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Heya! I hope you're all having a fantastic day!

This year I want to develop some OC's (Original characters). I think this will be a fun new adventure for me to take but I would love to get some feedback and maybe even tips/hints/tricks since this is entirely new to me.

This weekend I have spend a lot of time creating a design for a character sheet for an OC.
I will present this design soon!

So to my question! I would really like to know what all of you think is important information to know about an OC? Examples of this are: Height, Weight, Breast size, Traits, Likes, Dislikes, etc. All of which I can add but these are just examples. I would love to hear what all of you want to know if you are reading into an OC. 

It's my goal to make them as lifelike as possible. Nothing is set in stone yet but maybe even to the point of each OC having their own social media profile and life. But all in good time ofcourse. It's something that I need to grow into. I don't think it's wise to try to do everything when I'm just starting out.

P.s. don't worry. The popular characters from anime/games/movies aren't going anywhere! These images are my roots and not something I will steer away from 😸

I really do hope to hear from as many of you as possible!



I am personally of the mind that the more is shown or otherwise shared which communicates the character of the subject, the more readily we can begin to develop attachments to it. There are a great many characters and people who are undeniable beautiful to me, but for whom I feel very little attraction because I know nothing more than what I can initially surmise from their appearance.


This is exactly the reason I want to develop them a bit more and letting people know who she is :) I will do my absolute best to make them as well made as I possibly can! This will most likely be a feedback driven experience for me as well! I always try to do better every day! So I'll be sure to listen to the feedback that the characters will be getting! :D

Karen Rau

I think that this is a great idea. Big breasts are fine, but not too big. Lots and lots of different lingerie please.