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For the first time since it's conception, Small Beans is taking a vacation! Michael and I finished a screenplay recently, new podcasts have formed, the new year approaches and we have big plans for 2022? 

Hell, why don't we take a week off. At least in terms of releases. So heads up to all you bean-heads: 

Small Beans will not release content from Dec. 22nd to Dec. 29th! 

Not exciting I know... but we're tired beans this year and we wanted to treat ourselves to a bit of rest. 

We will make it up to you though. We got some projects on the horizon as well as plenty of Movie Diaries, 1Upsmanships, Frame Rates, Directorpiece Theatres, I'll Show You Mines, Ander's Sons, and more! 

Also, we'll be posting something very special before the end of the year: a recent assembly of Swaim's new short stories will release on Dec. 30th. 

Very excited about what we have in store for 2022. Also, we have a store!

The Small Beans wish you and yours a happy holiday!


Scottie Wottie

You deserve a break today, aim your farts the other way, towards McDonald's.

Damien Lupo

You're gonna need to try harder than that for me to stop supporting you! Take care Small Beans and Staff, be safe and get tested and mask up and vaxxi-boostered. Love.