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First and foremost, hello to new patrons and old, I hope you're staying safe and had a wonderful weekend! ❤️

Right, let's get to it then - BoofVR and 2021!

So for the longest time, I've been trying to piece together of what the project is meant to be, and over this past month I've been giving it a lot of thoughts and have come to decision - BoofVR isn't going to just be a touching/sex simulator. I wanted more for it, I wanted story and interactivity. And that's where it'll go towards. Not only that, but I've been very unhappy with the overall visual direction we started off with. Hence, everything visual will be redone entirely from the ground up. This especially applies to characters.

And here we are, the roadmap for BoofVR pre-development stages for 2021!

Now, as stated earlier, this really does put BoofVR at its pre-development stage, as all the characters will be redone from the ground up (aside from Atlas' model). Unfortunately because all three developers do have work outside of this project, we have to stretch things out quite a bit through the seasons. I work as an art director myself as a full-time job, so my time is very limited while I juggle between work, BoofVR, some commission work, and my social life. With this in mind, if we get more support for the project, I'd be more than happy to hire a character / technical artist to speed up the process further. But this will do for now, I hope!

Things that you will see more of this year:

  • Art updates - Previews of sculpts for character model remakes, new character concept art and model, new player hands, alternate clothing, rigging progress, animation previews, game visual effects
  • Feature updates - AI for characters moving about and the "touching" interactions
  • Audio updates - Ambience, reactive sounds of players and characters, and looking into music/bgm

One other thing too - we're getting rid of "level select" down the future, and make something better of it, to suit the stories we'd add down the road. All environments/settings you see will be linked together in one world, or town. The shift in genre visuals will also make sense (wink) once we get to the (hopefully) development stage in 2022/2023.

These are rough plans, but plans we're going to do our very best to stick to it as anything can happen at any given time - we're being very cautious about this.

Also! Please do check out and follow BoofVR's official Twitter account, I got it sorted and it's now live! :)


Thank you all for your lovely support! It really means a lot, especially helps motivate me to keep going and keep it strong 💪🏼🐺❤️

A question to you all for supporting this project too:
What species would you love to see be added as option for your player hands? Please feel free to let us know in the comments! :)

Cheers and love,




Super excited to see where this project is going to go! As for the player hands I can't personally think of any species that isn't already planned, but I do think it'd be neat to have different palettes for each species available (for that small extra bit of personalization).

Aconitum Fox

Now i really need to get a quest with a link cable quick


I love all the different hand plans! Personally, between Boneworks and HL:A, I feel like having nice-looking hands that track motion really well does a lot more for immersion than having a whole body that only kinda-sorta matches you. Are, like, canine/wolf-like hands/paws on the roadmap? I'm guessing a lot of people might want to play using boof hands!


Super exciting! As for the q, I would love to see a horse in the future :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-17 20:01:12 I would love to see a diphallic character like a shark! <3
2021-03-30 13:40:14 I would love to see a diphallic character like a shark! <3

I would love to see a diphallic character like a shark! <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-17 20:01:11 Hey there! I'd love to see a fox character in the future :&gt;
2021-04-20 15:11:25 Hey there! I'd love to see a fox character in the future :>

Hey there! I'd love to see a fox character in the future :>