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will be posted on youtube: may 15th, 2024 (new date: july 6th, 2024).

link to the google script doc can be found here.




The second half of the anime cuts out so much detail from the manga, and Light’s “Kira Killed the Director” explanation is one of my favorite examples. If you read Ch. 62 of the manga it’ll give so much more thought to that seemingly simple scene. Great breakdown as always, keep up the good work.


okay so i recently read through the manga series for the first time, and while i couldnt put my finger on it at the time but it felt better and left me more satisfied than the anime did.


i did not know pressing enter would send the message regardless, will you be going into the manga in the coming episodes, since the anime skips major chunks of internal monologue along with some minor plot threads? also if your intention of scheduling the episode for the 15th and then not releasing it then was to get more people onto the patreon i uhhh i guess it worked! am happy to support you regardless, am still kinda bummed about that tho


I think it the thought that Near is basically L 2.0, shows a misunderstanding of L character, Mello and Near at least to me, are the two sides of L personality personified. Near is cold one, calm collected, doesn’t to have any emotion, he’s confrontational, speaks his mind etc. Mello is the emotional one, he’s grows attachments and “hates to lose”, even though he does a lot of fkd up stuff through the later half he showed, to care about his partners just like L with the task force. I think the misunderstanding comes from people seeing L as someone who doesn’t have emotion. I hoped I explain my point well.

overanalyzing anime

i actually agree with you - that's why i made a point to focus on their themes so much; the fact that they both embody elements of him are reflected in each of their themes. but, as far as how they carry themselves and the relationships they have int he show? i would argue that Near is much more like Ryuzaki. like, the way he talks, sits, his personality, the fact that he's working with law enforcement - hell, even his facial expressions... it all gives off L vibes. that being said, i would never peg Near for someone who'd, say, kick somebody in the face. lol. but Mello? i imagine he'd beat the shit out of someone if he had to. not only that, but Ryuzaki also wasn't opposed to working with criminals, like he did with Aiber and Weddy. like Mello carries some of Ryuzaki's traits - but it isn't quite as obvious, i'd say. i probably could've done a better job of conveying that - i'll try to work it into a future video; or maybe add something to Part 28 before putting it on YouTube. Edit: Sorry, I think you updated your comment as I was typing mine out, because I didn't everything else you wrote until I refreshed my page. but it looks like we made some of the same points. lol.

Aquetea Goodman

I noticed that video #28 is no longer available, what happened? Thanks, I love your videos.

overanalyzing anime

https://www.patreon.com/posts/overanalyzing-pt-105402205?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link I'm not sure why you're not able to see it. Do you see it when clicking this link? Also, thank-you! I'm glad you enjoy them!