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Having had the thought to go look over Octavia and her transformation and whether hers was done or not I went into the dropship, climbed the ladder making sure that nobody was woken.

There were still some of the 100 that still slept on the dropship in a hammock, this was due to it not only being the safest location at camp but also because there wasn't enough cabins out there.

We had prioritised hunters and guards out there and the most important or most contributing personnel their own cabins.

This was both a play to make people more motivated to show off and do more, they would do this with the intent of being recognised and gaining their own cabins which the camp in its entirety would benefit.

This was also so that if we were ever attacked, the hunters and guards outside would be able to hold and fight while the non combatants would stay in the safely of the dropship and if possible, close it if the hunters and guards are overwhelmed.

This would become unlikely though in the coming days with all the counter measures I'd be making and putting in place.

I climbed till the third floor and found that the guards weren't the only ones there.

There was a hunter and guard guarding the entrance of the floor, all two I knew and were also female which I appreciated as I didn't think I'd like guys guarding an unconscious Octavia, no matter if they were ‘my’ people.

Munroe was the hunter guarding O alongside Harper.

Giving them a nod of approval they simply hit their spears into the ground, this was the new standard salute nowadays I've found.

But aside from the two there was also Clarke and Raven, this suprised me for moment but I shrugged it off.

“ Hey you two, what are you doing here?” I asked nonchalantly as I sat besides O laying on the ground and raised an eyebrow as immediately there were some changes.

Her her was silkier, skin glossy and clean, her muscles became firmer but didn't increase muscle volume in any way but just added power into them.

Not only that but I could also see some differences, she had become even more beautiful with some traits and features increasing her beauty by a notch.

“ We're just here to look at the transformation, it's incredible you know, she's going through evelotion in a single day in a way that should have took hundreds of years of generations.” Said Clarke enthusiastically.

“ If I'm gonna be as pretty as she is becoming then I don't mind eating my fruits right now.” Said Raven half jokingly, a bit of what I saw as hope smeared on her face.

If I had to wonder as to what that was all about then I'd think this was a effort to bring Finn back into loving her again.

‘ Damn, this girl and that boy....’ I thought with an internal sigh.

I knew that getting Raven or Clarke would be hard if I didn't immediately go for them in the case of Clarke and in Ravens case would need Finn to get out of the picture permanently, she truly loved Finn after all seeing as how far back they went together and Finn having been there for her since they met.

‘ Oh well, I can wait....’ I thought with a small shrugg.

“ Yeah well, you can do that after a day or two till we see the effects of my potion.” I told them thinking of creating another batch of my Growth Potion later today as I was pretty sure it would run out after today.

“ You're not gonna stop calling your mixtures potions huh?” Said Raven with a scoff looking at me playfully.

“ Hey, they have effects that are bordering magical so why not call them potions?” I defended with a small pout which caused them to softly laugh.

So with that I spent my morning chatting and getting even closer to the two girls, I saw that some tension and even resentment washed over Raven for Clarke as we talked.

They had been getting along nicely before the whole Finn getting stabbed and then muttering Clarke's name in his sleep happened, so watching them chat between themselves with familiarity and mischievous quips was enjoyable.


“ Okay, everyone gather up!” Said Miller standing besides me on the table which housed the containers of my growth potion.

Everyone who was able besides some guards manning the walls walked over to us, it was training hours so they weren't suprised by me calling them over.

“ Before training starts today you'll all be needed to drink some of these stuff, it's my own medical brew that will grant you increased gains and provide you with increased nutrients which will go to your physical development.” I said pulling stuff out if ass again just to make this more believable.

“ This stuff will increase your focus allowing you to learn faster, give you a huge energy boost that will keep you training for longer and if you take enough you'll become stronger and stronger.” I told them, this caused them to murmur and mutter to each other before Miller got the crowd back in order.

“ Is this why you're so....strong?” Asked one of the boys, a builder.

“ Yeah, amongst other things...” I said not suprised that they had noticed my unnatural strength, they weren't stupid after all.

“ So if we drink this and start training we will also become as strong as you?” Asked a girl, one of the girls I had taught before I took the leading role.

“ You'll need to drink a lot of this and train a lot but yeah, pretty much.” I told them, I didn't know whether they'd reach my point of strength or not but if they kept taking the potion then probably.

“ Just to show you all that this isn't some convulated plan to poison you all or some dumb idea like that, I'll drink first.” I said making them quiet down.

I poured myself the purple coloured potion brew I had concocted and downed it in one.

[—Ding! You've received a Growth Buff!]

[—Status Effect Tab added into The Status Screen!]

[—Status Of Effect: Growth Enhancement III— Stat Growth Increased by 500%, Skill Training Experience increased by 500%, Ability Growth Increased by 350% for 24 hours.]

‘ Huh?....that's new.’


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