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Leave any and all movie suggestions down below!

We had a lot of fun with the polls last month! So we wanted to start again with the larger poll and have you guys vote a few times to narrow them down. Like last time we will watch the top 3 films.

If you like the format of the smaller polls better feel free to voice your opinion down below. We still plan to do a combination of both here.

Thanks in advance! We can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us!



High Fidelity The Unforgiven Lethal Weapon The Godfather Team America: World Police 40 Year Old Virgin Anchorman Bridge Over the River Kwi Platoon The Big Sleep Kill Bill 1 and 2


I know you guys liked Tombstone, so I’d suggest Young Guns 1 and 2. Cinderella Man is a sports film and a true story. And the Lethal Weapon action series has four movies.

Krystal Doyle

Empire Records, Yesterday. Both are filled with music.

Brenda Perry

A Knight's Tale Starship Troopers City Slickers Con Air Joe's Apartment The In-Laws ( the one with Ryan Reynolds) The Proposal (betty white!) The Haunting