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Game of Thrones Uncut Reaction S8 E6 'The Iron Throne'

Full Length Reaction Guide

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We hope you enjoy the video!

Love Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length GoT S8 E6

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means weā€™ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if weā€™re about to pause, thereā€™ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



excuse the language but really, going from 7 seasons of some of the best writing ive seen in a tv show to what happened to Jon Snows story in the end is just the worst fucking writing i have ever seen in a tv show, from the first season this show has tried to do unexpected things that catch you off suprise, but this episode and the last episode just tried way too hard to be "different" to the point of ruining character arcs, and the fact that the king is to some degree HIS BROTHER and agrees that he should go to the wall is just so stupid. He saved the wildlings, risked himself going into the tent to negotiate with Mance Rayder, he fought for them at Hardhome, he saved the woman at crasters keep, he got murdered for saving them, he got them to come fight for winterfell, he fought for winterfell against Ramsay, he got Dany to come help fight the army of the dead, he came down and fought with Dany to defeat Cercei and then killed her as she basically became the mad queen who murdered a city. But nah, lets just throw all his story out of the windo in a few minutes. this triggered me so much watching it the first time the show went from almost a 10/10 to like an 8 cause of it for me


Not the best season or finale. Thank you S&P for creating this reaction channel and reacting to GOT. It was amazing to relive this amazing series again with fresh virgin eyes ya'll have. Although the show ended with many shortcomings it still is one of my favorite shows to rewatch. I'm excited to watch future reactions to House of Dragons and Jon Snow series!

Chantelle Miles

I was heartbroken for Jon, he deserves to be king and so much more happiness..but was happy he was in the true north with Ghost and Tormund, exactly where he wanted to be, he's clearly now the King beyond the wall. The starks have taken over everywhere do love that part..but also heartbroken again that they've all separated again. And we never got to see Nymeria, we were robbed abit..think we did need 10 episodes this season. Jon still to me is clearly the prince who was promised. Hes always protected the realm without ever wanting power or things in return. He united everyone to defeat the dead and even encouraged Arya's warrior side and training. Jon is also the reason Arya came back to Winterfell. Everyone had their part to play big and small, just a shame D&D had to rush things so much. Jon is finally free now, away from all the politics he hated and struggled with. Going beyond the wall with Ghost and people who love him regardless of his name. So i was happier in the end, knowing Jon was actually being set free.


Thanks so much for the reactions, what a journey! By the way, it wasnā€™t snow, it was ash. Remember the vision Danny had of the throne room covered in what looked like snow. Now we know it was ash, caused by her. Canā€™t wait for Breaking Bad!

Nicole Herd

I hope Pudgey keeps her Targaryen shirt for House of the Dragon


Good news for Spartan. A Jon Snow sequel show is officially in pre production!


I really hope HBO greenlights the potential new show based around Jon Snow and what he gets up to after the ending of GOT. There are so many ways to bring him back into the fold. A potential crisis that requires him? Maybe the Free Cities see Westeros as weakened and decided to attack, requiring Jon to get Drogon. Anything. I don't like the idea of House Targaryen just dying out, and Jon not getting a family of his own. Hell, make him King of the True North :P


Jon never wanted to be King of anything, the North, the 7 Kingdoms, he constantly said "I don't want it". John told Tormund he wished he was going back to the North with him. Jon ended up where he wants to be.


Someone made a compilation of tons of foreshadowing for the possibility of Danny snapping. It goes way back to Maester Aemon's comment "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing" and from there on, to the end you catch dialog that makes you think about her flipping. I love that Drogon headed towards Volantis (the homeland of the Targaryens and dragons) which is also where followers of the Lord of Light practice.


Game of Thrones is the most disappointing show in television history, So full of disappointment from beginning to end. (the beginning is at least still good)


Thanks guys, its been so fun experiencing the show again with you.

Cs Zoltan

Not gonna lie, you guys saying goodbye to this journey made me more emotional than the ending of the show


For Dany's ending, I really would have enjoyed her becoming a villain, it was just too rushed. She went from abandoning her desires to be on throne to fight in the North alongside Jon, sacrificing half her army for his fight and to save the North, and then 2 episodes later she loses her mind and kills a bunch of innocent people? At the end of the day, Dany has always said that she would tear down King's Landing and her enemies' stone houses, however, this is a character who has ALWAYS refused to harm the innocent. She can't abandon her values in a few episodes. I would have loved to be led to hate her over the course of a season so that by the time Jon kills her, it makes all the sense in the world and it feels more like justice. She was brutal in Essos, but because we had no attachment to any of the people she killed, we still rooted for her. There was so much opportunity for us to grow to hate her for being just as brutal in Westeros with characters we love. Unfortunately I think the writers missed a big opportunity to create one last red wedding, caused by our favorite heroine turned mad queen (amongst many other missed opportunities). To love a character for 7 seasons and then to realize she was terrible would have been ground breaking TV if it had been done well.


Ah yes, Bronn the master of coin, who didn't understand how borrowing and lending money works... but not master of war... (or master of trenches) being the only person in westeros to think of oil barrels (and so therefore was not there to council the army of the living against the army of the dead).


Game of thrones - devoid of logic XD It's a good rip apart of season 8


I know this is the perfect ending because no one is 100% happy. Where everybody's story ends is so fitting. Where it goes wrong for me its the rushing by the writers. This could easy been 9 full 10 episodes seasons, if not more.


Bran becoming king makes perfect sense I never understood the hate for that decision he can literally see everything


Bran king of the six kingdoms, sansa queen in the north, jon king beyond the wall. Pretty good ending for the starks


Wow what a journey! Thank you guys for making us reexperience the show with you, and big thank you to your mods who did an amazing job with the spoilers, thus keeping your reactions totally unbiased and refreshing. The first time I watched this episode I cried like a baby even though I find most of the scene not done well. When Dany dies even if she's just a crazy psycho at this point, and even if the scene is rather badly done like Spartan said, I cried so much because of the memory of her character. I'm surprised Pudgey didn't cry too but it really shows how this final episode missed the mark. I can't wait for your wrap up video. I would love for you to tell us how differently you see House of the Dragon now that you've watched all of Game of Thrones, and do you ever plan on reading the books. In the meantime, waiting for HotD season 2, I'm gonna enjoy your Lord of the Rings reaction and really looking forward to Breaking Bad as well which is gonna be one amazing ride too, and a very big change of scenery.


Thats it. A beautiful ending. The enjoyed this episode a lot more than the previous one. People wanted them to hate the entire 2nd half of this show. Congratulations, they disliked 1 episode (8x5) of it. Great Post-Episose discussion, them talking about the ending and trying to piece it together instead of trying to break it down like majority did online. They still love the entirety of the story. Now on to other great storys like Breaking Bad, Lord of the Rings...


Man, found yall with HOTD and now all the way here. Feels weird lmao


Your was is lost. They enjoyed the series til its end. They only disliked 1 episode in entire 2nd half of the show. Its over. Let it end.


And we never see House Reed, and Meera is never seen again, after being so instrumental in Branā€™s journeyā€¦thatā€™s always bothered me


Just got done watching. And wow, what a journey itā€™s been. Now Iā€™m sure you both can understand why so many people watch others react to this great show. You both have been my favorite and the only channel I stayed subscribed on Patreon too. Pudgey crying at the end made me emotional as well. Iā€™m sad that weā€™ve finished the series together. But Iā€™m looking forward to other shows. Breaking bad is one of those shows that I started but was never able to finish through it. Now I have a reason to watch it and enjoy it with yā€™all.


No, thank YOU guys so much for this journey šŸ˜‡ It's been great, the best reactions I've seen for GoT - for any show, hands down. I can honestly say it totally made my day so many times getting new uploads. Like all of us here I was able to watch it for the first time again - through you guys - and relive many of the same thoughts and emotions, and also have some of them challenged and become broadened as well. You guys have such good chemistry and banter, and are just a blast. Not everyone who is a reactor nails it - it's a fine line to walk, and you guys strike the perfect balance of being very down to earth and relatable, while also having that x factor or made-for-tv vibe, if you will. So big thumbs up šŸ‘ And to all the awesome mods as well! Looking forward to Breaking Bad and beyond! šŸ¤ 


Amazing journey watching the series with you guys. Shame about the rushed ending, I feel similar toyou guys where I was still super hyped and enjoying it all the way up to 8x3, then 8x4 and after became an extreme headache to watch. I feel the story beats could have happened this way if we had another season or two... anyway all the best. Lets look forward to HoTD season 2 and watch together!


Jonā€™s ā€œbanishmentā€ to the Nightā€™s Watch was an excuse to let him live a normal life with the free folk - where he belongs. As Tormund said, he has the North in him, the real North. In the North he is not Jon Snow the bastard or Aegon Targaryen the heir to the iron throne, heā€™s just Jon. He realises this when the gate closes behind him and he has everything he needs.


Great reactors, Thank you for the experience. I wish I could go down the breaking bad path with you guys, but that show is just extremely boring to me. Every show is not for everyone. Hopefully one day i will catch you again on another show.


I recommend watching GoT season 8 pisstake by Glidus on youtube


For advanced GoT theories I recommend the youtube channel David Lightbringer. For the books, listening to ASoIaF audiobooks is probably the most efficient way to get through them. I started listening to an amateur narrator of the books on youtube a month ago and I'm already half way through book 3. He gets better at doing the character's voices over time and he sings really well too! His channel is DavidReadsASoIaF.


Itā€™s been an amazing journey guys! Iā€™d love to see yā€™all react to some GOT YouTube vids like the life of Tywin Lannister!


*Spartan & Pudgey at the start of 8x01 mentioning how hard it would be to rewatch Game of Thrones knowing Robā€™s fate* Unfortunately, now you know how many of us Dany stans feel. Still doesnā€™t get any easier. I love Game of Thrones, donā€™t get me wrong overall it still makes it in my favorite shows of all time list. But sadly, after 8x03 I feel like the rest was watching a car accident in slow motion which left many viewers confused, enraged, sad, or left disappointed. Some enjoyed it, donā€™t get me wrong. But back when these last episodes aired there was a huge uproar and even all these years later, still such a divide on the series as a whole due to the controversial writing choices made in Season 8. But so happy to hear your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the show as a whole! Enjoyed watching the journey with you two and can't wait to see future reactions to upcoming shows. I hope in the meantime you'll consider reacting to some amazing Game of Thrones edits on Youtube now that you're done with the series. I highly recommend some from these two channels: Zurik 23M and The Garo Studios. Also the actor Jason Momoa who played Khal Drogo filmed his live reaction to the ending of the series and itā€™s SUCH a mood. I hope you check it out!


Itā€™s been real yall!! See you for House of the Dragon season 2!! And the Jon Snow sequel TV show


Personally, every time I've re-watched I skip the ending. It was The most unfaithful to its roots ending I'd ever watched (at the time). Leaving the books out of it, the first season of GOT is one of if not the best 1st season of a show ever. It was almost flawless in its execution and for the next 5-6 seasons it continued on this trend of S-tier story writing, character progression, and payoff. Only for the ending to be a shock-factor cluster fuck rushed by Showrunners who couldn't care less about the show and left us asking "Wait what just happened?". It was a disappointing ending to the least(IMO). But it's been quite the journey and I still enjoyed your guys' reactions :)


Also a great recommendation I saw was to check out this quick 2-3min video about an alternate ending for Game of Thrones that would've made everything a bit more impactful and make more sense with how things ended. Would be awesome if you guys reacted to it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWvQ_X2sqqE

Stannis loves grammar.

The ending is horrible. As a book reader I kinda suspect that Danny's ending maybe a bit more heroic . I leave it there. At this point in the show lore , we know the writers had had enough . They never wanted to hire writers ,and they were looking to star wars .they did an amazing job for 70 percent of the story. Blackwater bay. Hodor. Red wedding. Battle of the bastards . Season 6 episode 10. Hardhomme. Incredible moments on TV. Not really ever duplicated. But season 8 was terrible. George is to blame as well not finishing the books. Still one of the greatest tv show , if not the best.


Its over. They enjoyed the ending and entirety of 2nd half of the show. No bad faith video will change that.


The ending cant be more true to its roots. Certainly not by jon or dany becoming rulers or jaime killing cersei or jon fighting night king. If they didnt care about the show by giving us an ending, how much does Martin care for his books by not giving us 1 in 12+ years?


We know you wanted a disney ending, but at least you acknowkedge Georges fault in this.


I've watched the show from start to finish once on my own and three times with other groups of people aswell as a heap of reactions and everytime I see Bran be chosen it annoys me more each time. The whole show people and Bran himself kept saying how he can't rule and so on. For example when Sam was saying to Bran he is the Lord of Winterfell now and Bran replies that he can't because he's the three eyed raven now just to name one instance.

Farmer John

Druckeberger, calm down mate, this is not your show and no one is personally attacking you when theyre giving their honest opinion about it


They may or may not. Possibly forgotten things as it's their 1st watch through and wasn't binged either. I gave my reason, you'd have to ask them. People have different opinions but I think probably 90% of people having the same view as me not to a tee but kind of solidifys my remark about the Bran stuff.


I know their reason, i wondered if you watched the reaction too.


Well you have my reason and you say you know theirs so i'm not sure why you're out here asking rhetorical questions. I've noticed you commenting on people's views with some hostility, relax dude. This is a safe space, we are all big fans of the show here. I'm not sure how you watched the reaction when Patreon says you don't support any creators. Try be a nice guy alright Hornswoggle.


So, you dont know why they dont have an issue with Bran becoming King. I thought you watched the reaction, but that was wrong i guess.


You are absolutely right. The Bran quote was ā€œI canā€™t be lord of Winterfell. I can NEVER be lord of ANYTHING.ā€ D&D ā€œkinda forgotā€ their own scripts. Just stupid. So so stupid.

Stannis loves grammar.

Season 8 was lacking . To say it was perfect or they nailed the ending is not on point. No Disney ending. We were told by George he wanted it much like the shire. Well we got that from D and D. But it was rushed.


To be honest this season had some ideas, Arya killing the night king was alright, a fight between the nightking and Jon would have been pointless since snow is litteraly invincible in this show, "wow swordfight that's awesome" and then what ? Jon wins and the episode ends the same way it did with Arya. The mad queen was also a nice idea, i wish that we could have seen her going crazy for one full season tho


Really enjoyed watching you guys react to this series after HOTD. I still believe this show is always worth a watch, because for the most part, it was excellent. Even though the ending was rushed, you could see how the conclusions tied into the themes presented throughout the show. It just needed a few more seasons to not feel so premature and on the nose. Because of this season, the show went from sensational to hated and irrelevant almost overnight, sadly. But HOTD sparked excitement once again in the franchise and I can't wait to watch S2 with you guys!


Ots sad and very telling you cant answer a simple question. Either because you didnt watch their reaction at all or you know the reason but wont say it because it goes against your headcanon of season 8 being horrible.


Say we didn't watch the reaction, it's not of your concern. Go on about your own life.


it really was crazy back then how popular it was everywhere on the internet to being just completely gone most places that wasnt specificly meant for GoT. we all just agreed that the last season was so bad that we just stopped talking about it. deff a sad ending to an amazing show.


Even the lore indicates it was supposed to be Jon to end the night king. We learn that from the prophecy in HoTD. Arya isn't Targaryen. Just because everyone saw it coming doesn't mean the writers should've broken the buildup for some shock moment. If they wanted to shock us, they should've had Jon fail and ended the show with the night king sitting on the iron throne.


There were many clues to Dany losing it throughout the last 2 season. You gotta pay close attention to small things about her as it goes. The writers made it apparent that she wasn't the same Dragon Queen from season 3 or 4

Guadalupe Rosas

Can't wait for Breaking Bad Reactions has to be my favorite show behind Better Call Saul


I loved that you didnt hate the ending. I think too many people were too harsh on t. No ending would make everyone happy. I liked it. Also it wasnt snow on the ground, it was ash. It was a flashback to Danys vision from the house of the undying.


P.S. I want a Arya spin off and her adventures.


I cannot see Breaking Bad reactions on Patron?


Havenā€™t started yet. Thereā€™s a GoT wrap-up video this week and then Iā€™m assuming Breaking Bad 1x1 a few days after.


Cool! Odd that Spartan said Breaking Bad reactions were already up on patron in this vid tho

Melanie Vine

I agree with you 100% 3+ years on it still pisses me off! If they didn't have the time or Interest, pass it in to better writers (vetted by GRRM of course) who could give us the 4 season George said it could have continued for, at the quality we'd become accustomed too. Members of the cast, Kit Harrington, Emilia Clark, amongst others were really unhappy with the characters they'd played for 10 years. They knew their characters better than anyone and felt it was way off course. Kit ended up in Rehab after the show wrapped up because he sank into a deep depression and turned to alcohol. Now there is a Jon Snow spin off coming in the next few years, and many of the cast have said they'd happily return to their characters so who knows, maybe this isn't the end of GOT šŸ¤ž


This was probably meant for youtube because when this video is uploaded on youtube there already will be multiple breaking bad episodes on patreon


Its your choice to comment on a video you havent even seen.


Your the on that hasn't seen it because you aren't a patreon subscriber. Yikes.


The lore never mentioned that Jon would fight the nightking, the lore told us that Aegon had a vison and understood that his family would save Westeros, that's exactly what Jon did by bringing an alliance between the starks and the targaryens, remove Jon/Dany and Winterfell falls, just because Arya killed the nightking doesnt mean that Jon had no part in it, think about the bigger picture not a stupid swordfight


I already knew that, i wanted to see her going "crazy" like she did in ep 5 during an entire season over Westeros


Who are better writers? Writers for the witcher? Wheel of Time? Rings of Power? Those Shows are mediocore at best and horrible at worst. George, who cant even write 1 book in over 12 years? Kit had a breakdown because the show was a hugh part of his life and he couldnt handle life without it, how the show ended had no part in it. I would argue the storyteller know the characters the best, actors "just" act their part, but they dont decide what their character does.


I did. Evidence: i saw them enjoying this episode and having no issue with bran as King at all. You didnt.


Arya was only able to kill the night king because of 2 Targaryens: Jon United everyone and Dany took NK off Viserion


When did myself or anyone else say they didn't enjoy it? I can't tell if you're a troll or intellectually slower than the average person. To avoid potential bullying I'm going to leave it here. Have a good day dude.


Yes! Iā€™m a Patreon for David Lightbringer as well! Heā€™s got the most in-depth lore knowledge out thereā€¦or close to it with In Deep Geek being pretty much on par with him in both ASOIAF and LOTR.


The second I saw there were replies to this comment, I knew it would be you trying to invalidate any opinion with which you do not agree. Get a hobby. Maybe touch some grass. Or just come up with some new way of bullying, if you must, ā€˜cause your shtick is old and predicable.

David Watson

Thank you Spartan & Pudgey. Your reactions were fantastic!!!! Game of Thrones, is the GREATEST tv series, on the planet. I do hope you guys can react to the Netflix 3 Body Problem tv series, next year. It's written and produced by the same guys, who wrote and produced Game of Thrones(Benioff & Weiss).


"Why do you think I came all this way" one of the worst lines in tv history. Also, the fact that John is the rightful heir meant absolutely nothing

Marcus Carter

No worries guys, Jon Snows story isn't over. I don't know if you've heard but there are plans for a sequel to Game of Thrones called Snow. The new show will be focused around Jon Snow. Kit is coming back for the role and apparently there may be guest appearances from the original cast.


"I see Bran be chosen it annoys me more each time." It doesnt indicate enjoyment at all. Edit: i misread. You are not able to answer why they enjoyed the ending. You may have watched it, but didnt pay attention.


Jon being the heir is supposed to be a driving wedge between him and Danny. I agree it needed more time and development though. In the books its likely Jon does take the title and then abdicates. Then the succession goes Danny > Jon > Bran, and actually makes sense instead of this strange thing with making Grey Worm happy...


Unless I am very wrong the Snow show is still in early development, meaning that it hasn't been greenlit yet, meaning it is far from certain that it will actually happen. Personally I doubt it will happen, simply because with House of the Dragon likely having it's next season in 24 and, at least according to the latest I've read, a Dunk and Egg show is being made and will likely premier in 25, I just don't see room for a Snow series. I think HBO is very careful not to oversaturate the viewers, so I don't think they will release more than one GOT spinoff series every year. So with House of the Dragon season 3 likely taking the spot in 26 I think we are too far from the end of GoT for a Snow show to make sense, unfortunately.

Antonio stark

You guys are great!!! But you missed the reference in the throne room, it was exactly the vision she had in the house of the undying in season 2 when that guy stole her dragons, it was never snow, it was ash


He wrote he wanted a more heroic ending for dany. He wanted her to have an Ironman or Wanda like Death. Thats a disney ending.


Everyone is doing and trying to create next game of thrones with all these big Budget fantasy shows and D&D are already 10 steps ahead again of everyone else.


in the books, Naath has killer insects that are deadly to all those not native so weirdly the show made it seem like he would have nice ending protecting the natives however if it was the books, theyd all die if they stayed too long XD


Thereā€™s a popular meme I see pop up online sometimes saying how the finale was written by Catelyn Stark. Bran became king. Sansa became Queen in the North. Arya went off exploring and adventuring. And Jon got banished back to the wall/beyond the wall. Itā€™s Catelynā€™s dream come true

Fernando F.

Pudgey predicting that Bran was going to be the King and Spartan in disbelief was hilarious. She has been right so many times that is not surprising she got Bran right. No other reactor got it right. Choosing Bran was more like a symbol: they give importance at remembering your History. Anybody else will need a few more episodes to settle things. Jon is going back to the real North, where he found her true love. He probably is going to find a new love. Pudgey & Spartan, it was a pleasure to watch all your reactions. You are a fantastic couple. Pudgey is the better part of it šŸ˜‚šŸ§” Spartan, never leave this woman.

Fernando F.

It wouldn't be a fair goodbye without Pudgey crying. All I can say is that Pudgey looks beautiful on every video, crying makes her even more beautiful to me, and is perfect for reaction-videos.


All hail Queen Pudgey. Can't believe she guessed Bran's ending right.


The king is possibly an evil tree.

Fred bates

I don't know if anybody is gonna read this but I have just joined I really wanted to watch game of thrones Along with you guys from the start But none of them seem to be working. I was just wondering if that's temporary or permanent