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As we recently announced, we're making a movie and a true crime podcast, and we're making them in full view of you, our Patrons. Today, we worked on both projects! In this episode, Michael and Abe plan their next interview for The Taylor, discuss comments about The Furry Movie by YOU (in the comments right down there), and get to work on the convention center sequence, which will take us to the climax of the movie.

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Thought- in the scene where Sara is eavesdropping, the song that the kid sings is just as ridiculous, but also really inappropriate. Same feel as drawing dicks in library books, in song form. So Sara, and the audience, still gets the sense that this is only going to make things worse. Maybe the foster dad even comments on what a bad influence she's being on the other kids in the house. Then, when the social worker speaks to her alone, he says "You know, when Harold first came here, he was so traumatized by the environment we pulled him from that he was basically non-verbal. I still don't get more than two words in a row out of him. You're getting songs. Now, songs about Violent Dick Explosions [or whatever] aren't ideal, but... anything that lets him feel like a child again is a win, in my book. I just wanted you to know that I see what good you're doing for Harold, even if [Foster Dad] misses it. Now, about the plot points of Furry Movie..." Just a moment where Foster Dad sees the surface, and someone smarter sees the worth of Sara beneath it. Plus, we remember that the other kids in this house are also struggling with a neglectful foster father, on top of their own histories.

Liam Dodd

Hi, I thought I would add a little explanation of why mixing chlorine solutions can cause explosions. Typically there are two different ways of it happening. The first is that different chlorine products can have slightly different ways of producing the chlorine for disinfectant. Some will use calcium hypochlorite for disinfecting, but will use other calcium compounds to keep the pH of the whole thing at around 7 (neutral). This stops the liquid from producing chlorine gas which is poisonous. Other disinfectant products don't actually use a lot of chlorine and are more acidic. Mixing the two causes the first to produce a lot of chlorine gas, and also a lot of heat. This can cause an explosion relatively simply. The second is if the chlorine disifectants contain any nitrogen containing molecules. The acidity (which can be balanced slightly different between brands/bottles) drives a reaction which can lead to producing a small of trichloramine. This stuff will explode with shock or heat, but the problem is that it doesn't mix in water, and is also denser than water, meaning it will begin to sediment on the bottom of the container. The water above therefore acts as a pressure valve. Heat is being produced, a small explosive material is forming on the bottom, and it has no where to go. I worked with a lot of chlorine solutions during my PhD (acid baths are about stage 1 of a 10 step process to clean stuff for putting them in an ultra-high vacuum) so made some nitrogen trichloride with borrowed liquid to see how explosive it was and it turned a wine bottle into dust.