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  • devlog66_LF_3DCG_wallpaper_kuroko_lowercity_animation.mp4



Hey guys! Here's the monthly DevLog 😊

Light Fairytale Episode 2

The main event this month was the release of Episode 2 on Xbox. It's available here:


It was also released on the Humble Store. Here:


Though, I've spent most of the time working on the PlayStation version. It has now passed QA so it should release soon!

Here's a screenshot of the game running on a PS4 Pro.

Press Kit

I've added a press kit section on my website. If you're a content creator, you'll find there more information, logos, artworks etc. for your coverage of my games.

Available here: neko.works/press 

On a side note, I turned 39 this month - feeling old 😭


I've made a new 3DCG model of Kuroko from Light Fairytale, this time in a 3D anime style!

So, here's this month's 4K wallpaper. I hope you'll like it!

I've also created a looping 3D animation of her. Both are available in the attachments bellow.

What's Next?

Next month, I'll be working on the PS4 release of Light Fairytale Episode 2.

I'll be also working on the next Super Night Riders. Here's a couple GIFs from the current - super early prototype.

Though, I'm still working with the content of the original for now to implement the new features - such as the improved reflections.

I've also experimented with a cool new feature: A Virtual Reality mode!

This mode is basically a virtual 3D screen that you can see in front of you in VR, with perfect - full resolution stereoscopic 3D.

I've also tested adding positional tracking that affects the source scene - for having the effect of looking through a window, more than just a 3DTV!

It works pretty well and reduce the sickness felt when looking at a stereoscopic 3D image and moving your head sideways.

I plan to add a free DLC for each of my games with this VR mode - so that you can download it only if you need it.

Unfortunately this VR mode works only on Steam / Windows.

Also, I think this next Super Night Riders game will be a perfect project for releasing my first game on the Nintendo Switch.

It's a simple project - compared to Light Fairytale, and it's also super smooth in term of performance: I can play in 8K ultra on my PC - with a RTX 3080 - at stable 60 FPS!

And that's it for this month!

Again, thank you so much for your support. See you next month 😉



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