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WUPS I'm sorry for the delay! I wanted to submit this yesterday but the stupid site was down or something and then I had to leave! Anyways, this is the finished pic for January, a bit late since the animation, illness, and travel got in the way last month ;3; Thank you all for your patience on it, and I'll be MUCH more prompt this month! But the image portrays Berserker Tamamo no Cat large and fat and nomming cake with no end in sight! I mean, she can stay in MY kitchen as long as she wants >;3




Cute! :3


Dawwww... that so cute and sexy


Best wife in the series!


She's cute as hell! X3


She stays longer in your kitchen she will fill it :)

MaboCorescant (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 18:13:56 Yeah! I really like her <3
2019-02-04 15:48:46 Yeah! I really like her <3

Yeah! I really like her <3

MaboCorescant (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 18:13:56 SUCH a horrible fate &gt;;3
2019-02-04 15:48:55 SUCH a horrible fate >;3

SUCH a horrible fate >;3