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Hey beasts! I'm writing this short announcement after some long and stressfull reflections: I've been thinking a lot about my Patreon settings lately. Pledges, Goals, everything about it seems a bit outdated by now and I think I'm gonna renew a few things for the next year! Why announcing it now? Well, it's basically because December will be the last month with pledges and rewards as-we-know-it. From Jenuary 2018, Big changes! I'm so excited!!

Ok, ok, let's just sit down and explain a little bit. I'll try keep it short!

I realized my pledges and rewards are not so on point, basically you just got something basic for the 1$ reward and a jump to the 5$, then another biiiiig jump to the 30$ reward (which is sold out, anyway...LOL). So I thought to myself: why not introducing some middle ground reward and rearrange things better? And here's what came to my mind... Brace yourselves!

- 1$ per month: BRONZE TIER

  • Patron-only polls!
  • Weekly streamings!

- 5$ per month: SILVER TIER

  • Patron-only polls!
  • Weekly streamings!
  • Weekly access to PSD files!

- 10$ per month: GOLD TIER

  • Patron-only polls!
  • Weekly streamings!
  • Weekly access to PSD files!
  • Sketch extravaganza reward!

- $40 per month (15 patrons only): PLATINUM TIER

  • Patron-only polls!
  • Weekly streamings!
  • Weekly access to PSD files!
  • Painted illustration reward!

What is a sketch extravaganza reward? Oh well, imagine a square filled with doodles about your character/s of choice doing things, expressions, etc... sounds cool, uh?! And for just 10 $!

I want to introduce a new 10$ monthly tier which is rewarded with a sketch doodles page and the previous 30$ rises to 40$ per month because I'm a greedy hungry bitch.

What do you think about it?


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