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In this episode, Bridgett and Sarah discuss the Matrix “trilogy’s” third film. Completing the “trilogy,” the hosts point out what did and did not work for them. If you recall, we start the film with Neo using his Matrix Magic in the real world and covers the final battle between man and machine. Much like the film, the hosts must engage in their own battle. The Battle of “Does it hold up?”


Bridgett Greenberg: https://twitter.com/BridgettTweets

Sarah Griffith: https://twitter.com/sk_griffith

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691



Drew Mancini

I loved how Bridgett and Sarah said that Revolutions seems to go with all of their worst instincts in making the third installment. When I first saw it I said “you know, for a Matrix movie, they seem to spend little to no time inside of the titular Matrix.” If you bullet point the plot, the movie does all the right things for a third installment, it just seems to focus all of its time on side characters, mech battles, and squid robots. The movie seems to miss that the machines’ entire energy source is under threat from the Smith “virus,” instead focusing on the threat to Zion, diluting the point that a truce is the logical way to bring peace. It’s a satisfying narrative through an unsatisfying movie. Hey, will Small Beans do Frame Rate on Matrix Resurrections with Bridgett and Sarah guesting?

LS Greger

"I am sure the Animatrix will tell us more about these characters and flesh out more of the background characters".........................uhmmm. While it is great all these creaters bring their visions to the franchise, it really doesn't flesh much out except what we kinda already knew. But get ready to learn about the war with the machines and how the humans darkened the sky!