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Breaking Bad 4x3 Uncut Reaction | 'Open House'

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Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length Breaking Bad S4 E3

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



Man, the scene of Jesse showing up to his house after go–karting just pierces me, it feels so deep cut. It's like he's seeking comfortable numbness or settling for it while spiraling out of control. Right after Saul asks Walt and Skyler if they have a plan to buy the car wash you hear Huell flush the toilet in the background immediately after as a nod to Bogdan's wastewater contaminants also Skyler gets the idea while she’s doing dishes

Neville L

Gale is really the first time Jesse kills someone. He's been an accessory to Walt's murders (excluding Jane), but he's never been the one to pull the trigger.

Lyn Hurst

nice to see Bill Burr. I am glad you guys know him. He is one great comedian. I love Skylers negotiations with Bogdon. good thinking on her part. quoting the Environmental Protection Agency's law/code was smart. If the EPA got involved, the car wash would be shut down for awhile since they are a US government agency. Lots of red tape and bureaucratic nonsense. I did feel sorry for Marie and Jesse. Nice to come back from heavy action episodes and learn about where the characters are in this episode.


The weird little figurine that the camera focuses on in Hank and Marie's bedroom is stolen from the first house we see her visit, where it's also the focus of a shot. Have you two seen F is for Family? It's at least loosely based on Bill Burr's childhood. I think it's brilliant--hilarious, and often quite socially observant and even poignant.


Ole Freckles Bill Burr

Kelli McMullin

Jesse did shoot Tuco aswell, but obviously not the final shot


the show you’re watching off screen doesn’t happen to be a sitcom does it

Pogger White

Yes Spartan, that God of War shirt is absolutely sick. We should have a 10 minute conversation about it sometime!

Petteri Ahlberg

Jesus christ, Pudgey! They are MINERALS :P


One of the reasons why people love Breaking Bad so much is the presentation of characters. The immersion in the psychology of a person, the connection between their actions and experiences is so strong and well written that it catches you very strongly. The cast is perfectly chosen. It's of the highest level. This episode especially shows it. Interesting fact: at the 2014 Emmy Awards, all three of them, Bryan (Walter), Aaron (Jesse) and Anna (Skyler) won in their respective nominations for their performances in season 5. The audience gave Bryan Cranston a standing ovation for his fantastic talent and work. I am sure you will see it again)


Felt bad for jesse with the go kart thing , Also Bryan cranston gives I think the best tv performance of all time in this season, but Yea I agree with Spartan that yea I understand Jesse had to kill gale for walt but didn’t Walt kill 2 people for jesse and it’s not like jesse really checked on him or thanked him much. Don’t get why Pudgey blames Walt for literally every possible scenario including when marie was crying like how is that on Walt , it was gus who sent the guys on hank.


Not complaining just trying to understand. The tier I'm in says 3+ weeks early access to uncuts, but my unscientific looksee is that these are a week or so in front of what's available on the YT tier. Is there somewhere else to get your next couple of reactions? I don't do discord.

Rey Jr

Well yes Gus sent the men to Hank because he needed Walt. So it’s kinda like indirectly his fault. If he didn’t enter the drug business it wouldn’t have happened. Also when should have Jesse really check up on Walt. He literally had to run like Walt said. Now i don’t give Walt the entire blame on this situation. But also here you could say if Walt didn’t snitch on the ricin plan this wouldn’t have happened. Also if he didn’t told Combo to extend the territory Basically Walt is always in some way involved. Doesn’t mean the whole blame goes to him


Walt snitching on jesse to gus is what saved him tho but obviously I give blame to Walt but imo Pudgey always blames Walt no what the scenario is like on how jesse saved Walt’s life by killing gale and Spartan literally had to remind her that Walt literally killed 2 different people for Jesse. Alot of the situations it’s on both of them but they give jesse way less blame even on stuff like selling to people in recovery which is as bad as anything walt has done with the exception of letting jane die and I love Both the characters but they have to give the same energy to both when they mess up but they don’t.


One little detail that irked me in this episode, when Walt and Skyler are having Champagne, she freaks out about it arousing suspicion somehow, but that doesn't make sense. The way they bought the car wash was by faking Walt's drug money as gambling winnings, a fake paper trail and all included, from Saul. So given there's a fake legitimate story of how Walt has hundreds of thousands of dollars, he's not a broke unemployed schoolteacher. He's a lucky winner of a small gambling fortune. So, he does have the money to splurge, especially in celebration of buying a car wash at a hugely negotiated rate, which from the outside just looks like a simple and sound investment from a middle-aged couple. I think it's the only scene in the entire show that I really can't explain, I think it's just a mistake. Heck, I think NOT celebrating would arouse more suspicion.


Please delete or edit this. Someone made a comment like this on an earlier episode. It’s a spoiler: it tells them that all of these characters are around in season 5.


I don’t understand this either. It seems to me that what’s likely to rouse suspicion is Skyler pretending they’re broke while they’re simultaneously paying Hank’s bills and buying a car wash. Can anyone explain?


Skyler's devoted to keeping the story, and part of that means reining in Walt's compulsory purchases and only using as much money as necessary to do what they need to do. Walt has a tendency to be careless when it comes to finances and has a history of this behavior (remember the scene where they were looking to buy the house? Among other things.) Walt is not that meticulous about maintaining his own innocent image. Thus, Skyler compensates, and perhaps overcompensates, for that carelessness. Still, better overcompensation than getting caught. I imagine she also viewed the car wash as a business investment, and maybe other people would too. But splashing out a few hundred dollars for a bottle of champagne is extravagant and unnecessary. At the end of the day though, its really not about the champagne.It's the principle of it. If they start changing their lifestyle too much, they will attract attention that is not needed, even if they can justify it. If someone is already suspicious of them for whatever reason, they don't need another additional reason for someone to look deeper. She is also very aware of the fact Hank, who they have a very close relationship with, is an amazingly detail-oriented detective, and as an accountant she knows how meticulous the IRS can be. I am sure the paranoia about all of this is also fueling her reaction. This is still a very much fish-out-of-water situation for her. There is another reason this scene exists, but its not something I can elaborate on it currently. I also think part of it is just a personality trait of Skylar. She likes being in the know, she likes being in control or feeling in control. Whenever that is not the case, she really does not handle it well emotionally or psychologically. When Walt does things without her being put in the loop, she tends to have a very negative immediate reaction to it. When they make financial decisions where she is in the know it tends to play out a lot better, regardless of what that financial decision is.


Also an immediate self-defense situation for himself, much easier to justify to oneself emotionally and psychologically.


I agree with all this, but I'm not sure it explains why she's trying to create the impression that they're broke. I don't mean the champagne, I mean the fact that Walt is drawing unemployment and she's asking for extensions on bills. That in itself seems likely to draw suspicion.


On that detail I am not entirely sure. It may be that they didn't do a very good job explaining the timeline of the financials in the show. Another possibility is they simply slipped up on some of the financial and legal aspects of this situation, which has happened before on this show and many others. The way money laundering is done in this show for example depicts a rather simplistic understanding of it but its sufficiently serves the purposes intended for the viewership. This show is pretty high-quality in general but even the best shows screw things up sometimes.

Rey Jr

I kinda agree and kinda don’t. Yes Jesse trying to sell to people who are in recovery is horrible. But atleast he noticed it and stopped while caring for Andrea’s son. That was a scene where you could see the good in Jesse. Jesse is written very different compared to Walt. We should see that he is actually a good kid that got dragged into the wrong stuff. He also acknowledges that he did fucked up stuff and shows remorse. Is he blameless ? No. But it’s very different to Walt. Also when i said Walt snitched also caused this situation I meant that the ricin plan would have worked. Nobody would ever know why these two thugs died and the scenario wouldn’t have happened I see where you are coming though


I can't believe that they never get the Godfather references😂 YOU SHOULD WATCH THE GODFATHER GUYS

Rey Jr

I think interpretated Skylar a bit different than you in this episode. T thought she doesn’t really know how deep Walt is in the drug business. That’s why she immediately got scared when she realised and wanted to call the cops. Walt though could calm her down. Imagine if she would know what really goes on. Also when Saul went through the options she was completely against violence or other such things


She has only seen the good side of this business, the money. Without actually having to give up anything other than pride. Even in matters of "breaking the law" i think she feels she's safe that if everything goes down Walt won't let her sink with him, he'll have a plan for her safety. So she's literally as far as she can be from the negatives of this line of work.


Well yea I definitely agree jesse is the better person overall but yea im fine with them thinking that but it’s the always blaming walter for everything is what’s getting repetitive, yea he decided to get into the drug business but not everything is his fault, some are definitely but they gotta keep the same energy for Jesse and not give him a pass for everything though I think Spartan was understanding walt in this reaction, Pudgey still doesn’t.


@Sudden I'm younger than Spartan lmao. And I think that people who like BB and Sopranos usually tend to watch The Godfather too. I'm not complaining i'm actually happy that we might get the chance to watch it with them if they do.

Lyn Hurst

I believe Jesse has a conscience and Walt's conscience has been seared. He seems a bit sociopathic (doesn't admit when he does wrong or even acknowledge his actions). Walt didn't feel bad about any of the killing he did while Jesse is torn up about Gale.


So happy you're noticing the colors pudgey. Seems like a small thing but it's huge