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Here we go! :)
After several attempts, finally got to fix a couple of things for this build to work, hahah!
Please note that this is a PREVIEW - and I would appreciate it if you guys let me know how well it runs, as I've been trying hard tackling this to see many ways to optimize for VR better!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vJ7VllkmjSaERuPzK-bnLA8hrAjDmRqv/view?usp=sharing
Password is: 5QMpFgEfH5vOdkxC

The same as before, simply unzip the file into wherever you wish (make sure you've got at least 8GB of space! I know it's large, this will be reduced in time - there's currently a lot of things to be cleaned up and optimized, but we shall get there!)

Run the BoofVR_Touch.exe and you're set!

Currently the UI works but the settings menu is disabled. Please refer to the "How To Play" menu or the image of the controller in this post for the controls. Point your finger and pull the back controller trigger to select the UI. This will be changed in future builds - for now, this is for preview until I get the pointer to work properly!

You can always go back to the main menu by pressing X on your left hand controller, and you can also change views on the characters by pressing A on your right hand controller.


What's new?!
Few of the screenshots you see on this post are in the game already! This includes:

- Optimization, greatly reduced low framerate or stutter as previous build
- Optimized: Bathroom
- NEW! Main Menu
- NEW! UI interface (WIP)
- NEW CHARACTER!: Ollie Bernards (WIP)
- NEW CHARACTER!: Vallent Laporte (WIP)
- NEW ALT!: Jockstrap Werethrope
- NEW ALT!: Beachwear Werethrope
- Added collision to player face for interacting face with.. meaty things!
- Further tweaked physics (WIP)

What's in the works?!
And these are the rest of the images you see that are still works in progress! :)

- Ziggy Darkglow Model currently re-textured
- Atlas the Rex Model to Rig
- Oki-Karu Re-model
- Dragon Player Hands
- Sushi Bar Environment
- House Kitchen

What's the actual gameplay plans and new mechanics to be added?
I'm currently putting together what BoofVR will essentially be as a whole in design. I never wanted it to just be a "touching simulator" - I've been meaning to expand it further moreso as getting to date and interact with these big boys where you win their hearts before you get to private intimate sessions with them. This is still in the works, of course, but the course I'm taking to push that interactivity and fun further with this project!
Of course, fluids, effects, being able to grab large logs of meat and such are part of it too. Which brings me to the next part of this post being that.. I'm looking for a programmer!



So the large news! I'm currently searching to hire a programmer to work on BoofVR! Must-have knowledge in developing in Unreal Engine and keen to touch upon programming for VR. Please PM me if interested! This would really help get the game developed more thoroughly, as I'm not a programmer myself and takes longer for me than one :)

Cheers and happy boofening!
- Were <3




Awesome! Thanks for the hard work!


ALSO! If you have any suggestions for new player hands for species, reply here with your suggestions! &lt;3


Oh god oh god it finally happened! Thank you Boof, you're awesome!!


Nice work. Curious, is mouse and keyboard support still being worked on?


There are bits and bobs done for it, but not a fully fledged thing. This is why I'm looking for a programmer as well - see if it would be possible to get a M+K going! If not, I may do a different game - more RPG-like - I've had in mind for a while now but with the same universe and models :)


I'm translating into google, sorry it was hard to read. Can I start without a vr machine? When I tried it, nothing happened, only the wide sea and mysterious floating material moved.


I just gave the build a test run, and am happy to report it is MUCH smoother than the first one was. I'm getting a solid 90fps all around ^^ It also doesn't hurt that I upgraded from a GTX 980 base model to an RTX 2070 super, but still! The game is running nice and smooth. :3


Does it work with Mouse and Keyboard?


I was in the middle of downloading it and it failed ;(

Cooper Puppyheart

The link is no longer working... It's saying "The person sharing it has exceeded their sharing limit"


Link is no longer working. Exceeded sharing limit


RIP link


The download link has already been exceeded. A pity


aaaaaaaaaa nooo! the download doesn't work! I'm so sad someone help


Ah, one moment! I'll get that fixed!


I found that free OneDrive accounts have limits I'm not sure if your account Werethrope is free but I got this little bit from an form 'Microsoft has set a data transfer limit to 20 GB per day for free accounts'


Currently uploading to another place. I'll update the post once the upload is done. Apologies for the sudden inconvenience - I shouldn't be getting the "exceeded their sharing limit" (never had this issue before), but hopefully this works!


That's the thing, I'm not under a free account - it's paid for and I've not had this issue before upon sharing large files. I'll send a ticket over to Microsoft, but in the mean time I'll upload elsewhere :)


Uploading elsewhere at the moment, I'll update the post as soon as it's ready!


Uploading elsewhere at the moment, I'll update the post as soon as it's ready!


Uploading elsewhere at the moment, I'll update the post as soon as it's ready!


Uploading elsewhere at the moment, I'll update the post as soon as it's ready!


It's likely due to the sudden "exceeded limit" issue I'm suddenly having, but not to worry, I'm currently uploading it elsewhere and hopefully that'll work better! Will update the post once ready. :)


That's wonderful news! I'm glad to know it's running much smoother - goal very much achieved! :9


Updated the post with new download :) please let me know if it works.


works good, but i wish i could move in the scenes, like i got it working in the menu


This is awesome! I just got a VR headset this week so this was a fun little thing to play around with. I look forward to seeing more as it progresses. Also.. these handsome bois are way waaaay bigger than i expected. o-o haha


Thank you! :) and yeah, currently the interactions aren't done yet - I'd like to make it so that you can actually grab and stroke in place rather than have it flop everywhere, but that's something that I'll require to look deeper into programming side of things! But definitely want to expand on the "meaty" side of that for interactions :)


Was the exceeding limit already been fixed? Because I still can't download it.


Try again after 24 hours, too many have been downloading so it just needs to reset - I currently don't have any other alternatives to upload at the moment. Currently looking into what would be the best way to do it :) apologies for the inconvenience, but I hope to fix this issue as quickly!


If link is down right now for people, please wait out for next 24 hours for the link to be available again! I'm looking to find a better way to host builds and unfortunately, file hosting services I've paid for all have limits to how many people can download per day. Please bear with until I find a solution to this, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience!! &lt;3


It should be possible to set up on Amazon AWS with an S3 bucket. They do have a small cost, but it's honestly not much at all :) Just a suggestion, keep up the good work! &lt;3


does this only work with the vr or is it also ok with the keyboard and mouse?


Dunno if it's me or in general, but controls for the Valve Index don't seem to line up with controls presented in the "How to Play" :x. That said, it all looks nice for sure.


Very exciting. I'd like to see the cumshots


Yeah, I can't seem to navigate using the Vive controllers here. Anyone have any ideas? I'm probably just being a dumbo. Do I have to do something with the binding?


Hi. I just wanted to let you know that the BoofVR mouse and keyboard version OneDrive link no longer works in a earlier post. Me and a few other people have wanted to play it but OneDrive says that it no longer exists. So I was wondering if you by any chance still have the file and could possibly post a new link so that we can play the current keyboard and mouse version that is already done until the next update comes out.


it keeps saying Failed - Forbidden


Yeah I only have keyboard+mouse setup and this version won't download for me, I'm really excited to... see how my pc handles it so a re-release of the old keyboard-compatible version would be cool :)


i cant extract it for some reason


nevermind i figured it out, was using the wrong extractor :p


oh hey quick update after getting my hands on it for a while. pressing y in the garage brings up the eggplant button from the menu inside the garage


for some reason, the game always starts behind where im facing with my other VR games on default. also are we able to move around in the scene like we can in the menu when you choose the controller movement? Im playing on Vive so i got a different button set up.


Download keeps failing for me too, Failed - Forbidden. Rip


i can download the game but it's not working when i'm trying to lunch it :c


Hi it seems that I can't download the file could you please send the file to me as torrent instead?


I'm using a Vive and I can't click on any of the options in the menu. Would really like to play this but at this point I can't do anything.


Howdy! It says that it cannot start whenever I go to play it...


If youre using a vive you have to mess with the bindings


can you use this with just a mouse and keyboard or no?

Wolfie Randolf

That's what I'm wondering. I've got this setup through riffcat2.0 and can only see the water and hands... can't get the game menu up, I can get settings n such...


yeah i'm pretty certain this won't work with mouse/keyboard but I've been waiting for a re-release of the keyboard version and it hasn't happened in a month :(


Hey, could you upload this somewhere else, I can't download it there for some reason, it starts but then the download will fail around 1GB or so. tried 2 browsers already too..


I like what you've made so far. I have a Valve Index so the controls were different, but I figured them out. Misunderstood that there isn't movement yet. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's happy to provide testing if you need. As for a programmer, I hope ya find one. I do have a CS degree, but I'm only a couple dozen hours into a Unity course myself and hadn't gotten around to trying to learn Unreal yet, so I couldn't offer services there. I could call out some of the bugs I saw, but this post is 3 months old so you might already be aware of most or all of them.


how does rotating the camera work? i use the og oculus rift and the sensors are awful at tracking when i turn around, and i need to turn around in order to see the menu and the beefy boys. i saw theres a rotate camera in the controls, but i couldnt figure it out? any help would be appreciated!