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I tracked the deer marks for a good distance away from the dropsite but after a while I found it, grazing a small clearing not far away.

Grabbing my bow I then grabbed one metal alloy tipped arrow and cocked it back with the bow and found it extremely easy with my improved strength and the bow's capabilities.

I breathed in and steadied my arrow and aimed and let the arrow loose.


The arrow lodged itself straight into the deers head and after the natural spasm it fell to the ground dead.

Grinning I walked over to the thing found it already dead so I simply pulled my arrow out and found it still as sharp so I put it back on my quiver.

Then I grabbed some vines off my inventory and tied the thing on my back and started getting back to the dropsite already knowing that I would be causing a reasonable stir.


I walked inside the camp to the eyes of everyone staring at me in both shock and amazement, this wasn't only due to the large deer i had on my back though but because of the weopons on my persons.

I also noticed Octavia being tended by her brother from a bit away and they too were staring at me, mostly Bellamy though who looked at me with a frown.

I ignored their stares and instead walked over to the centre where a ranging fire at, I grabbed a log and plopped the carcass close to it before sitting down and taking out one of my throwing knives and began skinning the thing.

I grabbed at my skill [Crafting] analysing as much knowledge as I could from items made out of pelt in order to gain a picture of what the final piece should look like, this though gave way to something as a screen suddenly appeared alongside a burst of knowledge.

[—New Skill Learnt: Harvesting[Lv-1/10]-]

And just like that I began skinning the thing faster and faster learning through my slight mistakes while using the new skills granted mastery and 10 minutes later I was done skinning it.

And it was at that moment that a couple of boys came close by looking at my game with hunger but I could not see any ill will from them so I let them be and state their purpose with a glance at them.

“ Do...do you need some help?” A girl from their group asked.

“ Do you know how to cook deer?” I asked with a raised eyebrow as I cut a few strips and chunks of the deer and put them in a cloth bag I had found in the bunker.

“ Uh...we can try.” A boy said making me chuckle and shake my head but then I saw Clarke walking out along with Wells, they immediately saw me and widened their eyes seeing my gear and the deer I had infront of me.

I caught their eyes before ignoring them and tended to my deer, I grabbed a stick and stuck it into the deer and created a platform so that the deer meat would be above the flames to slowly roast.

“ Watch over my deer and tend to it while I'm gone and you'll earn your share, how is that?” I said looking at the 4 boys and girl.

Immediately they nodded and I told them a bit on how to cook the deer and what to look out for, this prompted my system to blink into existence again.

[—New Skill Learnt: Teaching[Lv-1/10]-]

‘ Useful....’ I thought before focusing on instructing them further already seeing the difference as my dialect and wording changed just a bit to be noticeable.

And just as I had thought, Clarke followed by a frowning Wells who stared at me wearily came over as I finished telling the 5 teens how to take slow-roast the deer.

“ Hey, you.” Called out Clarke being me, turning to her I gave her an inquisitive look.

“ Where did you get those?” She asked pointing at my attire and plethora of weopons.

“ Don't you think that's a bit forward, we don't know each other for me to be sharing that kind of information.” I told her grabbing the strips and pieces of meat I set aside and gave it to the girl I found out was called Sally for safekeeping.

“ Hey, there's no need to be a jerk now.” Wells said walking close to me passing Clarke who kept a good metre of distance away from me.

“ And like I said, why would I divulge my secrets to people I barely know?” I stood by my words staring straight at Wells.

“ Wells Stop!” Clarke half-shouted grabbing wells by the shoulder and pulling him back before looking back at me. “ I'm sorry it's just that we might need weopons such as yours, a friend of ours was attacked and kidnapped by a grounder, we're about to look for him so we thought you might know a place where we could arm ourselves....”

“ Oh. Well sorry princess, these were the only weopons I found and I don't like sharing you see.” I said with a shrugg causing her to frown before she looked at me resolutely.

“ Then please come with us, by the looks of it you know how to use that bow seeing as you caught a deer with it.” She said staring at the deer that the 5 teens were tending to with hungry eyes.

“ Mmmmm, now why would I risk my life and equipment to save this friend of yours again?” I asked folding my hands together looking at her with amusement.

“ I...fine, what will it take for you to come with us?” Aske

“ Well, if you want me to come with you and protect you while we're at it, I want 3 favors from you to be called in at anytime.” I said causing Wells to immediately frown and grow angry probably thinking I would use the favours for something obscene.

“ Make it two and we have a deal.” Clarke counteroffered making me grin at her and nodding.

“ That's a deal then, when do we leave?” I agreed immediately as I had actually wanted to come along this time, I needed to kill that panther and also I didn't want Bellamy gaining more power and influence over the 100 and turning it into a shithole.

“ Right now.” Clarke said with a triumphant smile before turning and walking off followed by a frowning Wells.

I walked behind them and was followed by Murphy and Bellamy who stared at me unhappy about something.

‘ Meh, Bellamy is always sulking so no need for me to worry.’ I thought walking behind Clarke and Wells.


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