ego which has always been his biggest weakness. Gretchen and Elliot are also genius scientists just like Walt. He was not the only brains of the company.


Walt's pride is a monster any day of the week, but on top of the alcohol he's needing to recover from a bruised ego. He failed to confront Gus. He showed that he can't operate without Jesse or even perform the tasks Jesse does, and he's losing his hold on Jesse. No way he was going to allow Gale to be Heisenberg on top of all that.


The point is they never gave him credit for his work, assuming u watched the whole show , u know what im talking about and Yea I like Walt just l like any great character like jesse as well but ur clearly a walt hater as your first comment indicates and u must agree how biased Pudgey is to jesse , that’s no secret, been like that since i’d say midway s3. I like reactors who understand all perspectives as I did my first watch of this show , sided with who I thought was right in each situation, not just one character purely based on emotion with very little logic.


Wow he can’t operate a forklift and do a job that is designed for 2 people, his meth is more pure than jesse , not sure if u understand that without Walt’s formula Jesse is actually a pretty useless meth cook .


Walt’s formula was 100% useless without Jesse’s knowledge and street connections. You forget that it’s all because of Jesse that Walt even met Gus. Remember when Jesse said “You need me a lot more than I need you.” And Walt didn’t say a word because he knew it was true. Jesse was doing just FINE without Walt, making boatloads of cash without any hassle. Pure or not, Jesse can start his own operation right now and he’ll be just fine.


What two attacks are they talking about at the end discussion? There was only one, or am I missing something?


What does Gretchen's face have to do with anything lol.. Her being shocked tells us nothing. If someone doesn't have self-awareness of their wrongdoings, that doesn't mean they're innocent.


No to me it seems that your a Walt hater and refuses to see his point of view in any situation, she looked like she was full of guilt in that scene knowing how is life turned out bc of them , never even offering him anything after all the money they made with his research until he was diagnosed with cancer, but keep leaving comments like this to try and fuel pudgey’s hatred of Walter in her head even more and ruin the BB reactions for alot of people considering of last episodes ‘ comment section, alot of people are finding it annoying like I used to be super excited for each reaction and now im like meh bc I know she’s just gonna hate on arguably the best written tv character of all time in every situation even if he’s right and be like oh I love marie , like there’s never been a person who would say marie is a better character than Walter except for her.


Of course his meth is purer. But it was still clearly an embarrassing experience for him, fumbling around in his own lab like that. God, Walt fans are as fragile as he is.


The problem with Walt worshippers is that they don’t understand the difference between a well-written character and a hero. Walt is obviously the most dynamic character on the show. But no one involved in his creation intended for people to see him as the good guy. Also, imperial is absolutely right. First, you’re spoiling things by referring to later developments in the show which clearly don’t reflect Gretchen and Elliot’s earlier attitude towards Walt. They both do everything they can to offer Walt the money and the credit for his work. It’s not their fault he walked away because of the enormous class chip on his shoulder and his unwillingness to be in a relationship with a woman who unintentionally made him feel small. Edit: I say that as someone with a class chip on my shoulder who equally wouldn't want to hang around with Gretchen's rich family or even Gretchen with her princess energy. I can sympathize with Walt and still recognize he screwed himself over with Gray Matter. Note that it's hinted Elliot came from a similar class background as Walt (both lived on instant noodles), but he stuck around.


Are you delusional or something, jesse is not the reason they met gus . Hell Gus literally refused to work with Walter bc jesse was his partner and the only reason jesse was even allowed in the lab is bc of Walter plus him and Gus would have had a good relationship if not for jesse ruining their entire relationship after walt literally saved his life , Saul is the reason and u could say Jesse found Saul but that means nothing bc Gus would never in a million years would work with jesse if Walt wasn’t there.


First of all, Walt was trying to look sloppy in the lab in order to get Jesse back, you're blind to this kind of scenes, and you're only looking to shit on Walt at every opportunity, that's why you missed the point of the forklift scene. So you are a Walt hater and that's the problem, you don't see the nuance of his character, and you think that everyone who tries to even slightly defend him is a Walt "fan". I mean why wouldn't i be a fan of the character that made this show the greatest of all time. That doesn't mean i think he's a good person or anything, but how can you even enjoy this show if you Hate Walt so much..


There's absolutely no indication he messed up intentionally. And my comment was pointing out nuance in his character--there's more reason to the stupidity of his putting Hank back on his trail than his usual arrogance and a few glasses of wine.


Nobody sees Walt as a good guy, you just can't bear when people say ANYTHING redeeming about him.


That talk with Tyrus doesn't give you any hints at what he's trying to do?


Ur confusing Understanding Walter’s character and motives with being a worshipper, alot of time I agree with Jesse or someone else over walt but he’s very complex especially with his backstory, u know why he does some of the stuff he does. They never give him credit, actually the opposite so stop lying.


Obviously he wants Jesse back. That doesn't mean he secretly knew how to operate a forklift--why would he, if he's never operated one before? And it isn't realistic to expect him to do the work of two people, but it's still a frustrating and disempowering experience. Not just that moment, but the whole day leading up to the dinner with Hank. Fucking with Walt's head like that is part of what Gus intended, and it worked.


Facts Walt is the greatest written tv character bc of his complexity , might as well say he the greatest villain of all time in their heads but hopefully they hear how stupid that sounds, he’s a morally grey character like Daemon targaryen , Jaime lannister, Rick grimes or thomas shelby , all of them including Walter are morally grey and have good in them , but some in S&P community don’t know the difference between grey and villain.


Milorad: That's just not true. I absolutely think Walt has redeeming qualities and is a sympathetic character. But Walt's interpretation of the Gray Matter history is not gospel, and I think it's pretty clearly skewed. Putting the blame for Walt's ego on Gretchen and Elliot (the original comment) is just nonsense. And so is claiming that Pudgey thinks Marie is a better-written character than Walter, just because Marie makes her feel all warm and fuzzy.


You're misunderstanding, again. Nobody ever said that Walt has a big ego because of Gretchen and Elliot, obviously he always had a big ego. Walt is basically scared that someone will take credit for his work again, it's like a phobia.


Yes, this history is relevant, but the issue is that the original comment attributes blame to Gretchen and Elliot, stating flat-out that Gretchen and Elliot stole the credit for Walt's work, hence Walt's sensitivity. That's presenting Walt's interpretation of the situation as fact. Gretchen and Elliot didn't steal the credit. They both acknowledge his role in the beginning of Gray Matter. The fact that Walt didn't get rich off of Gray Matter is down to the decision he made, not to any nefarious act on their part.


Pudgey hates coffee? What is this blasphemy?


U genuinely believe that Walt wasn’t at all putting on a show a little bit to get jesse back , Walt doesn’t need jesse , any assistant can help with the forklift but jesse can’t get too Walt’s level of purity without him , even using his formula , he gets less than even Gale got.


Jesus fucking Christ. This isn’t about whether Walt or Jesse is more important in the context of the lab. Where are you getting that? Obviously Walt is the key to the purity. The comment was just about Walt having his ego rattled in the place where his authority maybe matters most. There’s no indication Walt is putting on a show. There’s no need for him to—it’s not a job for one person, and Jesse has his niche tasks. But the whole experience still leaves Walter flailing around in the lab, probably with Gus watching.


I wasn't entirely sure, the word wasn't super clear during that part but I think they mentioned cooler/freezer referring to Mike in the freezer truck but it seems like they mostly discarded that idea by the end of discussion anyways.


Walt was not putting on a show. He was legitimately incompetent with the forklift and was struggling with some other duties that are easier to do with a certain amount of strength he did not possess, or with two people. How do I know this? Because if you watch the Breaking Bad Directors Commentary for this episode, they say that the point was to show he was not competent in the use of the forklift and to show what operating the lab was like while Jesse was gone. The commentary includes input from: -Vince Gilligan (Exec. Producer+Creator) -Michelle MacLaren (Exec. Producer+Director of this episode) -Bryan Cranston (Walter) -Thomas Schnauz (Writer of this episode) -Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gVI20eiCAE This show is very good at showing everything that is needed to explain a scene in either dialogue, the set design, or subtext and all of it suggests that this was the case imho. I think you have to kind of make certain assumptions that aren't backed up by the scene too well to come to the conclusion it was a purposeful performance. Sometimes, something looks like exactly what it appears to be, and there isn't anything deeper to it.


Vince Gilligan explained the event of him leaving in a bit more detail after the show was over, if anyone is curious about that. Obviously I cannot discuss this here due to where S&P are at in the show.


Death Note is replacing Legend of Korra. Releases are dependent on the tier you are in but otherwise they roll out when the prior show has wrapped up and they've had a little time to start recording the replacement show.


SuddenImpulse: I hadn’t seen that interview, but looked it up. He also says he isn’t saying anything new, just what’s evident from the show so long as viewers don’t have “an overriding bias toward Walt and against Gretchen and Elliot.” Characterizes the original comment to a tee.


@ Kate, the problem with the Gray Matter arc is we just do not know enough about the history/origins of Walt's departure. It all derives from that one conversation they had in Season 2 and they clearly do not get to the bottom of the issue, so it's really just a he-said/she-said discussion. These things are complicated and it's difficult to apportion blame correctly. The bottom line is that Walt feels slighted about the whole Gray Matter debacle, whether or not it is justified, and that impacts the decisions he makes.


Hari Randhawa: Yep, I already agreed that the history is relevant to Walt's sensitivity because of how he sees things. But characterizing his version of how things went down at Gray Matter as fact is a different matter. You can say nothing is certain, but all the information we're given in the show (not just one conversation) strongly implies that Walt was the victim of his own ego, not of Gretchen and Elliot. Interpreting Gretchen and Elliot as villains is a product of unreasoned bias.


@Kate, I might have disagreed with you on a few other things but I think you are spot on here. This show is always illustrating different butterfly effects and despite Walt's pride, I don't think he makes his comments about Gale at the end of the episode if he isn't drunk, which only happens because of the rift with Gus and being left in the dark with Michael/Jesse.


@Imperial, you are clearly a troll as you have demonstrated many times before. Without Walt, Jesse would be dead with Jane. @Milorad, @RoguePrince19 - I generally agree with you that many reactors unnecessarily pick on Walt and lean their criticisms too heavily against him versus other characters however I think you both are getting a little sensitive to comments made about Walt on this one (minus what Imperial said which was just stupid)


in what world are they doing even close to 10 different animes/shows what are you talking about


@SuddenImpulse. Oh my god. Why would we ever discuss anything if we can all just watch a podcast that is as long as the show itself, and then we don't have to think for ourselves. Have you ever heard of a sentiment that says "in a work of fiction, no interpretation of an event is the true interpretation anyway"? We discussed this under last episode, but every time you just keep quoting the authors like a word of God, and that ends every discussion. Nobody cares about a podcast, people want to discuss the show itself, BB is fiction ffs, there's no the truth about what "really" happened.

Lyn Hurst

After reading all the comments about who is at fault for what.... at this point it doesn't matter. I think that Gus's plan to get Jesse out with Mike is even better that I originally thought. First it gets him away from Walt, 2) it makes Walt anxious and potentially too unstable to not make a fatal mistake, 3) it gets Jessie to bond with Mike and possibly trust him and therefore trust Gus. The way Jesse looks at Mike when he approves of what Jesse did to protect him, knowing Jesse's past vulnerabilities and needing to look to a father-type figure for guidance, illustrates this point. SMH about Walt with his loose lips while drinking wine. Ego definitely is his kryptonite as Spartan said.


I think they have Jesse go with Mike to have his mind occupied and busy cause they saw how he was living and of course he was not being careful with his money bag being stolen, so him being with Mike at least hes busy, occupied and his mind is busy not thinking about him murdering Gale.

Lyn Hurst

I agree but this is to serve Gus as well. Gus didn't care about him being a junkie when Jesse was just Walt's assistant whom he had never met, but now Gus has a lot more on his plate with the cartel, and he can't afford to have Jesse go off the rails while he is trying to deal with the cartel headache. I also think they are wanting to sway his loyalty away from Walt. That way he wouldn't be as upset if Walt disappeared, although he would question it.

Robin Lee Melendez

Agree. Gus understands human nature. He sees Walter's ego is a weakness. He's playing divide & conquer: bring Jesse deeper into the fold while he refuses to see Walt at all. Mike takes Jesse under his wing while treating Walter with disdain & open hostility. Gus knows control is important to Walt; losing control over Jesse will drive him crazy. Ultimately I don't think Gus cares about either one of them beyond their temporary usefulness to his business, but until he's finished with them, he's letting Walt know who the boss is.


@imperial Fake news, Jesse wasn't making boatloads of cash without Walt lol stop with the bs fairytales.


The were referring to the cartel attack on Gus' shipments via the Los Pollos trucks. They were trying to figure out if that attack was orchestrated by Gus the same way the faux attack on Jesse was. Obviously it wasn't because Gus wouldn't willingly put Mike in the line of fire, but yea that's what they were referring to........ Edit: and like the person above me said, I think they realized it was unlikely that Gus would put Mike in harm's way to such a degree and abandoned that idea pretty quickly. Saying anything beyond that would be spoiler territory so I'll stop right there.


@Daniel Also they know when he's with Mike he's not somewhere being a liability and potentially getting himself arrested. That was the biggest concern that Mike had that's why he came to Gus. Then Gus sees the opportunity to potentially manipulate Jesse into being loyal to Gus instead of Walt, so that's an added bonus he thought of aside from the immediate plan which is to stop Jesse's reckless behavior that puts them all in danger (with law enforcement)


@Milorad There is nothing wrong with discussion. Discussion is great and what makes all of this fun. Everyone here participates in discussion all the time, and its encouraged. I have only done this twice out of 40 hours worth (at this point) of Breaking Bad reactions. I am sorry to see you are having such a negative reaction to me providing context from the creators. As you can see, many people appreciated my post. I was not trying to have an argument, but I did notice that there was some quite aggressive back and forth about this particular issue, which I wanted to defuse, because people getting called delusional and other such things because they don't agree with a perspective is not going to result in productive or pleasant discussion, so I figured that it would be helpful to provide clarification. No I don't think the creators word is god but I mean..they made they show, these are the actors, the writers, the directors, the producers, their intentions ARE relevant, and they don't give clear answers to everything on the show, but sometimes they do. I don't expect people to always agree and sometimes there's multiple ways to perceive a scene. If you have a problem with the argument I provided, then tackle the content of that argument, instead of taking issue with me providing further context and clarity. Not everything needs to be viewed as combative. We are all here to have fun and enjoy the experience with S&P and the rest of the community. Calm down.

Rey Jr

That wine scene was awesome. You could really see Walt’s ego and pride in full display. Also I liked Jesses and Mikes chemistry in this episode


@SuddenImpulse Okay, I appreciate you providing more context. I was under the impression that once you quote the creators, you think that there's no more arguing that point. And took issue with that obviously, since I like to hear people's genuine opinions. When analyzing fiction I look exclusively at the art piece itself, anything the author says outside the piece itself I don't consider canon. For example when J.K. Rowling started adding shit to HP over Twitter. But I understand BB creators provided context, they didn't try to add anything. I just believe people should be able to interpret characters in their own way, and not be influenced by what the creators said outside of the show. In an era of NPC people where nobody uses their heads anymore, I am sure you can understand me. I get it now, I won't react the same way in the future, no more fighting, I am calm 😅


Go watch How Breaking Bad Brilliantly Uses Color to Tell a Story ... will address the purple that Marie uses and even breaks down how the colors used in a scene or the in outfits characters wear is used metaphorically or to convey emotion, really interesting


I don't see a father-son relationship between Mike and Jesse. Mike is clearly following orders and then realizes Jesse is able to handle himself.


@Robin, he doesn't see Walter's ego as a weakness, he simply sees Walt as a threat.