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Hey fuzzy people! ??

Thank you all so much for your support thorough this March month! I just wanted to get back in touch with all of you, my Patrons, from Bronze to Platinum tiers and deeply thank you for your kindness. All of this Patreon thing is making my personal life so much more scheduled and organized and it's great to count on a more established income source for my art! So thank you, thank you so much! :)

March was an important month for me: the Gold tier has changed and I've just uploaded my last Platinum Patreon reward yesterday... That was quite a final rush in order to get everything in place! So I wanted to point out for the consideration of all my Gold and Platinum tiers: please don't send your reward requests after the 25th of the month, if possible. It makes my schedule mess up a bit, especially if there's 3 or 4 requests at the same time: the end of the month! Impending doom! ?

Here's my solution: every month, on the first or second day of the month, I send out a message to all my Gold Patrons and Platinum Patrons. It is a standard message, but it's basically what I need to get in touch with you in the fastest way in order for me to do some planning. If possible, answer to my message on here and try not to reach for Telegram or Twitter in the first place: I know, it's easier and blahblah... But please consider I have to deal with 20 requests by now and it really helps me out to keep all my requests in the same place! Patreon Message system on here had some issues and it showed already: that's why I will send a second message around mid-month to all my Gold and Platinum tiers who didn't answer to the first one. This should prevent every possible issue with the message system :)

I guess this is everything! I wish you all a happy Easter, if you celebrate it, and if not just take some quality time for yourself. I'll be spending it with my family, eating good things and pampering me up a bit... Seeya in April!



Happy Easter big hoss! Have fun with your family and enjoy the time.


Happy easter to you too :D Hope you have a good one. And I will keep this in mind for next month :3


Happy Easter!