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People asked me to post these and I keep forgetting about it! I guess you guys should indeed get the full res images as a bonus, maybe I should upload all the old comics on here too sometime XD I dunno, I think I saved them all in different formats in the past, but would that be something you're all interested in?




I am 100% interested in getting all the precious images in full res because this comic deserves to have everything in full res


Oh man. Her face even puffed out. X3


Also, let’s see just how this climax’s! Will she give off one final burp? Will the heroes get to her In Time? Will she go kaboom? Or will this all end in something far less lady like for all parties involved?!


Absolutely love how puff and blimpy Suki is getting as she gets bigger and bigger. And yeah, I would be down to see all the past pages here in full res. ;)

Cinna-man Spice

Never thought she would get this big? Quite the progeria’s Suki had made!

Anthony Orlandi

I’m interested in seeing the old comics posted here