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  • Oliver wakes up, smells breakfast. Since he wouldn’t open the door, Bradley let himself in and started cooking. Asks if Oliver minds. It takes him a sec to answer no, not really. He’s just used to Bradley by now.

  • Breakfast is good but he feels a little bad since it makes him want Mia’s cooking. Bradley endeavors to pack it with more love next time around and Oliver says please don’t.

  • On the topic of love, he fills Bradley in on some more of the details he skipped out on and tells him about watching Zoe’s stream last night. Bradley is proud of Oliver’s progress on accepting his bigamist inclinations. Oliver is disgruntled but says he was getting tired of swimming upstream, and… he can’t really deny that he gets crushes fast. Openly admits his interest in Zoe.

  • Bradley does his job and helps Oliver feel better about it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone, which Oliver never would.

  • Bradley encourages him to make the most of this weekend. Oliver feels a little bad that Bradley will be left out. Says maybe he can see if Bradley can come over on Saturday since it sounds like Becca might be coming over that day too but Bradley is genre savvy and has no intention of cockblocking.

  • He has a chance to get closer to Zoe and Mia this weekend so Bradley should be the last thing on his mind. He will appear if things need to be done. Otherwise, he’ll stay out of it. Focus on the task at hand. Develop your heroines and gain LP.

  • This gets Oliver’s conviction going. Bradley proposes an idea while they’re at it. Asks if Oliver has looked into ways to alleviate Mia’s wrist pain in his skill tree. He hasn’t. Bradley recommends Massage. Oliver is easily swayed because it is an indispensable skill for any boyfriend to have, regardless of Mia’s wrist pain or not.

  • It’s a Smarts skill. He buys lvl 2 and asks Bradley about Smarts, if they actively make him smarter or what. Bradley says it’s more like a wisdom stat. Gotcha. Bradley points out how much of a chronic over thinker Oliver is and says that him getting smarter would likely only make that worse. The thought actively terrifies Oliver.

  • They go to work and we get a quick scene pre morning meeting. Mia is there, but she’s visibly grumpy. Oliver asks what’s up and she didn’t enough sleep. Him too. What’s your excuse? I was up watching Zoe’s stream. Mia asks him about it. He sees what Mia meant, Zoe seems… very into her work.

  •  He asks why Mia slept bad. Too absorbed in your work? Kind of. She hit an artists block and kept trying to force herself out of it. Still isn’t feeling very inspired today, either. Could really use a flash of inspiration.

  • This triggers another heart lock and Oliver is very annoyed. It’s a style one. He excuses himself for a second and goes to the bathroom to try and brute force this lock. He buys 4 style skills to get his stat up to 5. Vogueing 1&2 (posing good), hairstyling 1, and smiling 1.

  • He comes back out and decides to go in swinging, asking if maybe having a model would snap her out of her funk. She’s interested. To make his point he but strikes a dashing pose and smiles. He’s embarrassed but it works and Mia’s 2nd heart lock shatters. He wishes the first one was this easy.

  • It reinforces to him that the answer to all his problems really is just to save up LP and spend it reactionarily like so.

  • Stacy comes in now and comments on how things seem like they’re going good. She then notices Mia’s collar, looks at Oliver, and makes a joke about it. Mia isn’t ashamed.

  • Oliver has a small moment with Stacy where they touch base, we get reminded that things are a little awkward now after her official apology. He’s still not in a rush to farm LP from her, but he isn’t against it anymore, either.

  • Tessa comes in frustrated as ever. She, too, pauses after seeing Mia’s collar. She looks between her and Oliver, both blushing. She goes over to them before the meeting and tries to politely ask if this is going to be a problem. She doesn’t want to be the bad boss and split them up, but-

  • Oliver tries to get on her good side, saying if you think you have to then we aren’t gonna argue or something like that. Tessa appreciates him treating it maturely, small aff boost. She gives them the benefit of the doubt and isn’t gonna do anything for now.

  • Starts morning meeting but has nothing really to say except for that she needs someone’s help with something extra this morning. She has some office furniture that needs building and offers to kick someone a few extra bucks for it. Bradley nudges him but Oliver was gonna volunteer anyway. He makes sure Mia wouldn’t mind, gets teased for chasing his satisfaction pings but gets the go ahead.

  • Tessa is mildly surprised. Has no objections. Everyone goes off to do their things, Oliver is told to drag some furniture out where some guys are gonna pick it up later.


  • Dragging the furniture out was easy, his new strength coming in handy all the time. It’s the building part that sucks. He’s not very good at this and is worried it’s gonna cost him some points for doing a shitty job. He’s tempted to look and see if there’s a furniture assembly skill but he’s wasted enough LP for today.

  • He gets through everything despite it all and Tessa comes back (music change) as he’s almost finished with the last bit, building her desk. She actually went and got coffee from one of the recent shops. She’s having a rough start and got him one too, to be nice.

  • Oliver notices she’s trying to do that more lately.

  • Tessa counters noting that he’s had more balls lately. He gets nervous and she clarifies that yeah, she’s been too harsh on him and she’s felt pretty bad that it took him reminding her of his mental illness to realize that.

  • Oliver feels like this might be a chance to learn more about her and asks why she was rough on him. Tessa is hesitant to answer. He gets it out of her, though. It’s a mix of things. Most of all, men generally annoy her. It’s not you, it’s me.

  • He’s stunned that she’s so blatant about it. She brings up their talk about biases the other day. It’s hard not to let them color your world after a certain point.

  • He asks why him, though. She doesn’t have an answer, just rubbed her the wrong way. Seriously? I guess it bothered me seeing you squander your youth. Until lately you’ve given off the impression of someone who goes home every day, gets high, and jacks off. 

  • You’re… not wrong. He still thinks it’s shitty to dislike him for that.

  • Yeah well I never said I wasn’t shitty. Only that I’m going to try and be better. If you catch me being a bitch again or I disregard your feelings, please point it out. I’m not going to fire you for it. She wants to be better, but…

  • He feels pain from her when Tessa explains that it’s so fucking hard to give a damn about anything these days.

  • You care about your sister’s cats.

  • She sighs. They’re my fucking cats, Oliver, I don’t have a sister. And they’re all she has. He asks what about this store. She laughs, she never fucking wanted this place. She’s just stuck with it and doesn’t want to trust it to anyone else.

  • Things have gotten a little heavy and it’s awkward now. She apologizes. Reiterates that she really does want to start trying to give a shit again. Feels a little inspired by seeing him get his shit together.

  • There’s a pretty big aff boost to reflect this, like 25 or so. Her issues run really deep but it’s big progress. He thanks her and promises to try and hold her to it.

  • Tessa asks if he’s almost done, still needs a few more minutes. She awkwardly tries to make casual conversation with him. Asks if he had anything to do with Mia’s ‘sick day’ yesterday. He asks if she’ll get in trouble depending on his answer. No, just curious.

  • Oliver says they kind of needed a day off together after some stressful with her brothers. Tessa is mildly interested, asks. Is told about the boxing match and she laughs him off. Stacy and Bradley were there, too, though they can back me up.

  • She’s a little floored that he beat up two much bigger dudes just for Mia. Tessa even gets somewhat dreamy just thinking about it. Her guard slips and there’s a +5 aff boost as makes a comment about how she didn’t know he had it in him to be so romantic.

  • Oliver pursues this topic, asking if she has a thing for romantic shit like that. Just didn’t think people actually did things like that is all. Weren’t you married before?

  • Oliver obviously steps on a nerve but she reins it in and says three times, and none of them ever did anything half as romantic for her. Fourth times the charm? She laughs, having long since given up. He thoughtlessly jokes about the cats having given him that impression.

  • He worries this was too far but she lets it go. He’s just about done. It looks sturdy enough. Promises him an extra 25 for his work, minus how much his coffee cost. This is a joke and it’s awkward since he’s not used to that and it needs to be pointed out.

  • Oliver has a tricky idea to get some LP. He pretends his legs are asleep and asks if she’ll help him up. Bold of you to assume I don’t have back problems. You’re still young, boss. Wasn’t referring to my age.

  • He blushes and she is amused, offers him her hand and helps pull him up. He lingers, holding it for a couple seconds so that he gets the milestone for sure. He thanks her, she’s like you can let go now. What? She starts to blush and says if this is a game it’s not funny, he finally lets go.

  • Something weird happens. She is dazed and gets a small AFF boost from the skin to skin contact. Tessa dismisses him and the scene ends as he rejoins Mia. She teasingly asks any progress and Oliver considers the question and thinks he’s actually. She might not be as much of an ice queen as he thought.

After work

  • We get a brief rundown of how his day went. In short, well. All his new physical skills and increased strength meant that Mia had trouble keeping up with him and he didn’t have to focus hard to do his job. It was a breeze and 8 hours passed in a blink, for once.

  • They clock out together, gets paid, and Oliver asks Mia if she’s ready to go home. She teases him over calling her apartment home, asks if he’s thinking of taking up Zoe’s offer. He dismisses the idea but Mia backs off, taking his hand and smiling. Would love to go home with him.

  • So they do. Fast travel there and Zoe is on the couch playing her dock and going back between the phone again. She greets them casually (seems a little more irritable today) and Mia collapses on the couch, tired. Zoe should remark on him seeming more stylish.

  •  Oliver tries to be casual but he feels a little weirder about Zoe now. Like almost starstruck. Then he reminds himself that’s stupid, I made out with her yesterday. No reason to be afraid.

  • He sits with them and greets Zoe back, asks her about what she’s playing today and gets an answer. He asks if she’s doing good and she’s starting to get more stressed about not getting to stream. Mia points out that he watched a few of her streams last night.

  • Zoe is interested in this, it perks her up. She teases him asking if he liked it and so on. He did, she asks so what are you one of my simps now or what. He unintentionally blurts out yes and panics internally but decides to own it. She likes this, small aff boost. Everyone is vibing.

  • Oliver asks if they had any concrete plans for what they wanted to do today. Mia says she’s still waiting to hear from- gets a message from Rebecca, verifying she’ll come over tomorrow. It’s just the three of them tonight. Oliver tries to take initiative, says they could go out to eat.

  • Zoe shoots this down. She doesn’t really like leaving the house. What, like, ever? If I can help it, yeah. He isn’t surprised but it’s still disappointing. Assumes they’re gonna play a video game again, he gets the feeling it’s the only way to really interact with Zoe. Hopefully it’s something they can work on when her affection is further along.

  • Zoe finally sets all her shit down, though she looks visibly triggered by trying to ignore new messages. She figured they could play a game Mia could join in on today. Mia is interested, Zoe says it’s been a while since they played [stardew valley parody] and Mia is very excited at the prospect.

  • They used to play this a lot together back in high school. Oliver has heard of it, hasn’t played. Oliver says not everyone is like Zoe playing non stop all the time and she counters fair. Can get it on his Odyssey, he buys it for like $15 and it starts downloading.

  • They start playing once it’s done and Oliver gets told the basics and we see brief examples given about the game. Zoe is very helpful, her intimate knowledge about games is on display again. They all have a really good time messing around together on their farm.

  • If she’s not already there, Mia has full aff by now and heart event is pending.

  • At some point, Mia excuses herself to the bathroom and they pause. Zoe breaths a sigh of relief and takes the chance to look at her phone again. Oliver talks to her about it. She seems to really take pleasing her fans seriously. Zoe talks about it being important. He gives some examples from her stream that he liked, things that helped fan engagement.

  • That kinda stuff is basic she claims. Everyone does it. He asks her a bit more bluntly about why she is always in such a rush to reply to everyone. Cause it’s my job? He’s not trying to judge he just points out that she’s really serious about it.

  • Zoe looks like she might lose some aff but she doesn’t. She responds so much because she’s an attention whore who likes it when everyone is giving her praise and shit. Oliver is like wow you came out and said it. Laughs him off. 

  • Zoe talks about the thrill and Oliver picks up her addiction. Actually says he can kind of relate to an extent. She doesn’t follow. He says he thinks he has some kind of psychological need to feel loved and it’s been out of control lately. You got Mia, don’t you? Yeah and she knows about all this. It’s just that he’s been through a lot, so…

  • Zoe says so has she and that normal people don’t end up like the two of them. Luckily, they both have ways of getting their fix. You’ve got Mia, I’ve got my fans. Oliver thinks about it and ends up asking her if they’re enough. She looks like she might get mad again but asks what he means. He downplays it, saying he’s just worried about her, one attention whore to another.

  • Zoe accepts this, small aff boost. They’re enough, but even if they aren’t she’s got Mia, Rebecca, and you, my latest simp, I guess. He playfully goes along with it but still thinks it should be the other way around- irl first, fans second. Doesn’t actually say it. Hopes he can get her to see how it’s affecting her relationship with her friends.

  • Mia comes back and gets comfy, they chat about dinner Mia says they can play for a few more hours before she wants to do that thing with Oliver. The drawing stuff. He’s excited for it, knowing it’s her next heart event, and Zoe teases them for planning secret stuff without her, asking if it’s lewd. Oliver says no, Mia shrugs, it might be. This is news to him, even more excited.


  • They play till ten or so and Oliver has earned some off screen aff from this time. Not a bunch just a little. Mia reckons shes had enough for now and she’s happy they got to hang out with Zoe.

  • Oliver tries to encourage Mia into saying she’d like it if they did this more often even after her ban is up and Zoe is a little flustered saying we’ll see again. She had fun, too. It makes it look like there might be some progress and Oliver is satisfied. Maybe they just need to keep hanging out with her and she’ll come to the decision to stream less on her own? That would be the best outcome.

  • Mia leads Oliver to her room and he gets the notification that the HE is beginning. She asks if he really wants to do this, making sure. He does. He asks if she’s ever done this kind of live study before. Yeah, a few times. Zoe’s paid for some figure drawing classes for Mia before as a present. That’s nice of her.

  • Oliver asks the big question, is this a nude study, or… Mia gets flustered. Not at first, no. Maybe after we’ve been at it for a while and you’re comfortable. Oliver is flustered too but he is just happy to help his girlfriend with her passion. He is concerned about the wrist but doesn’t say it yet.

  • She has him undress to his boxers saying she needs to study the muscle definition. He says he doesn’t have any but when he strips she comments that he actually looks like he’s starting to build some up. Not a lot, but he doesn’t look like a total twig anymore. Oliver feels good about his progress and she tells him not to let it get to him.

  • She gets set up with a canvas and one of her sketchbooks while he stands in the center of the room waiting for instructions. She tells him to go for something casual and he uses Vogueing 2 and pulls something off. Mia doesn’t know where he’s getting this from, he says something about some men’s fashion articles he read about body language or whatever. Well, keep it up. I like it.

  • She sharpens her pencil with a hobby knife the way she told him, resulting in another gag where she cuts herself like her brothers. He asks if she’s fine, she has bandaids on hand, not a big deal. 

  • Mia starts sketching and Oliver sees a new side of her. She’s serious, determined expression. Very at odds with her normal self. He thinks it’s extremely cute. Every now and then she stops to rub her wrist and Oliver doesn’t comment about it initially. He lets her do her thing, eventually she has him pose with a sword prop from under her bed, where he finds a big tote of anime pins and is like ah that’s where you were keeping them.

  • About an and a half in, Mia’s wrist is hurting more obviously. She gets frustrated and sighs. Oliver asks if they can finally talk about it. Mia is mildly upset and just says she’s got some nerve damage from the elbow down, not much to say. That sounds bad. It is.

  • He asks what it feels like. It either hurts or feels like dead weight most of the time. Not much inbetween. He asks basic questions. Physical therapy? Didn’t help. Surgery? High chance of making it worse. Oliver is really sorry, asks how it got that bad. She doesn’t want to say, it’s embarrassing.

  • He kind of has an idea and if so he gets why she’d feel that way. He says he’ll share something embarrassing with her if she tells him. This has her interested but it has to be really something to get her to speak. Oliver opens up about his obsession with dating sims. This gets her off guard and he elaborates how crazy he is about them.

  • Mia correctly guesses that the new game he talked about playing on Valentine’s Day and the weed hangover was from a night long edging session. He admits it, and this gets her to laugh. Aff boost.

  • Liking porn games isn’t that embarrassing. Happen to like a few of them myself. He asks if she means otome games but she clarifies, bringing up a few of the fucked up games he’s referenced before as mentally distancing himself from. He supposes he shouldn’t be surprised she’s into them, he references playing them maybe once or twice. She likes to hear this.

  • Mia opens up and sighs, saying she’ll tell him. She starts off by saying it’s not just from chronic masturbation. Oliver never said a word about it. No but you were thinking it. I was, but continue. She used to play more games than just cozy farming sims and RPGs and junk, and if she wasn’t playing games, she was drawing, and if she wasn’t drawing she was touching herself. There was basically never a time when her right hand wasn’t in use and it fucked her up.

  • She’s really upset. He’s sorry, not his fault. Is there ever any chance of it getting better? Not really, short of a miracle. This gets his determination burning and she notices it, commenting he looks like he took that as a challenge. He shakes it off and says it’s just a guy thing. Hearing her say all this makes him want to work hard to fix it, even if it’s not possible. Mia says it would be nice but not holding her breath.

  • Oliver asks if he can see it. Huh? He watched some video tutorials on massaging he claims. Before Zoe’s stream last night. She’s confused. Why would he do that. Because it’s an essential skill that any boyfriend must have. This gets him AFF and she hesitantly offers it to him, saying that massages do help, if only a little.

  • He tries out the new skill on her and it works pretty well but she’s obviously in a lot of pain throughout the whole thing. She tells him not to worry, to keep going, until she says she’s had enough. It hurts but it feels good. She thinks she can handle some more drawing. Oliver looks a little disappointed that she wants to jump back into it but she gets stubborn with him.

  • She doesn’t want to work at a grocery store her whole life, or let Zoe be her sugar mama and pay all my bills or whatever. Tell me I’ve watched too much anime or whatever but I want to make a living through my art and I’m not the type to give up on what I want. Oliver respects this, and she gets aff boost from it.

  • He promises to study some more massage vids for her, I.e. buy the last level of the skill. She jokes how playing his cards like this means she’s going to want them all the time from now on. He thinks he can handle it.

  • In the meantime, Zoe wants something else. Mind taking off your pants?

HE3 p2

  • It’s been another hour and Oliver still isn’t used to nude modeling. He’s blushing, nervous, but still posing like an amateur god. Mia has had a very different expression as she worked, now more fascinated and vaguely turned on. He’s had to turn down a few of her requests because the poses she wanted were just too embarrassing, but what matters is that her wrist breaks have been much more infrequent. Massage genuinely helped and he’ll have to thank Bradley for the suggestion.

  • He is also a little surprised that the HE ending notification hasn’t come up yet. He thought that the wrist talk would’ve been enough of a special moment, but he guessed there was more coming up.

  • Mia finishes the latest sketch and has a new request. No, Mia. I’m still not spreading my ass cheeks for you. She jokes never say never, but that’s not what she wants. She’d like him to come closer so she can do some detailed studies. Exactly what it sounds like. You just want me to stand next to you while you stare at my dick? Essentially.

  • He does so and it’s very weird watching her stare so intently at him and draw it. He’s flaccid and after a couple studies Mia wants him to get hard. Performance anxiety is kind of making that difficult for him. She reminds him how quick he was to show off his dick Wednesday night. The mood was totally different back then he argues.

  • Don’t have to beat around the bush, Ollie. If I need to do anything I’ll do it. He says she can try and she starts giving him a handjob. It feels nice but it’s not really doing the trick. He’s still nervous. Mia thinks she needs to try something more daring and she drools into her hand and rubs him with it. This somewhat works. He’s half erect but it’s not getting any bigger.

  • Mia is disappointed. Not at him, she is very gentle and doesn’t want him getting a complex or anything. He’s just not comfortable at this kinda thing. She gets it. That’s why…

  • Why what?

  • She starts to breathe really heavily. That’s why she’s gonna try and make things even. Might be easier on him if he wasn’t the only one put on the spot. He gets the implication and doesn’t believe it’s happening. He tries to say are you sure but she cuts him off, saying she’s gonna second guess herself if he doesn’t shut up so just let me do this. Oliver acknowledges this and watches.

  • Mia fights against herself and slooooowly lifts her shirt over her head, revealing a red bra that pushed her tits together nice. He doesn’t see anything that she should be ashamed of. She’s skinny, no stretch marks, no major acne. It really is just a self image problem- she wasn’t hiding anything. This is said in a way that doesn’t imply stretch marks are a ‘problem’, just that he might’ve expected some.

  • His body responds and he’s most of the way now. She asks him her thoughts. Does she really want to know? I asked, didn’t I? He calls her beautiful as usual, and it carries some weight, good AFF boost. He’s still not fully hard, though. I’m still hard enough for you to sketch though right?

  • She wants the full thing, no matter what it takes. Another deep breath, and then Mia’s arms swing behind her back. Fumbles with her bra’s clasp. Oliver loses his breath as she peels it off and tosses it away, exposing her chest. She’s shy about it but still looks determined. How bout now? You’ve never looked more beautiful in your entire life. Aff boost. Mia sees proof, his dick is fully hard now. Asks if he can behave herself for a little while as she works.

  • How long? Not super long. She’s not gonna be able to keep herself away from him forever when he’s waving it around a foot away from her face. Mia nervously tells him if he waits then she promises it’ll be worth it, then reaches out with her fingertip to touch his precum and sucks it off her to tease him. Sound good? Yes.

  • The sexual tension is insane as Mia sketches him. She has him hold it in different angles, stand at different places, and so on. She is focused, but there are little flashes arousal here and there. Lip biting. Idling with her pencil. Lingering gaze. It gets to him as well, he’s so hard and every now and then he twitches. Mia comments on how that’s not helping. Can’t control it, she’s too hot.

  • Just let me finish this one and we’ll do something about it… she manages to get there and lets out a relieved sigh. There. No better reference than the real thing. Thank you for being patient… in more ways than one. He’s happy to be of service, asks if she’s still nervous. Not as much as I thought I’d be.

  • They’re cute with each other here, smiling, and then Mia says they need to do something about him. He asks to meet her on the bed, and after a moment and a blush she says she’d rather he get a little closer. Grabs his cock and pulls forward so that he takes a step toward her, then leans down and gives his tip a kiss.

  • It’s the best thing ever and his entire body feels electric. She looks up at him, noticing the reaction. What? I told you this would happen soon. He knows, it just felt really good. She hasn’t even started yet. He warns her to take it slow, and she planned to. Wants to savor it. He says you know it’s not gonna be as delicious as they make it out to be in hentai, right? That’s for me to decide.

  • Mia gets started, and she focuses a lot on licking and kissing to begin with. Her touches are very light but that makes them even better as they draw out the anticipation, making things tense. She makes light conversation every now and then. She thinks he’s really cute, loves the sounds he’s making and thinks it’s hot seeing him try and hold back.

  • She doesn’t understand, it’s so much better than porn made it out to be. Mia is really happy she can serve him so good, but wants to do even better. She starts taking him into her mouth and we get a description. Mostly focusing on the tip, only an inch or two, lot of tongue swirling. Oliver is losing his shit.

  • Her free hand massages his balls and he shivers, warns her not to. She teases a little. But they’re so full and begging to come out. Don’t need to be so stingy with your first load, it’s not like this is a one time thing. I’ll suck out another one in a bit if you want. The thought makes him overstimulated and he cums, Mia dutifully sucking and stroking. It overwhelms her, but she’s so passionate that she refuses to stop even as it blasts down her throat.

  • He’s left totally dazed. Very appreciative. Mia says he can show his appreciation on the bed while he recovers. He follows her there and he’s up close with her breasts now. She gestured that it’s okay for him to touch them and he starts giving Mia a breast massage. She’s very receptive to it, noting the increase in his massage skills. Using it with weakness exploit is a very powerful combination, but it’s not enough for Mia.

  • She urges one of his hands downward and he slips it into her pajama pants to start fingering her. Meanwhile, he starts sucking on a breast and it tastes so much better without a shirt in the way. The massage skill is helping down there, too, with Mia noting how his fingers are hitting all these new spots. He gets her off once and keeps going, only taking another few minutes to do it again.

  • She’s a little scared at how good he is getting at this. Oliver is addicted to pleasuring Mia so he’s excited to invest in massage 3. In the meantime, she makes good on her promise to suck another one out. Mia is a lot more heated up by now, and her blowjob is more intense. She’s going deeper and faster, sucking harder. Lot of dirty talk. Really likes being praised so he gets into that pretty fast.

  • Mia surprises him by taking his hand and placing it on her head, looking up at him expectantly. She wants him to be a little rough so he dictates the pace. It’s so addictive and amazing. No matter what he does to her, she doesn’t fall behind. Constantly licking and sucking in time with his motions. She’s only able to take about half of him but it’s more than enough. He warns her he’s gonna blow and does, holding her in place as he does.

  • She sucks it out and surfaces for air, some gets on her face before she goes back down and sucks more until he’s dry. So good. If he was dazed before, he’s even more so now. Verge of passing out. They share a lovely moment, aff increases, gets notifications for he3 ending and such. She encourages him to rest, lays on his chest while stroking his hair. Her gentle smile gets him to sleep.

  • This was the first time he’d fallen asleep before her, so she appreciates how cute he is for quite some time before closing her eyes and joining him.

Notes - Got that done a lot faster than I expected. I wouldn’t take the Tessa chapter 100% at face value as is, it’s a mature, adult conversation and I expect the way it turns out to better reflect that.

After these chapters are up we’ll have a big scene on Saturday I’ve alluded to when Rebecca is over. Not sure what all four of them will do together yet (kind of limiting when at this point in the story Zoe only ever plays games) but there’ll be a twist that Zoe gets unbanned and she’ll try to leave to go stream but this kicks off Mia actually asserting herself. It’s gonna make Zoe look bad, even though I’m gonna try and portray it as Zoe being addicted. I can’t escape that but it needs to happen for her to grow.

After that he’ll probably drive Rebecca home, Mia will want to be alone for the rest of the night, and I have a funny idea in mind for that night. He might try to talk strategy with Bradley but Bradley will instead have a better idea and get Mia’s brothers to pick Oliver up to go out drinking. Juan and Julio will provide insight about Mia and Zoe’s relationship as well as giving him advice about being a playboy. It’ll be very comedic but they both get that their sister has weird tastes and that her happiness involves Zoe somehow so they’re supportive.

Sunday will be a fun, as of yet undecided scheme between Oliver and Bradley to force a bonding opportunity by making Zoe unable to stream. Like Bradley pretends to be an internet guy here to fix their modem or some shit, something along those lines. Still pretty up in the air, just laying out some ideas on where I plan to take things.


Ginrak Delyl

Would it be completely unexpected for Bradley to have tamed a rat to chew on the hardwire connections to the building or suite?


Legitimately an interesting idea and would also provide an excuse to get her away from her phone lol might consider it

Daniel Tran

Something I've noted is that that there are small moments where the story shifts prospectives like there a paragraph thrown here or there from the womens pov. I think the Rebecca car ride scene whould be a interesting shift if it was done entirely in her pov. If anything it would be a fun writing exercise and allow you to more easily expanded her character and show how the romantic development looks like on the womens side. It also allows us to get out of Oliver's head, and get a third person perspective on how the world and other characters view him.


Yeah I intentionally throw in moments like that here and there but there’s yet to be a full pov chapter. Committing early on to saying I’d give that scene for Rebecca’s pov is something I can’t really do tho since presumably a lot of stuff will be going on at that moment and it’s likely going to be focusing on Rebecca’s perspective of the whole Zoe situation. Won’t really be the right mood for her to have too much development on her feelings there but I was planning on him getting info about her friendship with Mia and Zoe there and at least talking to her about her job so we get context on why she skips so much. Not ready for too much more than that but we’ll see how it goes! I do definitely want to have pov shift chapters, though. I’ve done them frequently in my other books. Just hasn’t been an opportunity yet aside from an attempted Zoe one I scrapped.