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As we recently announced, we're making a movie and a true crime podcast, and we're making them in full view of you, our Patrons. Today, we worked on the movie! In this episode, Michael and Abe rewrite some scenes dealing with Sarah’s emancipation and we finish the freggin’ thing. Next step is PRE PRODUCTION BABY. LET’S GOOoooooo

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"He was spreading chlorine in the stairwell- it's a hate crime. And maybe a terrorism? Feels like a terrorism. Anyway, I gotta go!" Great work, guys. It's been a pleasure watching this shape, can't wait to see how it goes from here!


I may have said this before but i always thought it would be powerful if after showing sarah sneak in and out of windows the whole movie the audience gets to see her simply walking through the front door of her own humble apartment. I feel like that moment would hit.