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Game of Thrones Uncut Reaction S4 E1 'Two Swords'

Full Length Reaction Guide

We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync.

Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen.

Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0.

These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video.

We hope you enjoy the video!

Love Spartan & Pudgey


Full Length GoT S4 E1

Full Length Reaction Guide We take copyright law very seriously, so you will have to sync up our reaction to your own version of the show/movie. To help, we have a range of guiding tools throughout the reaction to help you sync up with us, including a small snippet of the scene to ensure you are in sync. Any instances in which you see the screen cut, this means we’ve had technical difficulties or have skipped a potential disruptions/bloopers. This means you will need to sync up your copy of the show again, if we are unable to edit these cuts seamlessly into the next scene. An updated timecode will be provided on the screen. Anytime we pause, there will be timer/countdown on screen to prompt you. So if we’re about to pause, there’ll be a countdown, and you are expected to pause as the number reaches 0. The same will happen when we press play after pausing. You will press play as the number reaches 0. These reactions DO NOT include our intros and discussions. You will have to refer to the original edited version of the video. We hope you enjoy the video! Love Spartan & Pudgey



also get ready for a goated season


The only negative thing I can say about your reactions is that the next episode can never come soon enough. It's way too enjoyable, and I wished I could binge them way into the future xD


Oberyn ❤️ The line "What the f is a Lommy?" never gets old for me, the delivery was perfect. I really liked this episode overall, for example Jaime's sarcasm with Cersei ("Days?" "Rather a short siege..."). Even though Jaime's snide front isn't his best self, he does serve good lines for us. Tyrion and Sansa's interaction moved me.


Same unpopular opinion as before: Jaime ran away from Robb's camp to get back to Cersei, not to strengthen Tywin's position in the war, he killed his cousin to get back to Cersei, he accepted Cat's proposition to get back to Cersei, and he tried to fight Brienne on the road to get rid of his promise to Cat most probably. He killed the mad king for his father, not the innocent. He only got humbled when he lost his hand, thus his identity. I love him, but I'd be looking at his character very superficially if i was to believe he had been a good person from the beginning and before his hand was cut off.


People do this a lot with fictional characters. They redeem them very quickly the moment they show some decency. I ESPECIALLY hate the “he was protecting his family” excuse for trying to kill Bran. I guess pushing 10 y/os out of windows is understandable if the goal is protect your family from the consequences of incest and treason. I guess I am closer to Stannis on this: I don’t think good deeds so easily wash out monstrous evil. And maybe if you don’t fuck your sister and cuck the king, you don’t get faced with the choice of whether to murder a child.


*MODERATOR MESSAGE - SPOILER RULES, please upvote to bring this to the top!: Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Spoiler comments will be deleted, and quickly.* *You can talk about anything within reason but please:* *1.* No show spoilers *2.* No book spoilers that don't follow the flavor lore exception. No debate! *3.* No character/character arc spoilers *4.* No future event/episode hints or spoilers *5.* No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out. *6.* Avoid setting expectations with any specifics that can lead to them figuring things out they shouldn't, such as "it was good until X season", "don't get attached to x character", "wait until you get to episode X" *7.* No trailer, promo etc. spoilers. *Flavor Lore Exceptions:* Anything that does NOT contain spoilers, to help provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. Explaining the Kingsguard's celibacy oath or how the last names of b-stards names work are examples. Be careful with this please!! *Join us in our Game of Thrones Discord Channel!:* Spoiler talk for the show and books is allowed here IF using spoiler tags! -We now have specific channels for all currently watched shows. You may discuss spoiler material in those discord channels, but you MUST use the spoiler hiding blocks. -If you are unsure if it is okay to post, ask yourself: A) Has the show explained this up to this point? B) If not, does it fall under flavor lore where it will not impact their reaction or experience in any negative way to know this info? +Any questions or concerns? Please DM a mod on the Discord. Thank you! Moderation Team.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. I think it is quite common in fact. The only thing I disagree with here is the Mad King killing motivation. I think that was a very complicated situation and it can't be boiled down to a single reason.


I think the Bran argument depends on how its made. You can still recognize Jaime was a terrible person and fully to blame for putting yourself in that situation of committing incest and treason, and it wasn't Bran's fault that he stumbled upon these acts (and reckless at that) by Jaime and Cersei that put Jaime and Cersei into that situation with Brain in the first place. At the same time one can see why that was the main motivation for pushing Bran out the window. George Martin even explained that he went around his town and asked people about this scenario and if they would have done it and what they would think of someone that had done it, both by itself and with the addition of the consequences for the person (Jaime, Cersei and family in this case) for not doing so, and that they answers he got to the two scenarios were very different for most people, with the latter one resulting in a lot of people justifying it to themselves.


@Sudden Many people blame Jaime yes, and many defend him, but both for wrong reasons (in general) IMO. At this point Jaime has made it clear, for the most part he doesn't care about anything in the world except Cersei. You can blame him for it or you can defend him. I actually love him for it, he has always been truly loyal to her. And for the mad king part, if Aerys was still strong and could crush the rebellion, Tywin would have sided with him, and Jaime would have never killed him IMO. I guess we'll never know


Hmm, a fair enough opinion. I'd bring up some stuff from the Jaime chapters in the books to better explain my own position, but that is something that would have to be left to the Discord. That said, yes, George likes making things muddled, complex and grey, and sometimes there isn't always a clear answer, or there are multiple answers but the actual ranking of those answers is a bit blurry and open to interpretation by the reader.


@Sudden Yeah I know what hints you are referring to in the books. My opinion wouldn't be exactly the same if we were to take the books into consideration. I was talking exclusively about the show here, since S&P's opinions are not influenced by the books, and there's actually a considerable difference in character building and small details between GOT and ASOIAF for Jaime (not gonna say more but i think you get what i mean).


Tormund was definitely NOT watching in the background when Ygritte shot Jon. That's why in this episode Tormund was so surprised to find out that Jon was still alive... remember he got angry and confronted Ygritte, accusing her of letting Jon go... He says "You SAID you put 3 arrows in him" to which she responds "I did". So no he was not present at the time. Ygritte was alone.


Like Sudden said, though, people are not black and white - there is no absolutely good or bad Jaime even before he lost his hand. He did a lot of things Cersei in mind, but that does not make him purely evil before losing his hand, either (the 'Things I do for love' line is used to convey how he knows pushing Bran is horrible and how he acknowledges the reason he chooses the wrong thing, and in this ep he used 'I murdered people' as a proof of his devotion i.e. he knows he did a bad act in that as well). Like real people, he can do bad things and regret it, or at least know it wasn't right and have self-loathing as a result. But he has done bad stuff anyway sometimes for the reasons he has mentioned. That makes him a great grey character. Then on some occasions, like with rescuing Brienne from rape or stepping in front of her on the bridge, he acts well, according to values of a knight. Turns his head away in shame when Stark men taunt Brienne with the same words Jaime used against her previously. Smacks his own man for cheating in a fight against Ned. And I think we already discussed the Mad King situation in an earlier episode so I'm not going to go into it again but to say again that I don't agree that Tywin was his only motivation. (And I think it's a weird argument that Jaime wouldn't have killed Aerys if Tywin had sided with him - of course not since it was Tywin who sacked the city and caused Aerys' decision to wildfire everyone? So if Tywin hadn't come to the city to sack it, wildfire wouldn't have been necessary?) All of these are just examples of time before his hand was lost. With Jaime, his core values are brought forward to the audience usually in the middle of smaller scenes, which is brilliant. Even the action of him slamming the Book of Brothers shut in this episode is used as a way to show what his feelings are in that scene. What makes Jaime's character interesting is his inner battle of 'should I act the way my values say I should, or will I act the way that would contribute to my love for Cersei/my family/etc' (as demonstrated in this ep when Brienne confronted Jaime about Sansa).

Rey Jr

Very good comment. Like you said George likes making complex and grey characters. There is not always a clear answer and a lot is open for interpretation


@S. I agree for the most part, and I agree that we can see Jaime's thought process throughout the "meaningless" scenes where he's always fighting an inside battle between good and evil.


I meant that we have gotten to see Jaime's core values in those small moments more often than in big scenes. One line or meaningful look here, one there. Of course there are bigger more obvious scenes like his convo with Queburn that was all about how much Jaime disliked the idea of poor defenseless people used in experiments, or the convo with Ned, or Brienne in the bath, or Catelyn. Even with Brienne they started with 'Why do you hate me so much, have I ever harmed you?' and then later Jaime complained to her (when they were talking about how Brienne doesn't believe rumours/gossip) 'unless it's about me', i.e. they let the audience know that Jaime is not to be taken only as what is said about him. Even the way he talked with distain about the Stark men who raped and killed the tavern girls tells us that even then, before his hand was cut, he wasn't all rotten. He's grey.

Ailene Evangelista

This is the first uncut reaction I've watched with you guys. It was fun cause it feels more like we're in the same room and we're watching together lol.


Why am I only seeing half of this video? I’m only seeing scenes from the waist down. What happened? And there’s no sound. I paid 8.50. Please help?


It's due to copyright - they can't show whole screen for full episodes, same with the sound. I advise that you watch the ep first by yourself and then their full reaction. That way you can focus on their reaction alone and remember what happened on the show even though you see only half the screen.


Read the caption on the video, it'll be easier for you to accommodate. I usually play the GOT episode on my phone and play the reaction on the laptop at the same time. Sync it and you're good to go. Otherwise, some people play both of them on the laptop but it's gonna be harder for you to sync them.


Showing the full video or video with extensive audio is explicitly illegal and can result in not only the videos being taken down by youtube+the rights holder but potentially get the reactors into a litigious situation. This is why almost all reactors either show no video, obfuscated video, half-cut video, and very limited audio or no audio. The video box is simply there for you to sync up your own material with theirs so that you can watch the full length uncut with them. This is how it works for almost all reactions channels. If you wish to see full parts of the episode with audio and full screen then there are the edited version of the reaction, but they can only show a certain amount of clean video and audio per episode unless they want to risk the same legal consquences, so they edit around their own reactions and important content, like most reactors. Hope this clears things up and I hope you enjoy the current and future content!


Thank you guys for responding. This all seems so difficult and I haven’t a clue of how to do this. Lol…my mind is blown just thinking about it.


5 days without a GOT episode is criminal. jk, just want to watch the next one with you guys so badly lol

Maurice Jamian Cupido

Some crazy timing with Joel Martell showing up jus to as TLOU started


Ned's sword....not Robb