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Game of Thrones Reaction & Review S4 E4 'Oathkeeper'

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FIRST TIME Watching Game of Thrones! | 4x4 Reaction and Review | 'Oathkeeper'

Game of Thrones | Season 4 Episode 4 | Reaction & Review | "Oathkeeper" You read it correctly... We have NEVER watched Game of Thrones before! We are House of The Dragon fans, FINALLY starting our GoT journey! We are super excited for you to join us as we delve into the infamous world of GoT for the very first time! It's definitely been a long time coming... Buckle up, because it's going to be a long 8 seasons! Be warned, Winter is definitely coming... Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 10:26 Reaction: 10:27 - 34:17 Discussion/Review: 34:18 - 44:18 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandpudgey/?hl=en OUR DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/aPbnMXbYkM Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/cpaspartan #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #reaction



Locke volunteers for the ranging to capture or kill the mutineers. Pudgey:"I don't know if I trust him." Spartan: "I do." That's another great moment for the books folks. ;P


Why do SO MANY REACTORS forget that Roose Bolton expressly sent Locke to the wall to find and kill Bran/Rickon/Jon? To the extent that they remember him at all, it's as the guy who cut off Jaime's hand. Never as the Bolton bannerman that was sent to Castle Black just one or two episodes ago with a mission to terminate the remaining male Starks. Like, Roose Bolton literally said go to Castle Black and kill the Stark boys. This happens so often, we have to conclude that it's the show's fault somehow for failing to make this stuff clear. Maybe the showrunners should have given Locke red hair or something.


Oh Lady Olenna. Given the information we have now from Littlefinger and her, it's very interesting to re-watch everything Lady O said and did at the wedding. I don't think she was setting up Sansa, she even suggested that Sansa and Tyrion should get away to the Highgarden.


The writing around this part of the series is just phenomenal. So many layers to even minor characters. Good stuff guys, we really enjoy watching your minds getting blown lol.


“Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes I’ll impregnate the b*tch” the moment bron became one of my favourite characters unfiltered and hilarious. Not related to the episode just randomly popped into my head.


Jamie’s arc is incredible over the first four seasons.


Jamies so evil. He fights Ned stark in the street over something Ned didn’t do, pushes Bran out a window kills his cousin, sets up the betrayal of Rob stark with Lord bolton & even gives Lord bolton the last words he should pass on to Rob stark “the Lanisters send their regards” *GREAT LINE*, but people still think he’s noble, its weird lol I love evil Jamie

Rey Jr

Brother Jamie had no idea that the red wedding will happen


Jamie fought Ned who said he imprisoned his brother. And he’s at war with rob stark , so yeah.


About Jamie and Cersei, i feel like a lot of people do some mental gymnastics to spare Jaime from the bad stuff he does. He is a really grey character both in the books and in the tv show, he is not an honorable man but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any compassion or humanity inside him, thats what makes him intriguing. He's an antihero. But one must never forget he tried to kill Bran with a smile and showed no compassion afterwards, claiming he was better off dead, among many other things. About the "rape"? scene, in the books Cersei didn't want to do it at first and tried to stop him, even cried while yelling stop, just like we saw on the tv show, but at the end she ends up saying yes and wanting to have sex. So the scene is kinda accurate but it's missing a really important part, her saying yes afterwards. But it's still pretty questionable and says a lot about the bad side of him. (correct me if i'm wrong here been a while since i read the books) It's not a bad thing to like or even love him, i like him as a character too, but you have to understand what he is. He is not a monster but he's not a good person either. And that's fine.


Yep, I don't believe THIS MANY people just didn't pay attention. Especially these 2, they notice the smallest of details. Maybe if they included another short scene of him arriving to the wall or on his way there, it could have stuck more in people's mind.


Wow can't believe Daenerys bested the no name slave leaders. Really thought they would kill her off, what a twist!


I think that the show does a beautiful job of showing different motivations and ethos for Jamie and Cersei. They want the same thing, but for different reasons. They really are two sides of the same coin, literally (twins) and ethically.


He didn't know Ned wasn't responsible for that, Ned even lied and suggested he was to Jaime in that very scene. The Bran thing was terrible and his own fault for being in that situation, but it was to protect his life, his lovers, and his childrens lives. Tywin setup the deal with Bolton, not Jaime, but even if he had, what of it. They are at war. Robb would have killed them all if he could. Jaime is definitely not a good person overall, even if he sometimes tries to be, he is very much a grey character, but sometimes I wonder if people are just projecting their own feelings and characterizations over top of the story the show is telling for these characters.


"but you have to understand what he is. He is not a monster but he's not a good person either. And that's fine." Certainly agree with this.


I think what he meant is he expected a more prolonged siege or battle given how large and prominent the city is.


I think you can definitely say that Cersei brings out the worst in him.


Agree with @Julien's puzzlement 100%. This guy is the leader of Bolton's "best hunters" - big close up of his face with the flayed man banners behind him BTW. Is ready to rape Brienne and cuts off Jaime's hand. Makes Jaime drink horse-piss, and threatens to cut his other hand. Throws Brienne into a pit with a bear for entertainment. When Bolton and his men arrive at the Dreadfort, he is buddy, buddy with Ramsey telling him how much he would have enjoyed seeing the Kingslayer crying when he chopped off his hand. Is sent to Castle Black by Roose Bolton with the express mission of finding and getting rid of the Stark kids, and also kill Jon Snow... I mean, how many more scenes did we need???... Perhaps he should have told Jon that he fake-joined the Nights Watch because he was sent to kill a couple of kids that have gone beyond the wall while twirling his moustache??? LOL


I truly DO NOT understand how people can think that Jaime had ANYTHING to do with the Red Wedding!!!... It is not like he had access to Twitter and saw his father's plan in his mentions... Bolton just used Jaime's phrase - and it is a pretty common phrase at that - because, I guess, he enjoyed the irony of it all...


To be fair, regarding his attempt at killing Bran, what exactly was he supposed to do in that situation? If he let Bran go, there is high probability that him, Cersei, Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella all get executed by Robert. He is a more honorable character than most on the show (outside of Jon Snow and Ned Stark). If not for Cersei's influence on him, he would be top tier honorable.


Worth mentioning Jon's sword is called Longclaw, which is also another valryian steel sword.


It's not so much about what he did, but more about the lack of remorse he showed afterwards. He went for the kill so casually, even had the time to make a joke about it. And also, getting rid of people because you made a mistake is not exactly the definition of honorable. A honorable man is willing to face the consecuences of their own mistakes. But i know there are a lot of Jaime fans out there (for a good reason, great complex character) so i can understand their point of view.


Didn;t mean to trash them. Was talking about how predictable her story has been thus far. One of the reasons being the villains are no name characters with no backstory. She needs a rival who feels as important as her for me to actually feel like there would be a threat.


Maybe keep it in your pants and don't fuck the queen when you're in unknown territory @ken donato


I know I'm going to get hate for this, but I agree with you fully - so far her storyline has been very repetitive for me personally after she was abandoned by the Dothraki (before her leaving Qarth I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her scenes). It doesn't help that her enemies share the one reason for being bad. (I get it, she's at Slaver's Bay, has been freeing the slaves, but _some_ variance would have been nice to have even so far.) But I'm not hating about her or everything about her story thus far, she has had some epic scenes, for example getting the Unsullied etc. Just the repetitive structure of the narrative thus far has been bugging me, making me feel a bit disinterested lately.


@Sudden don't you think that both extreme opinions exist? Many people sooo want to believe that Jaime is a good person that they get personally offended if Jaime shows bad behaviour, for example: we know that the love scene in the sept is a poorly handled consensual scene, but if it were to be a rape scene, would it really seem out of character? He could easily have done it. We don't need to feel entitled to defend Jaime by blaming the director. It's nice to mention that this scene was consensual in the books, but not for the sake of showing Jaime's innocence once again. I'm writing all that to say that at this point in the series, people try so badly to "acquit" him of any crimes just cause they love him, which leads me to usually point out Jaime's bad deeds to balance a bit, cause he's not meant to be portrayed as innocent just cause we love him.


I watched this series many years ago, I don't even remember how long ago. I have been watching it again with you and I am really surprised how many things I had forgotten. Beloved characters I had forgotten about. ty for choosing this show, I am enjoying watching it again even though some parts are so brutal. I have PTSD so some parts are really hard to watch but I still do have some favorites in there, some of which you haven't met yet.


I think the lack of a big villain for her at this point is because that's not the purpose behind this part of her story. Hard to explain too much without going into spoiler territory, but I understand why people feel this way and am not trying to dismissive of it.


@Sudden: Yeah, for me the problem really is just the structure, I could even have the no name villains if the structure of these past few conquests had been arranged with a bit more variation to allow more nuance in the narrative (though the best combo would be variation in the opponents and variation in the narrative structure).


Do you guys watch the previously on recap before each episode?