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Game of Thrones Reaction & Review S6 E2 |'Home'

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FIRST TIME Watching Game of Thrones! | 6x2 Reaction and Review | 'Home'

Game of Thrones | Season 6 Episode 2 | Reaction & Review | "Home" You read it correctly... We have NEVER watched Game of Thrones before! We are House of The Dragon fans, FINALLY starting our GoT journey! We are super excited for you to join us as we delve into the infamous world of GoT for the very first time! It's definitely been a long time coming... Buckle up, because it's going to be a long 8 seasons! Be warned, Winter is definitely coming... Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 9:58 Reaction: 9:59 - 37:42 Discussion/Review: 37:43 - 49:57 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #reaction



I remember seeing a petition group on Facebook regarding "Bring back Jon Snow or we Riot" ... hahaha! but man o man, the wait was brutal!


Season 6 of GOT is my favorite and Book 3 of ATLA is my favorite! I love how both of them have perfectly synced up with one another. I find myself checking my emails constantly for the next upload. Can’t wait to see your guy’s reaction to what’s to come!

Martin Robertson

Jon Snow is my least favourite Stark but now hopefully he can help look after Sansa.

Sean van Hengel

The only issue with your guys prediction that Jon would fight Ramsay is that being in the Nights Watch means you can’t take place in battles of the seven kingdoms. They are supposed to defend the wall, so fighting Ramsay would go against his vows of Jon is a member of the nights watch


Does anyone else feel that it was really clunky and out of character the way the writers used Davos' character to suggest that Jon could be brought back from the dead? He didn't even know Jon that well, so why does he care so much? And Davos hated Melisandre's influence on Stannis and was the person most distrustful of Melisandre and her magic up until now, but he is suddenly the guy suggesting she bring back the dead? But Jon's back! and that's the important thing I guess.


I’m assuming you’re not counting Rickon 😂


100% agree, especially on Davos and his distrust of magic. He’s also never seen her or anyone perform this feat before, so it’s pretty random that he suggests it. They should have written some of the Brotherhood into season 5 and had one of them stick around, or at least tell stories of Lord Beric. Or maybe had them run into Stannis and Davos on the way to Winterfell.


I assumed Trystane painted the eyes for Marcella’s funeral stones out of grief. He spent a few years gazing into those eyes, waxing poetic to her in the water gardens, and right when they were about to be married, she was murdered. I think painting the stones himself of eyes he knew so well was the last loving act he could perform for her and honor her.


I agree Arya was blinded as punishment. She not only didn’t kill her target (“the thin man”), she stole a face (when she was told she wasn’t ready) to assassinate someone from Arya Stark’s list. That’s the opposite of being No One, and hiiiiiiighly disrespectful to their religion. Complete betrayal of trust there, and her punishment was consistent with the recent show theme of atonement (site note: Theon and The Red Woman were also in atonement mode this episode).


This plot line was just poor writing but i can explain it briefly: So Jaime and Myrcella left Dorne on a ship, and Trystan was with them, leaving for the capital as was the deal. Ellaria had arranged to kill Myrcella and sent 2 of the daughters to kill Trystan. Myrcella died and, when they arrived to King's Landing, Jaime chose to keep Trystan in the ship to protect him from Cersei's anger and revenge cause he knew he was innocent. This is where Trystan drew the eye rocks and got killed. There's a letter Jaime sent to prince Doran explaining all this. It's the letter he received right before Ellaria killed him. I'm gonna post it in a reply.


"The Princess Myrcella died by poison on our return journey. I suspect Ellaria, not you, but my sister will demand war. I doubt Ellaria’s head will appease her, but it is a start, along with your neices. Your son cannot stay in King’s Landing. I am sending him back on the same ship."


At the time, I was pretty frustrated that Roose was killed by Ramsay so easily. Roose was no fool, he knows his son is a monster and that he has another son on the way. I felt like the Roose we knew up to that point would’ve been more prepared for the threat from Ramsay. It seemed cheap to me. I remember feeling exactly the same way as you guys about Balon’s death. It just seemed kind of silly and random. Tbf, Balon was a pretty lame “king” so it’s ok but yeah, it was a dumb death for GoT.


It’s one of the many examples of obviously worsening writing since season 5. BUT: do we really want to be pointing this stuff out here and potentially souring their reactions? We are here for blind reactions from newbies, not reactions colored by negative observations of jaded viewers. We here all know the consensus on later seasons. Why not let them enjoy it for themselves? Doesn’t that make for better reactions? Isn’t that better for all of us?


Davos is the voice of reason. Of course he cares, he knows how important Jon is to the cause, regardless of a personal relationship. He also knows exactly who Melisandre is and what she is capable of. Jon was dead, not much you can do after that. Desperate times cause for desperate measures. I would even go as far as to say, Davos asking Melisandre for help mirrors Jon asking the wildlings for help. Both had risks, and both had consequences.


Davos just lost his king Stannis, you could see from Davos and Jon's interactions before that Davos respected jon as a leader. So him wanting a new leader that he can trust and follow makes sense to me. He didn't so much hate Mellisandre as a person, he hated her approach and actions that she commanded stannis to do such a torturing people by the flame and the killing of innocent people. But bringing back Jon is a good thing in his eyes. Also it's the timing and situation, Davis happened to be at the wall and of course he is gonna choose Jon's side because he knew jon was good. But I agree with the comment about him going to Mellisandre being weird.

Stryder Garvey

To be fair after a year and a half of stirring on it we all came to the only conclusion being him coming back to life 😂


Yeah, he was the least epic of the kings and deserved the least epic death.


Poor Tommen. Have we ever actually seen anyone in the show to date even talk to him if they were not trying to use him?

Robin Lee Melendez

I never lost hope during the year between S5 & S6. I knew Jon would be resurrected! I have faith the books will do something similar.


I love how their first thought is how awful it was for people to have to wait a year between seasons for him to come back. Imagine us book readers who waited almost 5 years for that answer


Roose Bolton was just way more strategic then Ramsey would be. For example he arranged a marriage to Sansa Stark because he knew that would legitimize their rule over the north. He knows killing the lord commander would upset a lot of people in the north. He sucked up to the Starks when he had to and only betrayed them when the chances were very much in his favor. He raped Ramseys mother and was probably still torturing and flaying people in his domain, but he did all that as discretly and secretly as possible. As he said, he made sure it would not tarnish his reputation to much. Ramsey on the contrary does not care much about such things. I think they both severly lack empathy, but while Ramsey enjoys torturing people, Roose just did not care and did it as a deterrent when it benefited him.


She also may have been blinded because she stabbed Meryn Trant in the eyes.


“Lord of Light, I will sacrifice Pudgey for this” cracked me up 😂


S6 is my favorite season! But even so, cracks in the writing are forming... Like why wud Davos just randomly go to Mel and ask him if she can bring Jon back to life? Hes got no idea the red priests have this power, and even if he did... why? Why does he care about Jon so much? Hes had like 3 scenes w/ him... What does Jons life or the nights watch mean to him at all? Im sure ppl can retroactively cobble together some weak answers to these questions, but IMO is pretty much just a sign of characters doing things for plot regardless as to whether it makes sense.


a "voice of reason" would not just randomly come up with the idea of necromancy out of nowhere... especially for a character hes had 3 scenes with and has no reason to care about.


@Julien - I do kind of agree with this, and I was considering to post my comment or not because of it. I tried to focus very specifically on this scene which they have already reacted to, and not make any comment that may impact expectations going forward. I wouldn't want the comments here to just be people talking about the show in a negative way. I think most of us are here because we genuinely love the show, even if it isn't perfect.


Tyrion and the dragons is one of my favorite scenes in this series. And though I don’t know if it was intentional/canon, Pudgey, I get what you mean about it being like Daemon singing—Tyrion was almost lulling them into a calm state with his gentle story about wanting a dragon. I can’t think of anyone else talking directly to these dragons except for their mother.


Oooooh, that’s poetic! I like that. She had to be punished, and the punishment fit the “crime” (rot in hell, Meryl Trant).


Have you read the books? Davos had a lot of exposure to the red priest shenanigans through his service to Stannis, it's pretty visceral in the chapters. He's also become a big fan/encourager of Jon on the show more recently through their time together at the wall, and he's notoriously a good judge of character, it's like his superpower. I know lots of people seem to think the writing gets weak here but a lot of those arguments seem just as cobbled together.


Jon would be the first to tell you he’s not a Stark, he’s a bastard. ;)


I wish people would stop pointing out cracks in the writing. What purpose does this serve if our goal is to watch genuine reactions unsoured by complaints? Stuff like this just objectively dims the new viewer’s’ enthusiasm. Why would you want this?


Anyone here watching this reaction who wants a definitive answer to how much was given to the writers can watch inside the episodes on YouTube. It’s produced by HBO. It has no spoilers. The writers themselves explain every detail of each episode including what GRRm gave them. There is an inside the episode for every episode on YouTube. The actors also explain the episode.


If you think about it from Davos’s POV, he literally just lost everything. His king and “step-daughter” are dead. And now his only ally in the nights watch was murdered. He knows the red woman can do some miraculous stuff. IMO, he has two choices: go back home and avoid all the future conflicts, or go ask the red woman for some help. I was in his shoes, I would probably ask the same thing.


disagree, but whatever, idc. I think its still an weak scene and Im not going to change my mind on it


Yup. That’s the exact reason Jon turned down Stannis when Stannis offered to make him Lord Stark of Winterfell, Warden of the North, if Jon helped him fight the Boltons—Jon preferred honoring his vows and staying at the wall, away from the affairs of the rest of the realm.

Jenny Tolls

The show may deserve its criticisms but the reactors do not deserve to have their reactions get skewed and have a predisposition on something they haven’t seen.


Same here. I thought it was pretty obvious when Mel rolled up right before Jon was stabbed. I never felt true suspense, just impatience.


You have a point, but you're essentially asking people to stop complaining which will never happen. If it's bad now, we can only imagine. Winter is coming for these comment sections...


These comment sections are just going to keep devolving at an even faster pace into piles of shit. I would seriously recommend S&P not read them.


@Munir, too true, thanks for that, reminded me that I should just keep scrolling.


“Lord of light, accept this sacrifice… and please bring back Stannis also…”


I think it’s fair when discussing episodes that have passed. Even S&P discuss the writing - usually in praise - so I don’t think it’s right to say we can’t talk about aspects of it we don’t like. In this very episode Spartan talked about he didn’t like the writing of Roose’s death. Why shouldn’t the community be allowed to discuss it?


I don’t think roose suspected that Ramsey would ever turn on him as crazy as he knew Ramsey to be (at least not in that moment). Roose was constantly taunting Ramsey with the threat that he could/would be disinherited, he wouldn’t do that so openly if he truly feared retaliation from Ramsey. In that scene he is still even reassuring Ramsey. Also, both roose and Ramsey were still waiting for confirmation on the sex of the child. I don’t think Ramsey had made his mind up to kill roose until that very moment when the sex was announced and he saw the opportunity. I think it was meant to be impulsive and rash because neither of them knew what the outcome was going to be, so there would have been no way for roose to anticipate that Ramsey would act in that moment. Belons death on the other hand was stupid and badly written.


I know 🥲 tommen doesn’t get enough recognition for the terrible position he was thrown into when he ascended the throne. He had lost his “father” (king Robert), then his brother is murdered, he becomes king at a very young age, then his grandfather is murdered which was his only real source of counsel/guidance, his uncle and his real father both leave kings landing, his new wife is taken prisoner, his mother is taken prisoner and then publicly humiliated, his sister is then murdered and all while he powerlessly watches. He was abandoned and left alone with no one to guide or help him as a new king and as a young boy. I feel so sorry for tommen :(


Exactly. There are cracks forming but ppl start to overgeneralize and pretend like everything is badly written just because some things are. Davos’ actions made complete sense in this scenario given the context of what had happened and there was sufficient buildup. I think ppl lack the critical thinking skills to understand some character arcs.


I think it’s okay to criticize individual scenes as they happen but making generalizations about the season/writing as a whole definitely sets expectations. Don’t worry guys we can complain when it’s over! lol

Daniel Siegel

My biggest laugh yet from this channel: Spartan telling the Lord of Light ”I’ll sacrifice Pudgey!” For Jon to come back to life!


I'll bet that made you want to put on the next episode immediately.

Daniel Siegel

That’s a useful resource, thanks! But we should also take what they say with a grain of salt— in the end the show is an interpretation, and GRRM is still in the process of shaping the story. He’s said there’s going to be divergences from the show in the books. So we have GRRM’ original intentions, the show’s interpretations of them, and eventually the final books (hopefully!). Add to that the way uncertainty is built into Martin’s storytelling. That leaves a lot of room for our own interpretations. I see ASOIF as a great mythological saga, and such sagas always come down to us with variations.

I think one of the downfalls of reacting is you do sort of lose that shock value when you have to discuss before and after each episode as well as react and talk throughout. Most people just got to sit and take it all in without really thinking so much, I think there’s some benefit to that when going into a show like this. However I am appreciative we get to watch along and enjoy the ride with you guys! I’ve noticed reactors who sort of cut down on discussion time usually have more surprising reactions.


The Lord of Light is with us!


I agree. I’m just saying if anyone here in the comments section wants to hear from the writers own mouth what GRRM told them and why they made certain decisions when writing the show; then that is available.


the focus on ghost was interesting too because at the time one of the theories for jon's revival was that instead of mel bringing him back with the LoL was that he warged into ghost upon death. though I think that was more popular among book readers because jon doesn't warg in the show iirc


Waiting the whole year suckeddddd. Jon dying is where the books end, so everything else was just as shocking for book peoples


I actually skip discussions for most other reactors but S&P bring up such interesting points because they are so perceptive that i LOVE hearing them talk before and after the episodes.


Their discussions are wonderful and I've never found the negative correlation you did. Jon's resurrection is the least surprising "twist" ever. A lot of people figured out long ago that Melissandre would make it happen. Nothing to do with their discussions.


That's very likely what will happen in the books. The ground was clearly laid out for that, with that wildling prologue in ADWD, among many other hints. More tragically, that's likely what happened with Robb as well: https://youtu.be/-AUwOIjA1v4


Yea I think in the books all of the Stark children have warging dreams, but in the show they only showed them happening to Bran


I have mixed feelings about it. Take their opinion about Jaime for instance, do you suggest that the contradictions in his arc are due to the writing, or do you keep them wondering and disappointed? It's not all pros or all cons.


We need to find a solution for these comments. Maybe the uncut needs to be at a higher price point to try to weed out some of the commenters who like to spoil or troll everyone instead of having useful conversation. That way, S&P can read the comments on the uncut and not on the regular. Not sure how this problem could be resolved but honestly i’ve been in this community since season 1 and have only started interacting with comments for season 5 / 6 because they are my favorite. However, some of these comments really ruin the entire point of paying for a community like patreon.


Man I just love this season!


Season 6 is good, but you could really see the decline in the quality of the writing in terms of the progression of the story. Roose Bolton and Baylon Greyjoy were just killed out of nowhere without any buildup and Ramsay became an overpowered comic book villain.


I'm with pudgey I love finding continuity errors.

Daniel Castro

I can't wait until you get to the sword of the morning.


Their discussions are the best part. Never in my lifetime did i think i would sit their and listen to 2 people talk and enjoy it more than the actual reaction lmao


Rich people are as likely to throw spoilers as anyone else. Worst solution ever suggested dude😂 But i get it there must be a way to dial it down


Its really the only deity/religion(at least up to this point) that has shown itself to be more than tales.


You guys are awesome this has been hella fun to watch. The anticipation and hope were just beautiful. :) Thank you. Here is a funny story about this. Kit Harington ( Jon Snow ) talks about a funny encounter with a policeman regarding his fate ( whether he lived or died ) on the show. short clip: https://youtu.be/sn8ptplqQ38


Agreed, could listen to them reading off a phone book, they'd find something to crack up on and start the banter. They are really entertaining and the chemistry is undeniable.

J_Fley .

Why does it seem weird Tristane would paint those for his betrothed/girl he loved? Seems like a pretty simple task to do for someone you cared for that died. Being "next in line" makes him emotionless?


Benjen was not forced to join the Night's Watch. It was his choice but we don't know exactly why. Only guesses and speculations.


At this point I really dont know what will I see next. The next book of GoT or Star Citizen out of alpha. :) ( gamer reference sorry if it went over )


@Mzuka: those discussions in the comments are never just limited to the one episode. And even if they were, episodes don't stand alone. This isn't an episodic show. Stuff you shit on in one episode will carry on. Ultimately, before people make these kinds of comments, I want them to think about why they are here paying for this reaction: Is it because you want to express or argue stuff that has been endlessly debated online for many years, stuff that you can literally express or argue in countless other places today... OR is it because you want to enjoy a reaction video by people who are new to the story and our grievances?

Augustine Lee

someone needs to make a meme of that Pudgey celebration dance at the end of the reaction.


Please forgive me for going off topic of this episode. I was trying to remember that the actor who plays Jaq’n Hagar left a video message for spartan and Pudgey. They played it on their channel. I hope I am not confusing them with someone else. It just seems like this is where it was. If any of the mods might know? Some people interested in joining patreon were talking about it.

Sean Carroll

so many people are incorrectly commenting about Rooses death. You're all saying that Ramsay killed him but you're wrong. Roose was poisoned by their enemies.

Nicole Herd

I always think the greatest tragedy in the show is that Roose was poisoned by his enemies.


Most people had the same theory of Johns resurrection as you guys. The difference is we had to wait longer to see if it was true. The actor for John literally had to tell people he was dead for the whole year and convince everyone it was true.


I would say Roose definitely had plently of buildup with Ramsey being worried about the baby and Roose always mentioning it .


Yes I love the Tyrion dragon scene aswell his story about wanting a dragon as a child was so heartbreaking and he has always loved dragons.


Favourite part about Johns resurrection is Ghost sensing someone is happening before he even wakes up.


Balon's death may seem random but it's actually accurate to the books. It happens in Book 3 (A Storm of Swords), and although we don't "see" it from his perspective, it's suspected by many characters that his brother, or an assassin, pushed him from the bridge on Pyke. The reason it felt so sloppy in the show was because we see him die in his first appearance on-screen since Season 3, almost as if the writers were carelessly tying up loose ends.


Such a shame that Lord Bolton got poisoned by his ennemies 😔, we probably all would've preferred a more violent death for him. And John's back ! I'm so glad for you, the wait must've been dreadful. I know when I first watched the series I didn't even think of Melisandre bringing him back to life so it was quite hard. I also like Davos' theory about gods in this episode. I think in the GOT universe they might just be mindless sources of energy (or even maybe just straight up not exist, and the magic comes from people like Melisandre or the Targaryens/Valyriens, not gods). That would explain why there are so many different gods, yet none of them seem to really intervene or do anything, so all of them would just be the people's interpretation of magic around them.

Stannis loves grammar.

the lord of Light is a bit of a LARRIKIN ISN'T HE? MATE,Never a truer fair dikum.


It's common for the younger male's of family, as they are not set to inherit anything


and ya'll thought the sparrows would be the end of Cersei... hilarious...


Spartan looks like the lord of Light has answered your prayers. Now you have to offer him the sacrifice you pledg 😁 that is sooooo funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Well Pudgey you have been jabbing my boy for so long it's about time to return the favor 😉. Jon Snow is back game on, the real GoT. May house Spartan be the Victor at the end.


Please remove this comment, as it violates our spoiler rules about hinting at future episodes. Please see the Spoiler Rules posted above and on every video that is posted. Thanks!


@Kayla please remove this comment as it violates our spoiler rules about hinting at future events. Please see our spoiler rules posted above. Thanks! :)


i just said what spartan said?


spartan said quote, he “can’t wait to see son v son, bastard v bastard,” and i just said it’s gonna be interesting.


He's predicting and he doesn't know anything, while you're confirming something that's not happened yet. It's a major spoiler dude


Gold. In the book it alludes to Jon warging into Ghost before he died. The insignificant manner of some deaths is all just Game of Thrones to me. Great analysis by the way. Season 6 is The GOAT.


Well, we were introduced to Jon Arryn by meeting his corpse. And Hoster Tully. No one complained about that. Who really cares? They are all minor characters dying for something greater.


I have to disagree with your assessment of Theon from seasons one and two. He always struck me as arrogant and overly self-important. If Theon showed up at the Wall, Jon would kill him on sight for betraying Rob. No question about it.

ramon carter

i was just like you guys knew it was gonna happen because there would be no reason to have the red woman return to castle black also that stare down between john and the night king would be for nothing


Tbf it was never really much of a surprise for people even when watching it live. Basically everyone knew Jon was coming back. It was all over the internet and how Kit was on set for all the filming of season 6. They tried to play it off as he was just on set to film his dead body but no one really bought that


Yes! The books heavily allude that all the Stark children are wargs

Amy Moquin

Yeah. I remember those reports everywhere. You couldn't even avoid them if you were trying to avoid spoilers. It sucked.

Amy Moquin

Hmmm. . .Has Spartan been peeking at the titles of episodes for this season?🤔😉


I liked how Spartan connected Lord Bolton’s disrespect of guest rights and lack of loyalty with how he died. Because he cared so little for honor, his death became rather ignoble.


Edd, Tormund and Davos... true friendship. Also free folk are my favourite people on Westeros. Not savages at all. The most noble and fair people. They will never forget what Jon did for them, in fact he died for them. True loyalty coming back to protect his body. Love them!


I get what you’re saying and you’re right. I’ve read the books a few times though and honestly won’t recommend them to anyone because we’ll never get another book from that fat toad GRRM. Really they’re already spoiled for everybody.


The first time I watched GoT, the killing of Jon GUTTED ME. I think I cried for like an hour after the episode. I genuinely thought he was gone and having to wait so long for the next season almost caused me to not come back.

Chef Nourhan Malik

“Next time i have an idea like that Punch me in the face” - Tyrion Lannister That’s basically me taking to myself after i have a bad idea and recognise it 😂🥷🏼

Chef Nourhan Malik

Lord of light i would sacrifice pudgey for this to happen - LMFAOooo Spartan 😂🤣


Yo book readers waited 5 years only for the show to answer the question of Jon