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Our three co-hosts are stuck in the multiverse and need to get back to their home universe. Clearly, the only way to do that is to explore our cultural obsession with multiverses, alternate timelines and parallel worlds, and tie it all into a conversation about post-modern art, pop culture, and the lessons these stories teach us. Also, each episode, one of them is an asshole who will probably sabotage the whole thing.

This week we discuss 2016’s Arrival.


Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Adam Ganser: https://twitter.com/therealganz

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691




Great episode! One thing I would push back on is with the discussion of people who are outside of linear time: the idea that they have no need to do anything because they can just sit and see how it all will/would go, it'll only go that way if they go and do the things, otherwise it would just be them sitting watching themselves sit watching themselves sit watching themselves shit watching themselves sit watching themselves sit maybe that was addressed, I spaced out a few times because this is all very fun to think about. Would love to hear Adam talk philosophy more!

Clare Ireland

Have you guys read the novella this movie is based on? If not, I'd highly recommend. In my opinion, Ted Chiang is one of the best sci fi writers around today, and most of his works are really short, so they're pretty easy to knock out. One of the big themes of all his works is looking at how people deal with different types of inevitability from a psychological, emotional, and existential perspective. In some works, including this one, the inevitability in question is hard determinism. (So, yes, personally I think this is a fully deterministic universe.) In others, the types of inevitability in question are things like death or the end of the world (the heat death of the universe, the end of operating system support for sentient AI, etc.) Good stuff. :D

Brandon Spoelstra

Abe came into this one all horned up. No notes.


Ok, so the asshole who is whoever chose the movie because it's very carefully the opposite of a multiverse movie


The show covers multiverses, time loops, time travel stories. Basically anything with "alternates." But it's me, the asshole, and I regret nothing and never will. -Abe Epperson, the greatest podcast decider in the world